# Configuration file general { # A list of attributes which are bad to have, for render color purposes S:"Negative Attributes" < > # Overrides for render modes when previewing AW skins on items # Syntax is... # Slotting, Channel@Mode, Channel@Mode, etc # Valid entries for 'Slotting' can be found in config/fantasticlib/reference/slottings.txt # Valid channels and modes depend on the AW skins on the server (ask server admin) # Eg. if Tiamat Inventory is installed and a server has valid shoulder skins for it... # Tiamat Shoulders, ShoulderL@On, ShoulderR@On, ShoulderLControl@On, ShoulderRControl@On S:"Preview Render Mode Overrides" < > # Multiplies tooltip render size by this amount D:"Tooltip Scaling"=1.0 # If enabled, runs some code to reset certain openGL settings after each entity renders # Only use this if you need it to fix a graphical issue B:"Use Entity Render Fixer"=false # If enabled, runs some code to synchronize inventory to client when it changes server-side B:"Use Inventory Desync Fixer"=false "gui settings" { # Whether zooming in/out focuses on the mouse position or not in a zoomable GUI view (if not, center of view is used instead) # Whichever mode is *NOT* the default can be accessed by holding the ctrl key while using zoom controls B:"Focus Zoom on Mouse by Default"=true # Which mouse button pans the view in a pannable GUI view (hold and drag) # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 I:"Pan (Mouse Button)"=2 # The scaling for each applicable GUI. # Applicable GUIs should show up here automatically if they've been accessed at least once. S:"Per-GUI Scaling" < com.fantasticsource.setbonus.client.BonusScreen, 1 > # Which mouse button resets the zoom level in a zoomable GUI view (click) # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 I:"Reset Zoom (Mouse Button)"=2 # How fast zoomable views zoom # Min: 1.1 # Max: 4.0 D:"Zoom Rate"=1.2 } "raytrace settings" { # Syntax is... # domain:name:meta, transparent # # Eg... # minecraft:stone:0, false S:"1. Blockstate Filter" < > # Syntax is... # domain:name, transparent # # Eg... # minecraft:glass, true S:"2. Block Filter" < > # Syntax is... # package.package.ClassName, transparent # # Eg... # net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs, false S:"3. Block Superclass Filter (Advanced)" < > # Syntax is... # material, transparent # # Eg... # air, true # # Vanilla types: # air, grass, ground, wood, rock, iron, anvil, water, lava, leaves, plants, vine, sponge, cloth, fire, sand, circuits, carpet, glass, redstone_light, tnt, coral, ice, packed_ice, snow, crafted_snow, cactus, clay, gourd, dragon_egg, portal, cake, web, piston, barrier, structure_void S:"4. Material Filter" < > } }