{ icon: { ForgeCaps: { "astralsorcery:cap_item_amulet_holder": {} }, id: "twilightforest:knightmetal_sword" }, x: 7.0d, y: -3.0d, shape: "square", description: "King Spiders can only be found in the Dark Forest and the first sign of them is usually their red eyes glowing in the darkness. They are found with a Skeleton Druid riding on their back, making them a formidable foe to deal with.", dependencies: [ "7675bc69" ], hide: true, tasks: [{ uid: "db7ad5e4", type: "kill", title: "Bounty: King Spider", icon: { ForgeCaps: { "astralsorcery:cap_item_amulet_holder": {} }, id: "twilightforest:knightmetal_sword" }, entity: "twilightforest:king_spider", value: 1L }], rewards: [{ uid: "2d0f9a48", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 250L }, { uid: "5f255a8c", type: "loot", table: 1 }, { uid: "ea9a3219", type: "item", item: "minecraft:gold_ingot", count: 8 }] }