#ChunkLoader Configuration File #Deleting any element will restore it to it's default value #Block ID's will be automatically generated the first time it's run #Per player chunk limiting. Values ignored if 0.:Simply add <username>=<value> players { #Forge gives everyone 12500 by default DEFAULT=5000 #For server op's only. OP=5000 } #If set to false, players will have to be logged in for their chunkloaders to work.:Simply add <username>=<true|false> allowoffline { DEFAULT=true OP=true } #Set to false to deny a player access to the chunk viewer allowchunkviewer { DEFAULT=true OP=true } #The number of minutes since last login within which chunks from a player will remain active, 0 for infinite. awayTimeout=0 block.id=781 checkUpdates=false #The number of ticks to wait between attempting to unload orphaned chunks cleanuptime=1200 #The maximum number of chunks per chunkloader maxchunks=400 #Enabling this lets OPs alter other player's chunkloaders. WARNING: If you change a chunkloader, you have no idea what may break/explode by not being chunkloaded. op-interact=false #Set to false to disable the automatic reloading of mystcraft dimensions on server restart reload-dimensions=true