# Configuration file asm { B:biblocraftRecipes=true # Enable Glease's ASM patch to disable unused CoFH tileentity cache B:cofhWorldTransformer=true # Enable pollution rendering ASM B:pollutionAsm=false # Speedup progressbar B:speedupProgressBar=true # If using Bukkit/Thermos, the CraftServer package. S:thermosCraftServerClass=org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_7_R4.CraftServer } debug { # Prints debug log if DimensionManager got crashed B:dimensionManagerDebug=true # Enable GL state debug hooks. Will not do anything useful unless mode is changed to nonzero. B:renderDebug=true # Default GL state debug mode. 0 - off, 1 - reduced, 2 - full I:renderDebugMode=0 } fixes { # Removes duplicate Fermenter and Squeezer recipes and flower registration B:deduplicateForestryCompatInBOP=true # Disable Witchery potion extender for Java 12 compat B:disableWitcheryPotionExtender=true # Safely enlarge the potion array before other mods B:enlargePotionArray=true # Fix Biblocraft packet exploits B:fixBibliocraftPackets=true # Fixes the debug hitbox of the player beeing offset B:fixDebugBoundingBox=true # Fix losing bonus hearts on dimension change B:fixDimensionChangeHearts=true # Fix deleting stack when eating mushroom stew B:fixEatingStackedStew=true # Fix enchantment levels not displaying properly above a certain value B:fixEnchantmentNumerals=true # Fixes rendering issues with transparent items from extra utilities B:fixExtraUtilitiesItemRendering=true # Fix dupe bug with division sigil removing enchantment B:fixExtraUtilitiesUnEnchanting=true # Fix fence connections with other types of fence B:fixFenceConnections=true # Fix vanilla fire spread sometimes cause NPE on thermos B:fixFireSpread=true # Replace recursion with iteration in FontRenderer line wrapping code B:fixFontRendererLinewrapRecursion=true # Fix vanilla issue where player sounds register as animal sounds B:fixFriendlyCreatureSounds=true # Fix vanilla light calculation sometimes cause NPE on thermos B:fixGetBlockLightValue=true # Fix vanilla GL state bugs causing lighting glitches in various perspectives (MC-10135). B:fixGlStateBugs=true # Fix Game Over GUI buttons disabled if switching fullscreen B:fixGuiGameOver=true # Fix arm not swinging when having too much haste B:fixHasteArmSwing=true # Fix vanilla hopper hit box B:fixHopperHitBox=true # Fix Drawer + Hopper voiding items B:fixHopperVoidingItems=true # Fix oversized chat message kicking player. B:fixHugeChatKick=true # Fix hunger overhaul low stat effects B:fixHungerOverhaul=true # Fix some items restore 0 hunger B:fixHungerOverhaulRestore0Hunger=true # Fix IC2's direct inventory access B:fixIc2DirectInventoryAccess=true # Fix IC2 armors to avoid giving poison B:fixIc2Hazmat=true # Prevent IC2's nightvision from blinding you B:fixIc2Nightvision=true # Fix IC2's reactor dupe B:fixIc2ReactorDupe=true # Fixes various unchecked IC2 getBlock() methods B:fixIc2UnprotectedGetBlock=true # Fix Axis aligned Bounding Box of Ignis Fruit B:fixIgnisFruitAABB=true # Fix the bug that makes fireballs stop moving when chunk unloads B:fixImmobileFireballs=true # Prevents journeymap from using illegal character in file paths B:fixJourneymapFilePath=true # Fix jumpy scrolling in the waypoint manager screen B:fixJourneymapJumpyScrolling=true # Prevent unbinded keybinds from triggering when pressing certain keys B:fixJourneymapKeybinds=true # If fancy graphics are enabled, Nether Leaves render sides with other Nether Leaves adjacent too B:fixNetherLeavesFaceRendering=true # Fix northwest bias on RandomPositionGenerator B:fixNorthWestBias=true # Forces the chunk loading option from optifine to default since other values can crash the game B:fixOptifineChunkLoadingCrash=true # Prevent tall grass and such to affect the perspective camera B:fixPerspectiveCamera=true # Properly display level of potion effects in the inventory and on tooltips B:fixPotionEffectNumerals=true # Fix crashes with ConcurrentModificationException because of incorrectly iterating over active potions B:fixPotionIterating=true # Fix potions >= 128 B:fixPotionLimit=true # Fix game window becoming not resizable after toggling fullscrean in any way B:fixResizableFullscreen=true # Fix resource pack folder not opening on Windows if file path has a space B:fixResourcePackOpening=true # Fix Thaumcraft Aspects being sorted by tag instead of by name B:fixThaumcraftAspectSorting=true # Fix time commands with GC B:fixTimeCommandWithGC=true # Fix exiting fullscreen when you tab out of the game B:fixUnfocusedFullscreen=true # Fix URISyntaxException in forge. B:fixUrlDetection=true # Fixes various unchecked vanilla getBlock() methods B:fixVanillaUnprotectedGetBlock=true # Fixes village unchecked getBlock() calls B:fixVillageUncheckedGetBlock=true # Fix unprotected getBlock() in World B:fixWorldGetBlock=true # Fix WorldServer leaking entities when no players are present in a dimension B:fixWorldServerLeakingUnloadedEntities=true # Fix scrolling in the world map screen B:fixXaerosWorldMapScrolling=true # Fix ZTones packet exploits B:fixZTonesPackets=true # Stacks picked up per tick I:itemStacksPickedUpPerTick=36 # BiomesOPlenty Java 12 compatibility patches. B:java12BopCompat=true # Immersive Engineering Java 12 compatibility patch B:java12ImmersiveEngineeringCompat=true # Log oversized chat message to console. WARNING: might create huge log files if this happens very often. B:logHugeChat=true # Optimize inventory access to IC2 nuclear reactor B:optimizeIc2ReactorInventoryAccess=true # Fix too early light initialization B:optimizeWorldUpdateLight=true # Remove old/stale/outdated update checks. B:removeUpdateChecks=true # Drastically speedup animated textures (Basically the same as with optifine animations off but animations are working) B:speedupAnimations=true # Stop "You can only sleep at night" message filling the chat B:squashBedErrorMessage=true # Limits the amount of times the ItemPickupEvent triggers per tick since it can lead to a lot of lag B:throttleItemPickupEvent=true # Triggers all conflicting key bindings on key press instead of a random one B:triggerAllConflictingKeybindings=true } pollution { # Pollution Amount for Advanced Coke Ovens I:advancedCokeOvenPollution=80 # Pollution Amount for Coke Ovens I:cokeOvenPollution=3 # Explosion pollution D:explosionPollution=33.34 # Pollution Amount for RC Firebox I:fireboxPollution=15 # Furnace pollution per second, min 1! I:furnacePollution=20 # Make furnaces Pollute B:furnacesPollute=true # Pollution Amount for hobbyist steam engine I:hobbyistEnginePollution=20 # Make Railcraft Pollute B:railcraftPollutes=true # Pollution Amount for Rockets I:rocketPollution=1000 # Make rockets Pollute B:rocketsPollute=true # Pollution Amount for tunnel bore I:tunnelBorePollution=2 } ########################################################################################################## # pollution_recolor #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Blocks that should be colored by pollution. # Grouped by the render type. # Format: [BlockClass]:[colortype] # Valid types: GRASS, LEAVES, FLOWER, LIQUID # Add [-] first to blacklist. ########################################################################################################## pollution_recolor { S:renderBlockDoublePlant < net.minecraft.block.BlockDoublePlant:FLOWER > S:renderBlockLiquid < net.minecraft.block.BlockLiquid:LIQUID > S:renderCrossedSquares < net.minecraft.block.BlockTallGrass:FLOWER net.minecraft.block.BlockFlower:FLOWER biomesoplenty.common.blocks.BlockBOPFlower:FLOWER biomesoplenty.common.blocks.BlockBOPFlower2:FLOWER biomesoplenty.common.blocks.BlockBOPFoliage:FLOWER > S:renderStandardBlock < net.minecraft.block.BlockGrass:GRASS net.minecraft.block.BlockLeavesBase:LEAVES biomesoplenty.common.blocks.BlockOriginGrass:GRASS biomesoplenty.common.blocks.BlockLongGrass:GRASS biomesoplenty.common.blocks.BlockNewGrass:GRASS tconstruct.blocks.slime.SlimeGrass:GRASS thaumcraft.common.blocks.BlockMagicalLeaves:LEAVES > S:renderblockVine < net.minecraft.block.BlockVine:FLOWER > } speedups { # Optimize ASMDataTable getAnnotationsFor for faster startup B:optimizeASMDataTable=true # Optimize texture loading B:optimizeTextureLoading=true # Optimize tileEntity removal in World.class B:optimizeTileentityRemoval=true # Speedup biome fog rendering in BiomesOPlenty B:speedupBOPFogHandling=true # Speedup ChunkCoordinates hashCode B:speedupChunkCoordinatesHashCode=true # Speedup Vanilla Furnace recipe lookup B:speedupVanillaFurnace=true # Sets TCP_NODELAY to true, reducing network latency in multiplayer. Works on server as well as client. From makamys/CoreTweaks B:tcpNoDelay=true } tweaks { # Add CV support to Thaumcraft wand recharge pedestal B:addCVSupportToWandPedestal=true # Adds system info to the F3 overlay (Java version and vendor; GPU name; OpenGL version; CPU cores; OS name, version and architecture) B:addSystemInfo=true # Add a debug message in the chat when toggling vanilla debug options B:addToggleDebugMessage=true # Uses arabic numbers for enchantment levels and potion amplifier levels instead of roman numbers B:arabicNumbersForEnchantsPotions=false # Moves the sprint keybind to the movement category B:changeSprintCategory=true # Amount of chat lines kept [100(Vanilla) - 32767] I:chatLength=8191 # Specify default LAN port to open an integrated server on. Set to 0 to always open the server on an automatically allocated port. I:defaultLanPort=25565 # Disables the spawn of zombie aid when zombie is killed by Extra Utilities Spikes, since it can spawn them too far. B:disableAidSpawnByXUSpikes=true # Display fluid localized name in IC2 fluid cell tooltip B:displayIc2FluidLocalizedName=true # Drop picked loot on entity despawn B:dropPickedLootOnDespawn=true # Open an integrated server on a static port. B:enableDefaultLanPort=true # Use CMD key on MacOS to COPY / INSERT / SELECT in text fields (Chat, NEI, Server IP etc.) B:enableMacosCmdShortcuts=true # Shows renderer's impact on FPS in vanilla lagometer B:enableTileRendererProfiler=true # Fix Project Red components popping off on unloaded chunks B:fixComponentsPoppingOff=false # Fix hotbars being dark when Project Red is installed B:fixHudLightingGlitch=false # Fix vanilla potion effects rendering above the NEI tooltips in the inventory B:fixPotionEffectRender=true # Prevents the inventory from shifting when the player has active potion effects B:fixPotionRenderOffset=true # Stops rendering the crosshair when you are playing in third person B:hideCrosshairInThirdPerson=true # Prevent IC2's reactor's coolant slots from being accessed by automations if not a fluid reactor B:hideIc2ReactorSlots=true # Stops rendering potion particles from yourself B:hidePotionParticlesFromSelf=true # IC2 seed max stack size I:ic2SeedMaxStackSize=64 # Increase particle limit B:increaseParticleLimit=true # Wake up passive & personal anchors on player login B:installAnchorAlarm=true # Makes the chat history longer instead of 100 lines B:longerChat=true # Allow 5 Fir Sapling planted together ('+' shape) to grow to a big fir tree B:makeBigFirsPlantable=true # Particle limit [4000-16000] I:particleLimit=8000 # Prevent monsters from picking up loot. B:preventPickupLoot=true # Stop playing a sound when spawning a minecart in the world B:removeSpawningMinecartSound=true # Implement container for thirsty tank B:thirstyTankContainer=true # Doesn't render the black box behind messages when the chat is closed B:transparentChat=true # Unbinds keybinds of certain ARR mods to avoid keybinds conflicts B:unbindKeybindsByDefault=true }