{ "defaults": { "__comment": "You can disable defaults by setting these to false. Do *NOT* try to add additional entries here. You can add additional entries in the custom section.", "excompressum:compressed_cobblestone": true, "excompressum:compressed_gravel": true, "excompressum:compressed_sand": true, "ExtraUtils2:CompressedCobblestone": true, "ExtraUtils2:CompressedGravel": true, "ExtraUtils2:CompressedSand": true, "excompressum:compressed_netherrack": true, "excompressum:compressed_end_stone": true, "ExtraUtils2:CompressedNetherrack": true }, "custom": { "__comment": "You can define additional blocks to be hammered by Compressed Hammers here. Use * as a wildcard for metadata. Use prefix ore: in name to query the Ore Dictionary.", "entries": [ { "name": "", "metadata": "*", "rewards": [ { "name": "", "count": 1, "metadata": "0", "chance": 1.0, "luck": 0.0 } ] } ], "example": { "__comment": "This example would allow Obsidian to be hammered into nine diamonds using a Compressed Hammer.", "name": "minecraft:obsidian", "metadata": "0", "rewards": [ { "__comment": "Chance is a floating point value (1.0 equals 100%). Luck is the multiplier that scales the hammers fortune level, applied to the base chance.", "name": "minecraft:diamond", "count": 9, "metadata": 0, "chance": 1.0, "luck": 0.0 } ] } } }