# Configuration file crafting { # Should the recipe for the automatic-upgrade (disenchantment table) be available? B:EnableAutomaticTableUpgradeRecipe=false # Should the recipe for the bulk-disenchanting-upgrade (disenchantment table) be available? B:EnableBulkDisenchantingTableUpgradeRecipe=false # Should the recipe for upgrading the capacity (jar of experience) be available? B:EnableCapacityJarUpgradeRecipe=false # Should the recipe for clearing all upgrades from a jar of experience be available? B:EnableClearJarRecipe=false # Should the recipe for clearing all upgrades from a disenchantment table be available? B:EnableClearTableRecipe=false # Should the recipe for the cycling-upgrade (disenchantment table) be available? B:EnableCyclingTableUpgradeRecipe=false # Should the recipe for the normal disenchantment table be available? B:EnableDisenchantmentTableRecipe=true # Should the recipe for the jar of experience be available? B:EnableJarRecipe=false # Should the recipe for the overload-upgrade (jar of experience) be available? B:EnableOverloadJarUpgradeRecipe=false # Should the recipe for the voiding-upgrade (disenchantment table) be available? B:EnableVoidingTableUpgradeRecipe=false } disenchanting { # How many ticks should the disenchanting process last when using an automatic disenchantment table? # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 I:AutomaticDisenchantingProcessTicks=100 # How many ticks should the cycling disenchantment table wait before switching to a new enchantment? # Min: 1 # Max: 2147483647 I:CyclingDisenchantingTicks=60 # Should non-damageable items like books be destroyed when disenchanted? B:DestroyNonDamageableItems=true # Should curse-enchantments -like curse of vanishing- be ignored when disenchanting? B:DisableCurses=false # Which enchantments should be ignored when disenchanting? # Entries are of the format `modid:enchantid`; for example minecraft:bane_of_arthropods # Java Regex can be used with a `[r]`-prefix; for example [r]minecraft:.* to ban all vanilla enchantments. S:DisabledEnchantments < > # Which items should not be disenchantable? # Entries are of the format `modid:itemid`; for example minecraft:dirt # Java Regex can be used with a `[r]`-prefix; for example [r]minecraft:.* to ban all vanilla items. S:DisabledItems < > # Should items from Tinkers Construct be handled differently? # Enchantments will not be able to be removed from these items. B:EnableTCBehaviour=true # What should the probability be that an enchantment is lost when disenchanting? # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:EnchantmentLossChance=0.0 # How much flat damage should be dealt to items when disenchanting? I:FlatDamage=10000 # When converting an enchantment to XP, a flat amount of experience points will be added. # What should that amount be? I:FlatExperience=0 # By how much should the damage be multiplied when using an automatic disenchantment table? D:MachineDamageMultiplier=2.5 # How much of the item's maximum durability should be dealt as damage to items when disenchanting? D:MaxDurabilityDamage=0.025 # How much of the item's maximum durability should be dealt as reducible damage to items when disenchanting? # This can be reduced by surrounding the disenchantment table with blocks that increase the enchanting level for the enchanting table (e.g. bookshelves). D:MaxDurabilityDamageReducible=0.2 # When converting an enchantment to XP, experience points relative to the enchantment's maximum enchantability will be added. # What percentage of the enchantability should be used? D:MaxEnchantabilityExperience=0.15 # When converting an enchantment to XP, experience points relative to the enchantment's minimum enchantability will be added. # What percentage of the enchantability should be used? D:MinEnchantabilityExperience=0.33 # When converting an enchantment to XP, experience points relative to the enchantment's enchantability will be added. # Additionally a percentage of these experience points will be multiplied by the power and added to the total. # The power can be raised up to 15 by surrounding the disenchantment table with blocks that increase the enchanting level for the enchanting table (e.g. bookshelves). # What percentage of the enchantability should be used? D:PowerEnchantabilityExperienceMultiplier=0.008 # When converting an enchantment to XP, an amount of experience points multiplied by the power will be added. # The power can be raised up to 15 by surrounding the disenchantment table with blocks that increase the enchanting level for the enchanting table (e.g. bookshelves). # What should that amount be? D:PowerExperience=0.0 # By how much should the repair cost of the item (f.e. used by anvils) be multiplied when disenchanting? # 0.5 is halving the repair cost (using an anvil doubles the repair cost); 1.0 leaves the cost unchanged. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 D:RepairCostMultiplier=1.0 } experience_jar { # How many experience points should the jar of experience store at most by default? # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 I:JarDefaultExperienceCapacity=1024 # Should disenchanting be only possible with the jar of experience (as opposed to books)? B:JarDisenchantingOnly=false # By how many experience points should the capacity be changed when upgrading a jar of experience? I:JarUpgradeCapacityChange=512 # What should be the maximal capacity of experience points obtainable via upgrades be for the jar of experience? # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 I:JarUpgradeMaxCapacity=2048 # Should players be able to manually extract experience points from the jar of experience by drinking from it? B:PlayerCanExtractXPFromJar=true # Should players be able to manually insert experience points into the jar of experience by punching while sneaking? B:PlayerCanInsertXPIntoJar=true } visual { # Should the book above the disenchantment table be flipped upside-down? B:BookRendererFlipped=true # Should the book above the disenchantment table be completely hidden? B:BookRendererHidden=false # How should the book be positioned above the disenchantment table compared to the regular enchanting table? # 0.0 is the same as the enchanting table. # You will probably want to set this to about 0.1, if you want to disable BookRendererFlipped. D:BookRendererYOffset=0.4 # What color should be used for additional descriptions (f.e. list of table upgrades) shown in the GUI of a disenchantment table? I:DescriptionInGUIColor=11184810 # Should the different upgrades of a disenchantment table be listed when viewing the GUI of said table? B:ShowUpgradesInGUI=true }