[items] [items.orb_of_temporary_flight] #Flight Time the Orb grants (in ticks) [default: 6000] #Range: 20 ~ 120000 time = 6000 [items.edelwood_bucket] #How many Water Blocks the Edelwood Bucket can store [default: 4] #Range: 1 ~ 10 water_capacity = 4 #How many Lava Blocks the Edelwood Bucket can store [default: 3] #Range: 1 ~ 10 lava_capacity = 3 #How much Milk the Edelwood Bucket can store [default: 4] #Range: 1 ~ 10 milk_capacity = 4 #How many Soups/Stews the Edelwood Bucket can store [default: 8] #Range: 1 ~ 10 soup_capacity = 8 [items.boom_arrow] #Should Boom Arrow explosions deal Block Damage [default: false] block_damage = false #Radius of Boom Arrow explosions [default: 3] #Range: 1 ~ 10 explosion_radius = 3 [items.mundabitur_dust] #Should right-clicking a Creeper with Mundabitur Dust charge the Creeper [default: true] charge_creeper = true [items.xpetrified_orb] #Experience Points the Orb grants on use [default: 91] #Range: 1 ~ 120000 experience_points = 91 [items.eternal_stella] #How many times the Eternal Stella can be used before breaking [default: 3] #Range: 1 ~ 100 uses = 3 [blocks] [blocks.stella_arcanum] #Should Stella Arcanum explode when mined [default: true] explode = true #Should Stella Arcanum explosions deal Block Damage (if explosions enabled) [default: true] block_damage = true #Radius of Stella Arcanum explosions (if explosions enabled) [default: 3] #Range: 1 ~ 10 explosion_radius = 3 [blocks.edelwood_ladder] #The speed multiplier that gets added to the players y movement when on the ladder [default: 2.0 #Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 speed = 2.0 [enchantments] [enchantments.eternal] #Should the item be repaired after applying the Eternal modifier [default: true] repair_item = true [aureal] #Chance that an entity spawns as Aureal Entity [default: 0.25] #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 aureal_entity_chance = 0.25 [aureal.corruption] #Do you want to completely disable corruption consequences? [default: false] disable_consequences = true #How much Corruption should killing a normal Entity give [default: 1] #Range: 0 ~ 100 entity_death_increasement_amount = 1 #How much Corruption should killing an Aureal Entity give [default: 3] #Range: 0 ~ 100 aureal_entity_death_increasement_amount = 3 #Chance that killing a normal Entity increases your Corruption [default: 0.35] #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 entity_death_increasement_chance = 0.35 #Chance that killing an Aureal Entity increases your Corruption [default: 0.42] #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 aureal_entity_death_increasement_chance = 0.42 #Should the players Corruption value decrease after a certain amount of time [default: true] natural_decreasement = true #Time before the players Corruption value is reduced by one (in ticks) [default: 6000] #Range: > 0 natural_decreasement_time = 6000 #Chance that breeding animals decreases your Corruption [default: 0.45] #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 breeding_decreasement_chance = 0.45