# Configuration file 0 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=granite # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=28 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=25 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=1 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=255 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 1 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=diorite # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=28 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=25 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=1 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=255 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 2 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=andesite # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=30 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=25 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=1 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=255 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 3 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=minecraft:coal_ore # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=0 # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=35 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=17 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=1 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=127 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 4 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=minecraft:iron_ore # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=0 # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=30 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=10 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=1 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=127 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 5 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=minecraft:gold_ore # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=0 # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=5 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=7 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=1 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=127 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 6 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=minecraft:redstone_ore # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=0 # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=12 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=7 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=1 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=40 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 7 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=minecraft:lapis_ore # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=0 # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=4 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=5 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=1 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=50 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 8 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=minecraft:diamond_ore # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=0 # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=2 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=6 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=1 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=20 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 9 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=minecraft:emerald_ore # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=0 # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=8 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=5 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=50 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=127 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < minecraft:birch_forest_hills minecraft:desert_hills minecraft:extreme_hills minecraft:extreme_hills_with_trees minecraft:forest_hills minecraft:ice_mountains minecraft:jungle_hills minecraft:mutated_birch_forest minecraft:mutated_birch_forest_hills minecraft:mutated_extreme_hills minecraft:mutated_extreme_hills_with_trees minecraft:mutated_forest minecraft:mutated_ice_flats minecraft:mutated_jungle minecraft:mutated_jungle_edge minecraft:mutated_mesa minecraft:mutated_mesa_clear_rock minecraft:mutated_mesa_rock minecraft:mutated_redwood_taiga_hills minecraft:mutated_roofed_forest minecraft:mutated_savanna minecraft:mutated_savanna_rock minecraft:mutated_swampland minecraft:mutated_taiga minecraft:mutated_taiga_cold minecraft:redwood_taiga_hills minecraft:smaller_extreme_hills minecraft:taiga_cold_hills minecraft:taiga_hills twilightforest:thornlands twilightforest:twilight_highlands > } 10 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=cavern:cave_block # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=0 # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=12 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=8 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=20 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=127 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < minecraft:cold_beach minecraft:deep_ocean minecraft:frozen_ocean minecraft:frozen_river minecraft:ice_flats minecraft:ice_mountains minecraft:jungle minecraft:jungle_edge minecraft:jungle_hills minecraft:mutated_ice_flats minecraft:mutated_jungle minecraft:mutated_swampland minecraft:mutated_taiga minecraft:mutated_taiga_cold minecraft:ocean minecraft:redwood_taiga minecraft:redwood_taiga_hills minecraft:river minecraft:sky minecraft:swampland minecraft:taiga minecraft:taiga_cold minecraft:taiga_cold_hills minecraft:taiga_hills thebetweenlands:coarse_islands thebetweenlands:deep_waters thebetweenlands:marsh_0 thebetweenlands:marsh_1 thebetweenlands:patchy_islands thebetweenlands:sludge_plains thebetweenlands:swamplands twilightforest:snowy_forest twilightforest:twilight_glacier twilightforest:twilight_lake twilightforest:twilight_stream twilightforest:twilight_swamp > } 11 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=cavern:cave_block # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=2 # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=30 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=10 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=1 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=127 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 12 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=cavern:cave_block # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=4 # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=24 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=4 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=1 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=127 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 13 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=cavern:cave_block # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=5 # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=4 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=5 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=1 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=30 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 14 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=cavern:cave_block # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=7 # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=60 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=2 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=1 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=255 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 15 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=minecraft:dirt # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=dirt # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=20 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=25 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=1 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=127 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 16 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=minecraft:gravel # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=0 # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=10 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=20 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=1 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=127 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 17 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=minecraft:sand # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=sand # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=10 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=20 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=1 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=127 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < minecraft:desert minecraft:desert_hills minecraft:mesa minecraft:mesa_clear_rock minecraft:mesa_rock minecraft:mutated_desert > } 18 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=minecraft:coal_ore # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=0 # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=35 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=18 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=128 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=255 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 19 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=minecraft:iron_ore # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=0 # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=30 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=10 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=128 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=255 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 20 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=minecraft:gold_ore # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=0 # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=5 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=7 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=128 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=255 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 21 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=minecraft:lapis_ore # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=0 # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=4 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=6 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=128 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=255 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 22 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=cavern:cave_block # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=0 # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=12 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=8 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=128 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=255 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < minecraft:cold_beach minecraft:deep_ocean minecraft:frozen_ocean minecraft:frozen_river minecraft:ice_flats minecraft:ice_mountains minecraft:jungle minecraft:jungle_edge minecraft:jungle_hills minecraft:mutated_ice_flats minecraft:mutated_jungle minecraft:mutated_swampland minecraft:mutated_taiga minecraft:mutated_taiga_cold minecraft:ocean minecraft:redwood_taiga minecraft:redwood_taiga_hills minecraft:river minecraft:sky minecraft:swampland minecraft:taiga minecraft:taiga_cold minecraft:taiga_cold_hills minecraft:taiga_hills thebetweenlands:coarse_islands thebetweenlands:deep_waters thebetweenlands:marsh_0 thebetweenlands:marsh_1 thebetweenlands:patchy_islands thebetweenlands:sludge_plains thebetweenlands:swamplands twilightforest:snowy_forest twilightforest:twilight_glacier twilightforest:twilight_lake twilightforest:twilight_stream twilightforest:twilight_swamp > } 23 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=cavern:cave_block # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=2 # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=30 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=10 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=128 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=255 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 24 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=cavern:cave_block # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=4 # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=28 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=2 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=128 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=255 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 25 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=cavern:cave_block # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=5 # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=4 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=5 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=200 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=255 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 26 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=minecraft:dirt # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=dirt # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=20 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=25 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=128 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=255 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 27 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=minecraft:gravel # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=0 # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=10 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=20 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=128 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=255 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 28 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=minecraft:sand # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=sand # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=10 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=20 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=128 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=255 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < minecraft:desert minecraft:desert_hills minecraft:mesa minecraft:mesa_clear_rock minecraft:mesa_rock minecraft:mutated_desert > } 29 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=subterraneanswitcheroo:coalronore # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=0 # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=20 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=15 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=1 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=96 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 30 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=minecraft:subterraneanswitcheroo:redironore # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=0 # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=35 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=10 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=1 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=64 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 31 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=subterraneanswitcheroo:redgold # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=0 # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=5 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=7 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=128 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=255 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 32 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=subterraneanswitcheroo:goldiamondore # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=0 # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=2 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=6 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=1 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=128 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 33 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=subterraneanswitcheroo:obsidianore # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=0 # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=8 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=5 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=1 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=20 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > } 34 { # Specify the block name of generation block. S:block=scalinghealth:crystalore # Specify the block metadata of generation block. S:blockMeta=0 # Specify the block name of generation target block. S:targetBlock=minecraft:stone # Specify the block metadata of generation target block. S:targetBlockMeta=stone # Specify the weight for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:weight=1 # Specify the chance for generation. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] D:chance=1.0 # Specify the vein size for generation. [range: 0 ~ 100] I:size=1 # Specify the minimum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 0] I:minHeight=1 # Specify the maximum height for generation. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 255] I:maxHeight=256 # Specify the accept biomes for generation. S:biomes < > }