§align:center ##### §nMob Soul§n §stack[draconicevolution:mob_soul,1,0,{EntityName:"[Random-Display]"}]{size:92} §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%,top_pad:0} Mob souls are occasionally dropped my mobs when killed by a player using a weapon with the Reaper modifier. The drop chance is extremely low, being 1 in 1000 for hostile mobs and 1 in 800 for passive mobs (configurable) for Reaper I. The chances of getting a soul can be improved with higher tiers of Reaper. All DE tools essentially have a built-in reaper enchant equivalent to Reaper I for Wyvern, Reaper II for Draconic and Reaper III for the Staff of Power. The calculation to figure out your drop chance as follows: Take the base drop chance and divide by the weapons built-in reaper modifier plus the Reaper enchantment level. Any remainder on the drop chance is completely dropped. Here's an example. The calculation for a Draconic Sword with Reaper V would go like this: Built-in modifier = 2, Reaper enchantment = 5, Drop Chance Calculation: 1000 / (2 + 5) 1000 / 7 142.8571 142 Result: Drop chance is 1 in 142 kills. If the reaper modifier is 0 (a non-DE weapon without the Reaper enchant) there is 0 chance of getting a soul. Some other mods not focused around Draconic Evolution may implement the reaper modifier on their weapons, but as of the time of writing this, I do not know of any that do. The main use for a mob soul is setting the spawn type for a Stabilized spawner. However, they can also be used to spawn their respective entity by holding shift and right-clicking on a block with a soul. Doing this consumes the soul. §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%,top_pad:0} §recipe[draconicevolution:mob_soul]{spacing:2}