#priority -9998 import crafttweaker.item.IIngredient; import crafttweaker.item.IItemDefinition; import crafttweaker.item.IItemStack; import crafttweaker.liquid.ILiquidDefinition; import crafttweaker.liquid.ILiquidStack; import crafttweaker.mods.IMod; import crafttweaker.oredict.IOreDict; import crafttweaker.oredict.IOreDictEntry; /* Hide all of AE2's facades (can still be crafted, just hiding from JEI) */ val ae2 as IMod = loadedMods["appliedenergistics2"]; if(!isNull(ae2)) { val ae2Items as IItemStack[] = ae2.items; for item in ae2Items { if(item.displayName has "Cable Facade") { if(item.displayName has "Block of Neutronium") { item.addTooltip(format.darkAqua("Facades can be crafted from most blocks, but are hidden from JEI to reduce clutter")); } else { mods.jei.JEI.hide(item); } } } } //Adding a tooltop to the GTCEu facade .withTag({Facade: {id: "minecraft:stone", Count: 1 as byte, Damage: 0 as short}}).addTooltip(format.darkAqua("GTCEu Cable facades can be made from most non-tile-entites, and craft into different amounts based on the metal used."));