# Configuration file compatibility { # Forces water to vaporize inside Compact Machines. Used for Forever Stranded: Lost Souls. [default: false] B:doesWaterVaporize=false } internal { # Dimension used for machines. Do not change this unless it is somehow conflicting! [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 144] I:dimensionId=144 # Dimension type used for machines. Do not change this unless it is somehow conflicting! [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 144] I:dimensionTypeId=144 # Whether the interior of all Compact Machines should be chunk loaded always. Otherwise they will only chunkload when the CM itself is chunkloaded. [default: false] B:forceLoadChunks=false S:worldgenChance=1.0E-4 I:worldgenDimensions < 0 > } machines { # Allow players to enter machines with other means than the PSD [default: true] B:allowEnteringWithoutPSD=true # Allow hostile creatures to spawn inside of machines [default: true] B:allowHostileSpawns=true # Allow peaceful creatures to spawn inside of machines [default: true] B:allowPeacefulSpawns=true # Whether players can respawn inside of Compact Machines, i.e. place beds and sleep there [default: true] B:allowRespawning=true # Update the machine view GUI every n ticks. Set to 0 to disable. Lower values decrease performance significantly! [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 20] I:autoUpdateRate=20 # Block players from leaving the Compact Machine they should currently be in [default: true] B:keepPlayersInside=false # Client-side option, might give a performance boost when opening a Machine GUI [default: true] B:renderLivingEntitiesInGUI=true # Client-side option, might give a performance boost when opening a Machine GUI [default: true] B:renderTileEntitiesInGUI=true # How often to try spawning entities inside of machines in ticks [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 1200] I:spawnRate=1200 } miniaturization { # Maximum size the field projectors can cover [range: 5 ~ 20, default: 15] I:maximumCraftingAreaSize=15 # Maximum age in ticks in which an item is valid for acting as a catalyst [range: 20 ~ 2147483647, default: 60] I:maximumCraftingCatalystAge=60 }