{ id: "15AAF17B6665223D" group: "1AC60211DE7427FC" order_index: 1 filename: "refined_storage" title: "Refined Storage" icon: "refinedstorage:creative_controller" default_quest_shape: "" default_hide_dependency_lines: false quests: [ { title: "Refined Storage" x: 0.0d y: -7.5d shape: "gear" subtitle: "Make your first controller!" description: ["The Controller is the core of the Refined Storage network. You need to connect all the Refined Storage devices to this block."] size: 1.5d id: "01F18150EC923482" tasks: [{ id: "196B8B6D59ABFC74" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:controller" }] rewards: [ { id: "07AE23E283451DAF" type: "item" item: { id: "minecraft:player_head" Count: 1b tag: { SkullOwner: { Properties: { textures: [{ Value: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYWQ3YzI3M2U5N2MyNzdjNDljOTA2NWVkZGYxMDdlODdlYTc3NWM4N2IyYzlmZWEwOTIyNTUwNTE5MDJhYzRhIn19fQ==" }] } Id: [I; -647195142 2010533167 -1243897687 1144171008 ] } display: { Name: "{\"text\":\"BovineShaman\"}" } } } } { id: "13BC4987B9B25D15" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L } ] } { x: -1.0d y: -13.5d description: ["The 1k Storage Disk can store 1000 items."] hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: ["01F18150EC923482"] id: "4101F8275B41C79B" tasks: [{ id: "1121780C6403D660" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:1k_storage_part" }] rewards: [{ id: "0E75917E7E00D711" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L }] } { x: -1.0d y: -14.5d description: ["The 4k Storage Disk can store 4000 items."] dependencies: ["4101F8275B41C79B"] id: "3FD801D7DE9176FB" tasks: [{ id: "1420D2099CBB6833" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:4k_storage_part" }] rewards: [{ id: "45B99CC9C8BFE5A7" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L }] } { x: -0.5d y: -15.5d description: ["The 16k Storage Disk can store 16000 items."] dependencies: ["3FD801D7DE9176FB"] id: "03C78165C5CBD9E1" tasks: [{ id: "0346A00E2F8F7532" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:16k_storage_part" }] rewards: [{ id: "52C389613C90C469" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: -0.5d y: -16.5d description: ["The 64k Storage Disk can store 64000 items."] dependencies: ["03C78165C5CBD9E1"] id: "3F8EEE1AD4420702" tasks: [{ id: "02A8CBA1DAC84DAE" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:64k_storage_part" }] rewards: [{ id: "4E028E9A2CD6831A" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: -1.0d y: -17.5d description: ["The 65536k Storage Disk can store 65536000 items."] dependencies: ["123807F4BBE75120"] id: "1D2700821045CCF2" tasks: [{ id: "7E7B3341B5C8D8CA" type: "item" item: "extradisks:65536k_storage_part" }] rewards: [ { id: "66A881D347175219" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L } { id: "2640929F7C28E93D" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L } ] } { x: -2.0d y: -13.5d description: ["The 256k Storage Disk can store 256000 items."] hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: ["3F8EEE1AD4420702"] id: "4C1F13F5A0E273EF" tasks: [{ id: "04B88AEDB2799159" type: "item" item: "extradisks:256k_storage_part" }] rewards: [{ id: "03F16EB9DA9624AD" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: -2.0d y: -14.5d description: ["The 1024k Storage Disk can store 1024000 items."] dependencies: ["4C1F13F5A0E273EF"] id: "7C94F6AE2A793858" tasks: [{ id: "15F9ABA22EFEF7E6" type: "item" item: "extradisks:1024k_storage_part" }] rewards: [{ id: "12217A7AEFD0B703" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: -1.5d y: -15.5d description: ["The 4096k Storage Disk can store 4096000 items."] dependencies: ["7C94F6AE2A793858"] id: "52ACADDFCB0E22AB" tasks: [{ id: "71E4327C2E1FBB04" type: "item" item: "extradisks:4096k_storage_part" }] rewards: [ { id: "7736581800AE4CE2" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L } { id: "42EABE802EFE97D6" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L } ] } { x: -1.5d y: -16.5d description: ["The 16384k Storage Disk can store 16384000 items."] dependencies: ["52ACADDFCB0E22AB"] id: "123807F4BBE75120" tasks: [{ id: "6C599CC5ADBA425B" type: "item" item: "extradisks:16384k_storage_part" }] rewards: [ { id: "0A61A7DF1E582A48" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L } { id: "0D67B9E6DC5FB74D" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L } ] } { x: -0.5d y: -18.5d description: ["The 262m Storage Disk can store well 262m items."] dependencies: ["1D2700821045CCF2"] id: "4966162FBA933453" tasks: [{ id: "3C2952EABDCBF187" type: "item" item: "extradisks:262144k_storage_part" }] rewards: [ { id: "1D4393DDBCE3FA6D" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L } { id: "03768788B310EC53" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L } ] } { x: 0.5d y: -18.5d description: ["The 1048m Storage Disk can store well 1048m items."] dependencies: ["4966162FBA933453"] id: "718A2040D868E09F" tasks: [{ id: "4E565846EED470F5" type: "item" item: "extradisks:1048576k_storage_part" }] rewards: [ { id: "5449AE4F52C12FD0" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:1k_storage_part" } { id: "2724B0206935EB5F" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L } { id: "7DB9984426FF521D" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L } ] } { x: 0.0d y: -17.5d description: ["It's like the regular one but ADVANCED."] hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: [ "53CA0D6B4D5A17D5" "4C1F13F5A0E273EF" ] dependency_requirement: "one_started" id: "7DD638E4111D66E7" tasks: [{ id: "099B55FD3A94FE91" type: "item" item: "extradisks:advanced_storage_housing" }] rewards: [{ id: "1D1650B2B18131E3" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L }] } { x: 0.0d y: -10.5d subtitle: "Automated crafting!" description: ["The Crafter is a block that crafts items with patterns. It can take speed upgrades to increase the crafting speed."] dependencies: ["59F5ED931FD70C55"] id: "44881E39AB1D62AA" tasks: [{ id: "202A7EA0318662C5" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:crafter" }] rewards: [{ id: "3351B9B6898579ED" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:pattern" }] } { x: 1.5d y: -10.5d dependencies: ["44881E39AB1D62AA"] id: "45FF08E4DB6F7F0E" tasks: [{ id: "0ED2706B229F3AA7" type: "item" item: "extrastorage:iron_crafter" }] rewards: [{ id: "78D26C79FAC05CFF" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:pattern" count: 2 }] } { x: 3.0d y: -10.5d dependencies: ["45FF08E4DB6F7F0E"] id: "4A198E875A6B0A64" tasks: [{ id: "1AA53ECBAE795C70" type: "item" item: "extrastorage:gold_crafter" }] rewards: [{ id: "5ACCF4B3C45E2989" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:pattern" count: 3 }] } { x: 4.5d y: -10.5d dependencies: ["4A198E875A6B0A64"] id: "189018F641FBB44E" tasks: [{ id: "461E78CF8E7FCD04" type: "item" item: "extrastorage:diamond_crafter" }] rewards: [{ id: "23E76AEB4BEA3B45" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:pattern" count: 4 }] } { x: 6.0d y: -10.5d dependencies: ["189018F641FBB44E"] id: "24BD32102AFA1691" tasks: [{ id: "4FEB0889EEBC1BDA" type: "item" item: "extrastorage:netherite_crafter" }] rewards: [{ id: "09E39857FC64780B" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:pattern" count: 5 }] } { x: 0.0d y: -6.0d subtitle: "You spin me right round'" description: ["The Wrench in Refined Storage is a tool that can do two things. Rotate blocks and Break Refined Storage covers. Simply sneak and right click when using the Wrench."] dependencies: ["01F18150EC923482"] id: "3FAD086F7D9CCAE9" tasks: [{ id: "411F819314EF6C57" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:wrench" }] rewards: [{ id: "182081F231AA3B51" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L }] } { x: -1.5d y: -7.5d subtitle: "Connections!" description: ["Cable is used to connect devices to the Controller. Cables are not always necessary, as long as the devices are next to each other in any direction a connection will be established as well."] dependencies: ["01F18150EC923482"] id: "6904EC449FBEE387" tasks: [{ id: "1A2C2B95FDA9D2DA" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:cable" }] rewards: [ { id: "3940AD01E5D76358" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:cable" count: 10 } { id: "1174925025CC0A56" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L } ] } { x: -3.0d y: -10.5d subtitle: "Importing Items!" hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: ["6904EC449FBEE387"] id: "532229D285CA4858" tasks: [{ id: "0E57EE9B975D05C3" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:importer" }] rewards: [{ id: "1DE253380778110D" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: -3.0d y: -9.0d subtitle: "Breaking Blocks!" hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: ["6904EC449FBEE387"] id: "6092490EC9008A05" tasks: [{ id: "5762E9CE9A7D3FCA" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:destructor" }] rewards: [{ id: "706F07A4768DE9FA" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: -3.0d y: -7.5d subtitle: "Placing Blocks!" hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: ["6904EC449FBEE387"] id: "2CFEE04BA574921E" tasks: [{ id: "2BB33FEBA2B071DF" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:constructor" }] rewards: [{ id: "3CDBEEDBD20A61DE" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: -3.0d y: -6.0d subtitle: "Exporting Items!" hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: ["6904EC449FBEE387"] id: "4CD83943865018EA" tasks: [{ id: "528F054C15BB7191" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:exporter" }] rewards: [{ id: "40C3EDC23E165575" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: -4.5d y: -10.5d dependencies: ["532229D285CA4858"] id: "616B6046EF5DDF21" tasks: [{ id: "6947092EB1DF6DCE" type: "item" item: "cabletiers:elite_importer" }] rewards: [{ id: "74D65FAD1FCC2C5D" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: -6.0d y: -10.5d dependencies: ["616B6046EF5DDF21"] id: "13A0714444BA79AB" tasks: [{ id: "60057B7F36565B42" type: "item" item: "cabletiers:ultra_importer" }] rewards: [{ id: "4DC81065EB1C50CD" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: -4.5d y: -9.0d dependencies: ["6092490EC9008A05"] id: "6D81DF90E9C2C049" tasks: [{ id: "6AD21D58B8EE01A3" type: "item" item: "cabletiers:elite_destructor" }] rewards: [{ id: "37B580B60ADC023E" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: -6.0d y: -9.0d dependencies: ["6D81DF90E9C2C049"] id: "0D4FE97640F2CA60" tasks: [{ id: "1AC9A19F8B27A12C" type: "item" item: "cabletiers:ultra_destructor" }] rewards: [{ id: "13DA1147475AF6BF" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: -4.5d y: -7.5d dependencies: ["2CFEE04BA574921E"] id: "6DB06E3984D0CF97" tasks: [{ id: "32C8173865CAFD14" type: "item" item: "cabletiers:elite_constructor" }] rewards: [{ id: "15DEC3015C064B0E" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: -6.0d y: -7.5d dependencies: ["6DB06E3984D0CF97"] id: "1F55A483008F74FE" tasks: [{ id: "140A523F7D4EFC3E" type: "item" item: "cabletiers:ultra_constructor" }] rewards: [{ id: "6E7CC639224A46F1" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: -4.5d y: -6.0d dependencies: ["4CD83943865018EA"] id: "6973A5923AF7BF05" tasks: [{ id: "4E291FDCE1763291" type: "item" item: "cabletiers:elite_exporter" }] rewards: [{ id: "18AB4575E10AC20E" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: -6.0d y: -6.0d dependencies: ["6973A5923AF7BF05"] id: "5BB7648DC10E1E08" tasks: [{ id: "515DEAD74B07300C" type: "item" item: "cabletiers:ultra_exporter" }] rewards: [{ id: "7E7CF0891D09698A" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: 1.0d y: -13.5d description: ["The 64k Fluid Storage Part is used to craft the 64k Fluid Storage Disk."] hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: ["01F18150EC923482"] id: "4B81E84CAE814BA9" tasks: [{ id: "3F9B17A338B2EEFE" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:64k_fluid_storage_part" }] rewards: [{ id: "2DAA28CC2526657D" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L }] } { x: 1.0d y: -14.5d description: ["The 256k Fluid Storage Part is used to craft the 256k Fluid Storage Disk."] dependencies: ["4B81E84CAE814BA9"] id: "39C8E1705EF1CD31" tasks: [{ id: "440737C224526B0B" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:256k_fluid_storage_part" }] rewards: [{ id: "2F50B3D8AFF81B1E" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L }] } { x: 0.5d y: -15.5d description: ["The 1024k Fluid Storage Part is used to craft the 1024k Fluid Storage Disk."] dependencies: ["39C8E1705EF1CD31"] id: "60244F26B9ABED49" tasks: [{ id: "40AEA1CE52FAFCAB" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:1024k_fluid_storage_part" }] rewards: [{ id: "5A3901DB229F523B" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: 0.5d y: -16.5d description: ["The 4096k Fluid Storage Part is used to craft the 4096k Fluid Storage Disk."] dependencies: ["60244F26B9ABED49"] id: "3751015CD5C84134" tasks: [{ id: "2B57DE504688FC8D" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:4096k_fluid_storage_part" }] rewards: [{ id: "1BF095899A5270F5" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: 2.0d y: -13.5d description: ["The 16384k Fluid Storage Part is used to craft the 16384k Fluid Storage Disk."] hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: ["3751015CD5C84134"] id: "53CA0D6B4D5A17D5" tasks: [{ id: "62F1F92687582BAF" type: "item" item: "extradisks:16384k_fluid_storage_part" }] rewards: [{ id: "632DE7C72BB9103B" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: 2.0d y: -14.5d description: ["The 65536k Fluid Storage Part is used to craft the 65536k Fluid Storage Disk."] dependencies: ["53CA0D6B4D5A17D5"] id: "64D6C395B6304F40" tasks: [{ id: "3D29353D5475642D" type: "item" item: "extradisks:65536k_fluid_storage_part" }] rewards: [{ id: "78883095DF1F6CC5" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: 1.5d y: -15.5d description: ["The 262m Fluid Storage Part is used to craft the 262m Fluid Storage Disk."] dependencies: ["64D6C395B6304F40"] id: "17920C436DDBBD07" tasks: [{ id: "5DDDBCF17E30A7C4" type: "item" item: "extradisks:262144k_fluid_storage_part" }] rewards: [ { id: "71F146A064E4D55C" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L } { id: "14685B5F1C545420" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L } ] } { x: 1.5d y: -16.5d description: ["The 1048m Fluid Storage Part is used to craft the 1048m Fluid Storage Disk."] dependencies: ["17920C436DDBBD07"] id: "49772923B8AF0F1F" tasks: [{ id: "0EE5758F4584DD05" type: "item" item: "extradisks:1048576k_fluid_storage_part" }] rewards: [ { id: "25461173A1F7474B" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L } { id: "2AD311B1D18BE1FB" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L } ] } { x: -1.5d y: -9.0d dependencies: ["6904EC449FBEE387"] id: "253657BE5D9D9162" tasks: [{ id: "4D9E7CCF420BDE8C" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:external_storage" }] rewards: [{ id: "33EE37E408A14D2A" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: -1.5d y: -6.0d dependencies: ["4CD83943865018EA"] id: "383DCC6ADE5364B5" tasks: [{ id: "357CC03A3DC5164D" type: "item" item: "extrastorage:advanced_exporter" }] } { x: -1.5d y: -10.5d dependencies: ["532229D285CA4858"] id: "355BFF36994B3916" tasks: [{ id: "05352F383961DC1B" type: "item" item: "extrastorage:advanced_importer" }] } { x: 0.0d y: -4.5d subtitle: "Secure your grid!" description: ["Allows you to limit who can access your grid, and what permissions they have."] dependencies: ["01F18150EC923482"] id: "3B84215240D9F2CB" tasks: [{ id: "20F3020C07C9D22B" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:security_manager" }] rewards: [ { id: "03E85C433BFA3B18" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:security_card" } { id: "604536C15104A0C8" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L } { id: "5426A98A63199515" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L } ] } { x: 0.0d y: -3.0d description: ["Will detect contents in your storage and send a redstone signal if it is the right amount."] dependencies: ["01F18150EC923482"] id: "5D31FCC61B02E17A" tasks: [{ id: "6C6F92D9A6D8DFD6" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:detector" }] rewards: [{ id: "5A4792CEC25676CC" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L }] } { x: 7.5d y: -10.5d dependencies: ["24BD32102AFA1691"] id: "3F19D685DC96A196" tasks: [{ id: "412DFCE15BB22C47" type: "item" item: "creativecrafter:creative_crafter" }] rewards: [{ id: "69C8A94BC0D44AD3" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: 1.5d y: -7.5d shape: "rsquare" description: ["Lets you access your storage."] dependencies: ["01F18150EC923482"] id: "43E8912CB307E421" tasks: [{ id: "68A80F00CAFF427D" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:grid" }] rewards: [{ id: "673FBE94CC27445E" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L }] } { x: 1.5d y: -6.0d description: ["Lets you access your storage but with a craftin table."] dependencies: ["43E8912CB307E421"] id: "0F00BBDF3618B3BA" tasks: [{ id: "5B74E6CB7AB75F92" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:crafting_grid" }] rewards: [{ id: "41A66CDD13A10EFB" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L }] } { x: 1.5d y: -9.0d shape: "rsquare" description: ["Allows you to create patterns for autocrafting."] dependencies: [ "43E8912CB307E421" "59F5ED931FD70C55" ] dependency_requirement: "one_started" id: "65C8A43FEDBA3835" tasks: [{ id: "79E70744DBC24777" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:pattern_grid" }] rewards: [{ id: "3FAE50501AEA16E9" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L }] } { x: 1.5d y: -4.5d description: ["Lets you access your fluid storage."] dependencies: ["43E8912CB307E421"] id: "51E9D03CD755A607" tasks: [{ id: "4EAE7D47133842B1" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:fluid_grid" }] rewards: [{ id: "663DB8F9C5006DA9" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L }] } { x: 3.0d y: -7.5d description: ["Allows you to access your grid wirelessly."] dependencies: ["43E8912CB307E421"] id: "15ECBC8E174FA39B" tasks: [{ id: "1488D961F51ED182" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:wireless_grid" }] rewards: [{ id: "73C96DD0654FF5CE" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L }] } { x: 4.5d y: -7.5d description: ["Same as normal, but doesn't require power."] dependencies: ["15ECBC8E174FA39B"] id: "1F401D7BAA62DCD0" tasks: [{ id: "62A5AB8953D3C40F" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:creative_wireless_grid" }] rewards: [{ id: "1CDEC66A21C643D7" type: "xp_levels" xp_levels: 5 }] } { x: 3.0d y: -4.5d description: ["Allows you to access your fluid grid wirelessly."] dependencies: ["51E9D03CD755A607"] id: "7FA85713C86166DA" tasks: [{ id: "77FE4FDC2F752084" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:wireless_fluid_grid" }] rewards: [{ id: "598120E2B2A936E9" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L }] } { x: 4.5d y: -4.5d description: ["Same as normal, but doesn't require power."] dependencies: ["7FA85713C86166DA"] id: "600FF2547C984051" tasks: [{ id: "503000471D053809" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:creative_wireless_fluid_grid" }] rewards: [{ id: "17124A8C072F8FE3" type: "xp_levels" xp_levels: 5 }] } { x: 3.0d y: -6.0d description: ["Allows you to access your grid wirelessly but with a crafting table built-in."] dependencies: ["0F00BBDF3618B3BA"] id: "744842B2AED28344" tasks: [{ id: "5C72FB6EFDAF0813" type: "item" item: "refinedstorageaddons:wireless_crafting_grid" }] rewards: [{ id: "6B5DF00E7050694D" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L }] } { x: 4.5d y: -6.0d description: ["Same as normal, but doesn't require power."] dependencies: ["744842B2AED28344"] id: "058743CD4EDB32E2" tasks: [{ id: "68483497FD13714D" type: "item" item: "refinedstorageaddons:creative_wireless_crafting_grid" }] rewards: [{ id: "07C6D34C6249B5D6" type: "xp_levels" xp_levels: 5 }] } { x: 3.0d y: -9.0d subtitle: "On-The-Go Grid" description: ["The Portable Grid is a portable storage that isn’t connected to a network. It allows you to interact with a Storage Disk while not being connected to a network."] hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: ["43E8912CB307E421"] hide: false id: "66D85424EC74EDCC" tasks: [{ id: "301E0669A3CD84EF" type: "item" item: { id: "refinedstorage:portable_grid" Count: 1b tag: { } } }] rewards: [{ id: "2977A7581BEC6C48" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: 4.5d y: -9.0d description: ["Same as normal, but doesn't require power."] dependencies: ["66D85424EC74EDCC"] id: "6E9A6A69CDB7CB7B" tasks: [{ id: "628D9FA4EECEFF1C" type: "item" item: { id: "refinedstorage:creative_portable_grid" Count: 1b tag: { } } }] rewards: [{ id: "4972D6C60B105B8A" type: "xp_levels" xp_levels: 5 }] } { x: -1.5d y: -12.0d shape: "rsquare" subtitle: "Floppy time!" description: ["Put your storage disks in here to add storage to your grid!"] dependencies: ["7604D8B3C9FCCFD9"] id: "12A43F82FC67A289" tasks: [{ id: "3724447C3E0F9942" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:disk_drive" }] rewards: [{ id: "5E67E5BB195B9D4A" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:storage_housing" }] } { x: -3.0d y: -12.0d description: ["Allows you to take items and fluids from one disk into another grid's disks."] dependencies: ["12A43F82FC67A289"] id: "4844DEF57A2287B4" tasks: [{ id: "057EA89AE615DA6D" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:disk_manipulator" }] rewards: [{ id: "70D006DD94C36966" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: 0.0d y: -9.0d description: ["Used to tell crafters how to carft items for auto-crafting."] dependencies: ["01F18150EC923482"] id: "59F5ED931FD70C55" tasks: [{ id: "45359CC3EC90B74B" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:pattern" }] rewards: [{ id: "1FA71DB84EE6B7D8" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L }] } { x: 1.5d y: -3.0d description: ["Allows you to monitor the number of a certain item in your grid."] dependencies: ["43E8912CB307E421"] id: "64E85274D24FE394" tasks: [{ id: "59E1432B592B686C" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:storage_monitor" }] rewards: [{ id: "6AC46C5C8136A9C3" type: "xp" xp: 100 }] } { x: 6.0d y: -6.0d shape: "rsquare" subtitle: "Storage, at a distance" description: ["The Wireless Transmitter is used to send signals to wireless network items in Refined Storage."] hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: [ "15ECBC8E174FA39B" "744842B2AED28344" "7FA85713C86166DA" ] dependency_requirement: "one_started" id: "6B04FC81351CD1AB" tasks: [{ id: "48935A6041672A29" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:wireless_transmitter" }] rewards: [ { id: "1B5CDE3E773B797B" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:range_upgrade" } { id: "5050A99AB9DA31EE" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L } ] } { x: -4.5d y: -12.0d dependencies: ["4844DEF57A2287B4"] id: "7C26D0295ABBF5BD" tasks: [{ id: "247C1CD892AA4E07" type: "item" item: "cabletiers:elite_disk_manipulator" }] rewards: [{ id: "1E8B6CC202D9C975" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: -6.0d y: -12.0d dependencies: ["7C26D0295ABBF5BD"] id: "1C8CEA8E12D9F2E3" tasks: [{ id: "6CF001677DE268D7" type: "item" item: "cabletiers:ultra_disk_manipulator" }] rewards: [{ id: "55C4ACA6CF61E7A8" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: -7.5d y: -12.0d dependencies: ["1C8CEA8E12D9F2E3"] id: "226683B30A54D760" tasks: [{ id: "260633EB3A67887C" type: "item" item: "cabletiers:creative_disk_manipulator" }] rewards: [{ id: "3E657361FCFF87BC" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: 6.0d y: -4.5d dependencies: ["6B04FC81351CD1AB"] id: "4328CC603FDD7E56" tasks: [{ id: "51FF333E2DDF6349" type: "item" item: "creativewirelesstransmitter:creative_wireless_transmitter" }] rewards: [{ id: "070B8D3AD6FE5377" type: "xp_levels" xp_levels: 5 }] } { x: 6.0d y: -7.5d dependencies: ["6B04FC81351CD1AB"] id: "3E0D29502690E02F" tasks: [ { id: "4DD51C8F38808EB9" type: "item" item: "rsinfinitybooster:infinity_card" } { id: "3C3F1953DAA71996" type: "item" item: "rsinfinitybooster:dimension_card" } ] rewards: [{ id: "020CFD2156077264" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: 0.0d y: -12.0d shape: "rsquare" description: ["A Storage Disk is an item where items from the storage network are stored on. It has to be put in a Disk Drive. The Storage Disk won’t despawn when dropped in the world."] hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: ["01F18150EC923482"] dependency_requirement: "one_started" id: "7604D8B3C9FCCFD9" tasks: [{ id: "546B04909ABE8383" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:storage_housing" }] rewards: [{ id: "2A14130CAC3461EA" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L }] } { title: "Grid Networks" x: 6.0d y: -9.0d subtitle: "Networking!" description: [ "Transmits grid information to a Network Receiver, allowing expansion of the system thousands of blocks away." "" "Bind the Network Card via right-click to a Network Receiver, and then place the Network Card in the Network transmitter." ] id: "3E890BABC4C41370" tasks: [ { id: "2E028480454ECBB5" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:network_transmitter" } { id: "1CB0AFE99559C1B5" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:network_receiver" } ] rewards: [ { id: "7D644616E6416286" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:network_card" } { id: "7D1DCEA1DB748856" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L } ] } { x: -7.5d y: -6.0d dependencies: ["5BB7648DC10E1E08"] id: "0195C8D984BAC24E" tasks: [{ id: "4868D41EDB82CD1D" type: "item" item: "cabletiers:creative_exporter" }] rewards: [{ id: "64C5904F239BCAEB" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: -7.5d y: -10.5d dependencies: ["13A0714444BA79AB"] id: "1A7E741E9C5458F8" tasks: [{ id: "06946B837E695C53" type: "item" item: "cabletiers:creative_importer" }] rewards: [{ id: "0FCF48AB1EEDAB81" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: -7.5d y: -9.0d dependencies: ["0D4FE97640F2CA60"] id: "1CC5DD5306B224A0" tasks: [{ id: "51EE75A262172D1B" type: "item" item: "cabletiers:creative_destructor" }] rewards: [{ id: "588DF3CB511F6C07" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: -7.5d y: -7.5d dependencies: ["1F55A483008F74FE"] id: "14659E5B2C12B574" tasks: [{ id: "2D78E63D4545ACCE" type: "item" item: "cabletiers:creative_constructor" }] rewards: [{ id: "33D9B8255C24B552" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: -4.5d y: -4.5d dependencies: ["1AAED56198D4799B"] id: "47618EAE323E6C13" tasks: [{ id: "50B7CE5116D535CC" type: "item" item: "cabletiers:elite_requester" }] rewards: [{ id: "65A1BD79F6588C6E" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: -6.0d y: -4.5d dependencies: ["47618EAE323E6C13"] id: "477C8F4946794B9C" tasks: [{ id: "132F3AB80796CDB4" type: "item" item: "cabletiers:ultra_requester" }] rewards: [{ id: "29AF7B5B2F5566B3" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: -7.5d y: -4.5d dependencies: ["477C8F4946794B9C"] id: "7641F925A9AE8C01" tasks: [{ id: "3C7F1D198FDE1393" type: "item" item: "cabletiers:creative_requester" }] rewards: [{ id: "52B96A2212B66053" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: -3.0d y: -4.5d hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: ["01F18150EC923482"] id: "1AAED56198D4799B" tasks: [{ id: "4D5AE30FDB715186" type: "item" item: "rsrequestify:requester" }] } { x: 0.0d y: -14.5d dependencies: [ "4B81E84CAE814BA9" "4101F8275B41C79B" ] optional: true id: "58AA6CD9D96244D1" tasks: [ { id: "15F0A882BE1594B1" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:1k_storage_disk" } { id: "269EECC6F9A9D984" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:64k_fluid_storage_disk" } ] rewards: [{ id: "624504C1FCDB2032" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L }] } { x: 0.0d y: -13.5d dependencies: [ "4B81E84CAE814BA9" "4101F8275B41C79B" ] optional: true id: "62625CAF6649AB53" tasks: [ { id: "4540AB0231FE3B1A" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:1k_storage_block" } { id: "71707FDB64DE5E1D" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:64k_fluid_storage_block" } ] rewards: [{ id: "2757EAF400D978C1" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L }] } { title: "Destructor Upgrades" x: -1.5d y: -4.5d description: ["These can add different attributes to Deconstructors to effect what happens when they mine a block."] hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: ["6092490EC9008A05"] id: "787415570026FFAA" tasks: [ { id: "416E0011066156D2" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:silk_touch_upgrade" } { id: "086992D773D34C15" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:fortune_3_upgrade" } ] rewards: [{ id: "0EB941B66B8E55EB" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { title: "Other Upgrades" x: -1.5d y: -3.0d description: ["This can make machines work faster, or automatically craft items that are requested to be outputted."] hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: [ "1A7E741E9C5458F8" "0195C8D984BAC24E" ] dependency_requirement: "one_completed" id: "2B27E4E04A628C60" tasks: [ { id: "0B3AB478E6493DBC" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:speed_upgrade" } { id: "2B39C12AEFA55C59" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:stack_upgrade" } { id: "086F83FEFD57D69B" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:crafting_upgrade" } ] rewards: [{ id: "10EE1EA9372509F0" type: "random" table_id: 3567941291661635734L }] } { x: 1.5d y: -12.0d hide_dependency_lines: true dependencies: [ "4CD83943865018EA" "2CFEE04BA574921E" "6092490EC9008A05" "532229D285CA4858" ] id: "35EC08D610382860" tasks: [{ id: "5BFCB4F5C8CCA8C9" type: "item" item: "refinedstorage:filter" }] rewards: [{ id: "1361E62DF27B02EE" type: "random" table_id: 4001436279668650237L }] } ] }