# Configuration file features { B:ArtificialEndPortal=true # Should Ender Anchors keep the Chunk they are in loaded B:EnderAnchorChunkloading=true # Should there be an Golden Egg in every Bean Pod? B:GoldenEgg=false # Whether the magnetic enchantment should be available. B:MagneticEnchantment=true # TRIES to remove the weird water texture showing around ALL non full blocks. This might look weird when you, for example, are on a ladder underwater. [default: false] B:RemoveUnderwaterTexture=false } internals { # Dimension ID for the Spectre Dimension I:SpectreID=-343800852 } numbers { # The maximum radius an advanced item collector can be configured to have I:AdvancedItemCollectorMaxRange=10 # How many blocks an Ancient Furnace can transform before stopping I:AncientFurnaceLimit=10000 # How many blocks the Block Destabilizer can destabilize at once (0 = Unlimited) I:BlockDestabilizerLimit=50 # The radius of a normal item collector I:ItemCollectorRange=3 # How much Energy a Numbered Spectre Coil produces per Tick I:NumberedSpectreCoilEnergy=128 # How far does the effect of a Rain Shield work? (In Blocks) I:RainShieldRange=80 # How much does the chance of a spirit spawning increase after the ender dragon is defeated? (0.07 = 7%) D:SpiritChanceEndIncrease=0.07 # How much does the moon increase the chance of a spirit spawning? (2 = 2% on full moon) D:SpiritChanceMoonMult=2.0 # The base chance of a spirit spawning when an entity dies (0.01 = 1%) D:SpiritChanceNormal=0.01 # How long a Spirit stays in the world after spawning (20=1 second) I:SpiritLifeTime=400 # How many ticks have to pass for a Time in a Bottle to gain 1 second (20 = 1 Second) I:TimeInABottlePerSecond=20 } visual { # Replaces the noisy default rune texture with a flat version B:FlatRunes=false # When set to true the coordinates a position filter / portkey point to won't be displayed in its tooltip. B:HideCoordinates=false } voxelprojector { # Should the client save models received by the server to disk so that they don't have to be requested again later? B:ClientModelSaving=true # The amount of bytes that can be used to transfer models to clients per tick (The default 1000 Byte equal 20 kbyte/sec) I:ModelTransferBandwidth=1000 } ########################################################################################################## # worldgen #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Set to false to disable the generation of the respective objects ########################################################################################################## worldgen { B:AncientFurnace=true B:Beans=true B:BiomeCrystal=true B:GlowingMushrooms=true B:LavaCharm=true B:Lotus=true B:MagicHood=true B:Nature-Core=true B:NumberedSpectreCoils=true B:PeaceCandle=true B:PitcherPlants=true B:Sakanade=true B:SlimeCube=false B:SummoningPendulum=false B:WaterChest=true }