{ title: "JFTSMCOHB 3000 V2.1 Elite Gaming Router", x: 1.5d, y: 4.5d, description: "Get's 892 Bumfarts per second", text: [ "Ah yes... Ahh yes... the Jet Force Thermic Spider Monkey Cross-Over Hype Beast 3000 V2.1 (TM)... It's pretty fast I guess.", "", "The Advanced Redstone Interface can send a Redstone signal to up to 9 locations by using a Position Filter.", "", "Shift-Right-Click or Right-Click with your Position Filter to select the block or location you wish to be powered.", "", "Place your Position Filter into the Advanced Player Interface and you're done! Give the Interface some juice with a Lever or Button or a Redstone signal, and watch it power your wildest dreams.", "", "Not really. But uhhh... imagination, yay!" ], tasks: [{ uid: "6e664248", type: "item", items: [{ item: "randomthings:advancedredstoneinterface" }] }], rewards: [{ uid: "532c48fc", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 25L }] }