§align:center ###### §nLimited Item Filter§n §stack[enderio:item_limited_item_filter]{size:18,enable_tooltip:false} §align:left The Limited Item Filter allows you to filter based on the number of items in the source or target inventory. You can set the number of items by clicking an item stack of the right size into the filter slot or adjusting the filter slot with the mouse wheel. When used on the extraction side: The configured number specifies how much should be left behind *per slot*. When used on the insertion side: The configured number specifies how much should be inserted at most for the *whole inventory*. It also supports most of the options of the §link[enderio:basic_item_filter_advanced]{alt_text:"Advanced Item Filter"}. §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%,top_pad:0} §recipe[enderio:item_limited_item_filter]{spacing:4}