# Configuration file filters { # Should messages from the forge logger be filtered? [default: true] B:FilterForge=true # Should messages from java loggers be filtered? [default: true] B:FilterJava=true # Should messages from log4j loggers be filtered? [default: true] B:FilterLog4J=true # Should messages from misc loggers be filtered? [default: true] B:FilterOthers=true # Should messages from system out be filtered? [default: true] B:FilterSystem=true } general { # A list of strings. If a console message contains any of these, it will be filtered out of the log. [default: ] S:BasicFilter < Parsing error loading built-in advancement Parsing error loading recipe Unable to find recipe Ignored smelting recipe Registering recipe handler is expecting signature recipe from Wizardry Version Checker Thread Could not load material model MultiModel minecraft:builtin/missing Could not load override model Exception loading model for variant Couldn't fetch SHA1 checksum is not signed! @Mods should be in a separate jar from the coremod The mcmod.info file in is missing the required element Potentially Dangerous alternative > # A list of regex patterns. If a console message matches one of these filters they will be removed from the log. [default: ] S:RegexFilters < > }