# Configuration file Command { clearblocks { # Adjust this value to change the default permission level for the clearblocks command. [range: -1 ~ 4, default: 3] I:PermissionLevel=3 } countblocks { # Adjust this value to change the default permission level for the countblocks command. [range: -1 ~ 4, default: 3] I:PermissionLevel=3 } enchant { # Adjust this value to change the default permission level for the enchant command. [range: -1 ~ 4, default: 2] I:PermissionLevel=2 } hand { # Adjust this value to change the default permission level for the hand command. [range: -1 ~ 4, default: 0] I:PermissionLevel=0 } killall { # Adjust this value to change the default permission level for the killall command. [range: -1 ~ 4, default: 2] I:PermissionLevel=2 } replaceblocks { # Adjust this value to change the default permission level for the replaceblocks command. [range: -1 ~ 4, default: 3] I:PermissionLevel=3 } tps { # Adjust this value to change the default permission level for the tps command. [range: -1 ~ 4, default: 0] I:PermissionLevel=0 } tpx { # Adjust this value to change the default permission level for the tpx command. [range: -1 ~ 4, default: 2] I:PermissionLevel=2 } unloadchunk { # Adjust this value to change the default permission level for the unloadchunk command. [range: -1 ~ 4, default: 4] I:PermissionLevel=4 } } Enchantment { # If TRUE, CoFH Enchantments will be disabled and NOT REGISTERED. Only do this if you fully understand the consequences. World backup is recommended. [default: false] B:DisableAllEnchantments=false # If TRUE, the Holding Enchantment is available for various Storage Items. [default: true] B:EnableHoldingEnchant=true # If TRUE, the Insight Enchantment is available for various Tools and Weapons. [default: true] B:EnableInsightEnchant=true # If TRUE, the Leech Enchantment is available for various Weapons. [default: true] B:EnableLeechEnchant=true # If TRUE, the Multishot Enchantment is available for various Bows. [default: true] B:EnableMultishotEnchant=true # If TRUE, the Smashing Enchantment is available for various Tools. [default: true] B:EnableSmashingEnchant=true # If TRUE, the Smelting Enchantment is available for various Tools. [default: true] B:EnableSmeltingEnchant=true # If TRUE, the Soulbound Enchantment is available. [default: true] B:EnableSoulboundEnchant=true # If TRUE, the Vorpal Enchantment is available for various Weapons. [default: true] B:EnableVorpalEnchant=true # If TRUE, the Soulbound Enchantment is permanent. [default: false] B:PermanentSoulboundEnchant=false } General { # If TRUE, a log message is generated when a block is dismantled. [default: false] B:EnableDismantleLogging=false # If TRUE, death messages are displayed for any named entity. [default: true] B:EnableGenericDeathMessage=true # Adjust this value to change the render update delay for most CoFH tiles. You should really only mess with this if you know what you're doing. This is a server-wide setting. [range: 80 ~ 1600, default: 160] I:TileUpdateDelay=160 } Holidays { # If TRUE, Christmas cheer is disabled. Scrooge. :( [default: false] B:HoHoNo=false # If TRUE, April Foolishness is disabled. Boring! :P [default: false] B:IHateApril=false } Potion { # If TRUE, CoFH Potions will be disabled and NOT REGISTERED. Only do this if you fully understand the consequences. World backup is recommended. [default: false] B:DisableAllPotions=true } Security { # If TRUE, Server Ops can access "secure" blocks. Your players will be warned upon server connection. [default: false] B:OpsCanAccessSecureBlocks=false } Version { S:Identifier=4.6.6 }