{ title: "Blastoff!", x: 0.0d, y: -9.0d, description: "Press SPACE while on your Rocket to start the Launch sequence, if you get stuck floating a void, log out and log back in. It's advised to have a way other than Rocket to get from Planet to Planet.", dependencies: [ "74150491", "bb9f8d30", "39f14c3e" ], tasks: [{ uid: "00e56e63", type: "observation", title: "Look at a Rocket", icon: "mysticalagriculture:fire_essence", match_type: "entity_id", match: "advancedrocketry:rocket", timer: 40L }], rewards: [{ uid: "65de8ab3", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 100L }] }