# Configuration file general { # Set this to false to turn off the MFFS Chuncloader ability B:Chunkloader=true # How much FE does the AreaDefenseStation when killing someone I:DefenceStationKillForceEnergy=10000 # Set this to true to turn off the DefenceStation notification is in NPC Mode B:DefenceStationNPCScannnotification=false # How much FE does the AreaDefenseStation when Scann for Targets (amount * range / tick) I:DefenceStationScannForceEnergy=10 # How much FE does the AreaDefenseStation when searching someone for contraband I:DefenceStationSearchForceEnergy=1000 # How many ForceEnergy generate per WorkCycle I:ExtractorPassForceEnergyGenerate=12000 # Add users uuids to this list to give them admin permissions split by ; S:ForceFieldMaster=nobody # WorkCycle amount of Forcecium Cell inside a Extractor I:ForceciumCellWorkCylce=230 # WorkCycle amount of Forcecium inside a Extractor I:ForceciumWorkCylce=250 # Controls the size of the ore node that Monazit Ore will generate in I:MonazitOreWorldGen=0 # URL to MFFS VersionInfo file S:VersionremoteUrl=https://bitbucket.org/SeargeDP/modularforcefieldsystem/downloads/versioninfo # Set MFFS to AdventureMap Mode Extractor need no Forcecium and ForceField have no click damage B:adventuremap=false # Range (in meters) a block must be within for the control system to be able to access its GUI. I:controlSystemRange=192 # Set to false to disable the Applied Energistics Grind Stone recipe for MFFS machines. B:enableAEGrindStoneRecipe=false # Set to false to disable Ender IO recipes for MFFS machines. B:enableEIRecipes=false # Set to false to disable IndustrialCraft 2 recipes for MFFS machines. B:enableIC2Recipes=true # Set to false to disable Thermal Expansion recipes for MFFS machines. B:enableTERecipes=false # How much upkeep FE cost a default ForceFieldblock per second I:forcefieldblockcost=1 # Energy need for create a ForceFieldblock (forcefieldblockcost*forcefieldblockcreatemodifier) I:forcefieldblockcreatemodifier=10 # Energy need multiplier used when the zapper option is installed I:forcefieldblockzappermodifier=2 # How many field blocks can be generated per tick? I:forcefieldmaxblockpeerTick=5000 # Should forcefields only remove water and lava when sponge is enabled? B:forcefieldremoveonlywaterandlava=false # How much FE should it cost to transport through a field? I:forcefieldtransportcost=10000 # Number of clicks on the Applied Energistics Grind Stone Crank that must be registered to turn Monazit into Forcicium. I:grindRecipeCost=12 # Amount of Forcicium to generate per Monazit ore in the AE Grind Stone. I:grindRecipeOutput=0 # Should MFFS be influenced by other mods. e.g. ICBM's EMP B:influencedbyothermods=true # Amount of Forcium to generate per Monazit ore when smelting I:monazitOreSmeltAmount=0 # Set this to false to turn off the small smoke particles present around TouchDamage enabled ForceFields. B:renderZapperParticles=true # Add IC2 UU-Matter Recipes for Forcicium B:uumatterForcicium=true }