{ title: "Thief Gear", loot_size: 50, rewards: [{ item: { id: "cyclicmagic:glove_climb", tag: { "Quark:RuneColor": 8, ench: [{ lvl: 1s, id: 34 }], "Quark:ItemNameDye": 7, Quality: {}, display: { Lore: [ "Gloves used for climbing along walls it's worn out from extensive usage." ], Name: "Thief's Worn Climbing Gloves" }, "Quark:RuneAttached": 1b }, Damage: 4500s }, only_one: true }, { item: { id: "harvestcraft:cheeseitem", tag: { "Quark:ItemNameDye": 11, display: { Lore: [ "Cheese 'borrowed' from the most high class cheese seller." ], Name: "Luxurious Cheese" } } }, count: 48, only_one: true }, { item: "ebwizardry:smoke_bomb", count: 5, only_one: true }, { item: { id: "spartanweaponry:dagger_bronze", tag: { "Quark:RuneColor": 8, ench: [{ lvl: 1s, id: 21 }], "Quark:ItemNameDye": 7, Quality: {}, display: { Lore: [ "A dagger common amongst thieves." ], Name: "Thief's Dagger" }, "Quark:RuneAttached": 1b } }, only_one: true }, { item: { id: "minecraft:chainmail_helmet", tag: { "Quark:ItemNameDye": 7, Quality: { Slots: [ "head" ], Color: "aqua", AttributeModifiers: [{ UUIDMost: -7318988283784313981L, UUIDLeast: -9092959836226143158L, Amount: 0.5d, AttributeName: "generic.luck", Operation: 0, Name: "qualitytools" }], Name: "quality.lucky.name" }, display: { Name: "Thief's Lucky Hat" } } }, only_one: true }, { item: { id: "minecraft:chainmail_chestplate", tag: { "Quark:ItemNameDye": 7, Quality: { Slots: [ "chest" ], Color: "blue", AttributeModifiers: [{ UUIDMost: -789819005643438509L, UUIDLeast: -6206504634097689558L, Amount: 0.5d, AttributeName: "generic.armor", Operation: 0, Name: "qualitytools" }], Name: "quality.protective.name" }, display: { Name: "Thief Chainmail" } } }, only_one: true }, { item: { id: "minecraft:chainmail_leggings", tag: { "Quark:ItemNameDye": 7, Quality: { Slots: [ "legs" ], Color: "blue", AttributeModifiers: [{ UUIDMost: 5805975603309857448L, UUIDLeast: -5992164683496189690L, Amount: 0.5d, AttributeName: "generic.armor", Operation: 0, Name: "qualitytools" }], Name: "quality.protective.name" }, display: { Name: "Thief Leggings" } } }, only_one: true }, { item: { id: "minecraft:chainmail_boots", tag: { "Quark:RuneColor": 8, ench: [{ lvl: 1s, id: 142 }], "Quark:ItemNameDye": 7, Quality: { Slots: [ "feet" ], Color: "light_purple", AttributeModifiers: [{ UUIDMost: -3295111483982788523L, UUIDLeast: -8320094848504130252L, Amount: 0.10000000149011612d, AttributeName: "generic.movementSpeed", Operation: 2, Name: "qualitytools" }], Name: "Swift" }, display: { Name: "Thief's Silent Boots" }, "Quark:RuneAttached": 1b } }, only_one: true }], loot_crate: { string_id: "thief", item_name: "Crate Of Thief Gear", color: 16777215, drops: { boss: 0, passive: 0, monster: 0 } } }