# Configuration file balancing { # Enabling this will cancel any structure generation if another structure is present at the cooridnate already. [default: true] B:avoidOverlappingGeneration=true # Chance to use the customArtifactTag when an artifact generation tag fires. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.0] S:customArtifactChance=0.0 # Custom Loot Table to override when an artifact generation tag fires. [default: ] S:customArtifactTag= # Chance to use the customArtifactTag when a book generation tag fires. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.0] S:customBookChance=0.0 # Custom Loot Table to override when a book generation tag fires. [default: ] S:customBookTag= # Enable hacks for a few decoration types. Disabling this may fix problems but will deactivate ReC overriding those types of structures. [default: true] B:decorationHacks=true # Resource Expression that will restrict logging of structures that fail to generate. [default: ] S:failingStructureLogExpression= # Whether the nature (e.g. trees, mushrooms) added by the mod should be actively generating. [default: true] B:generateNature=false # Global toggles that can be used in expressions. You can also add your own. Ex: 'treeLeavesDecay: true'. [default: [treeLeavesDecay: true]] S:globalToggles < treeLeavesDecay: true > # If disabled, Recurrent Complex will generate structures in worlds without the structure generation option. [default: true] B:honorStructureGenerationOption=true # Resource Expression that will be applied to each loading loot table, determining if it should be set to 'active'. [default: ] S:inventoryGeneratorGenerationMatcher= # Resource Expression that will be applied to each loading loot table, determining if it should be loaded. [default: ] S:inventoryGeneratorLoadMatcher= # Maximum number of reverses per room the maze generator can do. A higher number results in a better generation success rate, but may freeze the server temporarily. [range: -1.0 ~ 100.0, default: 3.0] S:mazePlacementReversesPerRoom=0.0 # Maze generation timeout, in milliseconds. After the time is over, the maze generation will just give up. [range: -1 ~ 600000, default: 20000] I:mazeTimeout=20000 # Within this block radius, default structures won't spawn (in the main dimension). [range: 0.0 ~ 500.0, default: 30.0] S:minDistToSpawnForGeneration=30.0 # List of spawn chance tweaks to structures: IceThorn:0.5 [default: ] S:spawnTweaks < > # Resource Expression that will be applied to each loading structure, determining if it should be set to 'active'. [default: ] S:structureGenerationMatcher= # Resource Expression that will be applied to each loading structure, determining if it should be loaded. [default: ] S:structureLoadMatcher= # How often do structures spawn? [range: 0.0 ~ 10.0, default: 1.0] S:structureSpawnChance=0.8 # Biome Expression that will be checked for every single structure. Use this if you want to blacklist / whitelist specific biomes that shouldn't have structures. [default: ] S:universalBiomeMatcher= # Dimension Expression that will be checked for every single structure. Use this if you want to blacklist / whitelist specific dimensions that shouldn't have structures. [default: ] S:universalDimensionMatcher=(id=0) # Transformer preset names that are gonna be applied to every single generating structure. Use this if you need to enforce specific rules (e.g. "don't ever spawn wood blocks" (with a replace transformer). [default: ] S:universalTransformerPresets < > } controls { # The key to be held when you want to make a secondary selection with block selectors [default: ctrl] S:blockSelectorModifierKeys=ctrl } decoration { I:asCommandPermissionLevel=4 # The base weight of RC sapling generation types. The vanilla tree weight is 1 - if you want to fully replace vanilla trees, crank this up to something big. [range: 0.0 ~ 100000.0, default: 0.2] S:baseSaplingSpawnWeight=0.2 # The base weight of RC village generation types. Vanilla average is about 10 - if you want to fully replace vanilla structures in villages, crank this up to something big. [range: 0 ~ 100000, default: 10] I:baseVillageSpawnWeight=10 # The base weight of this decoration type. The vanilla decorator has a weight of 1 - if you want to fully replace vanilla decoration, crank this up to something big. [range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0, default: 0.2] S:baseWeight_big_mushroom=0.2 # The base weight of this decoration type. The vanilla decorator has a weight of 1 - if you want to fully replace vanilla decoration, crank this up to something big. [range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0, default: 0.2] S:baseWeight_cactus=0.2 # The base weight of this decoration type. The vanilla decorator has a weight of 1 - if you want to fully replace vanilla decoration, crank this up to something big. [range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0, default: 0.2] S:baseWeight_desert_well=0.2 # The base weight of this decoration type. The vanilla decorator has a weight of 1 - if you want to fully replace vanilla decoration, crank this up to something big. [range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0, default: 0.2] S:baseWeight_fossil=0.2 # The base weight of this decoration type. The vanilla decorator has a weight of 1 - if you want to fully replace vanilla decoration, crank this up to something big. [range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0, default: 0.2] S:baseWeight_mineshaft=0.2 # The base weight of this decoration type. The vanilla decorator has a weight of 1 - if you want to fully replace vanilla decoration, crank this up to something big. [range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0, default: 0.2] S:baseWeight_nether_bridge=0.2 # The base weight of this decoration type. The vanilla decorator has a weight of 1 - if you want to fully replace vanilla decoration, crank this up to something big. [range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0, default: 0.2] S:baseWeight_ocean_monument=0.2 # The base weight of this decoration type. The vanilla decorator has a weight of 1 - if you want to fully replace vanilla decoration, crank this up to something big. [range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0, default: 0.2] S:baseWeight_scattered_feature=0.2 # The base weight of this decoration type. The vanilla decorator has a weight of 1 - if you want to fully replace vanilla decoration, crank this up to something big. [range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0, default: 0.2] S:baseWeight_stronghold=0.2 # The base weight of this decoration type. The vanilla decorator has a weight of 1 - if you want to fully replace vanilla decoration, crank this up to something big. [range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0, default: 0.2] S:baseWeight_tree=0.2 # The base weight of this decoration type. The vanilla decorator has a weight of 1 - if you want to fully replace vanilla decoration, crank this up to something big. [range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0, default: 0.2] S:baseWeight_village=0.2 # The chance to trigger any special sapling spawns at all. If you want to disable the big trees, set this to 0. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0] S:saplingTriggerChance=1.0 } general { # The required permission level for /#as to function. Set to 2 for command blocks and OPs, 4 for only server, or -1 to disable. Note that this could be a security problem on low levels. [range: -1 ~ 10, default: 4] I:asCommandPermissionLevel=4 # List of Command Expressions determining if a command can be executed. Example: #export:#3 | $Ivorforce [default: ] S:commandMatchers < > # The String that will be prefixed to every command, e.g. '#' -> '/#gen', '#paste' etc. [default: #] S:commandPrefix=# # Enabling this will make the mod register as little as possible, which enables it to be used server-side only. Note that this prevents you from editing or importing structures. [default: false] B:lightweightMode=false # Memorize decoration spawns like trees or mushrooms (for /#whatisthis). Since decoration is so common, it is recommended to use this only for debugging / balancing purposes. [default: false] B:memorizeDecoration=false # Memorize sapling spawns (for /#whatisthis). Since saplings are so common, it is recommended to use this only for debugging / balancing purposes. [default: false] B:memorizeSaplings=false # Disabling this will prevent spawn command blocks from notifying the server admins, as normal commands would. [default: false] B:notifyAdminOnBlockCommands=false # Once per world, post the status of ReC to the admins. [default: true] B:postWorldStatus=true # Whether player caches like the clipboard and previewed operations will be saved and loaded. [default: true] B:savePlayerCache=true S:spawnTweaks < > } visual { # Only show the edges of negative space blocks? (Improves performance in big builds) [default: true] B:hideRedundantNegativeSpace=true }