{ // Allow the creation of backups automatically "enabled": true, // Permission level to use the /backup command "command_permission_level": 3, // Only send backup status to server ops "notify_op_only": true, // Don't send backup status at all "do_not_notify": false, // Maximum number of backups to keep "max_backups": 10, /* This is done with Javas implementation of cron, More info here (https://www.cronmaker.com) */ "backup_cron": "0 */30 * * * ?", // Time between manual backups using the command "manual_backups_time": 0, // Only run a backup if a player has been online since the last backup "only_if_players_been_online": true, // Additional directories to include in backup "additional_directories": [], // Display file size in backup message "display_file_size": false, // backup location "backup_location": "." }