#Faction name name=ENDERMEN #Reputation changes, if left empty it will use the default values #Reputation change on when you kill an ally of this faction repuChangeOnKillAlly= #Reputation change on when you kill an enemy of this faction repuChangeOnKillEnemy= #Reputation change on when you kill an member of this faction repuChangeOnKillMember= #The default reputation a player has towards this faction #Valid entries (from most hated to most loved): ARCH_ENEMY, ENEMY, HATED, AVOIDED, NEUTRAL, ACCEPTED, FRIEND, ALLY, MEMBER defaultReputation=ENEMY #Should the reputation always stay the same? staticReputation=False #Reputations towards other factions #Allied factions allies=ILLAGERS,UNDEAD #Enemy factions enemies=WALKERS,PLAYERS,DWARVES_AND_GOLEMS,VILLAGERS,NPC,PIRATE,TRITONS