import crafttweaker.item.IIngredient; import crafttweaker.item.IItemStack; import crafttweaker.oredict.IOreDictEntry; import mods.gregtech.recipe.RecipeMap; import scripts.common.makeExtremeRecipe5 as makeExtremeRecipe5; import scripts.common.makeExtremeRecipe7 as makeExtremeRecipe7; import scripts.common.makeExtremeRecipe9 as makeExtremeRecipe9; import scripts.common.makeShaped as makeShaped; import scripts.common.makeShapeless3 as makeShapeless3; ///////////// Tier One Space Ship ////////////////// 200 ingots makeShaped("of_tieroneship", , [" G ", "LAL", "TMT"], { G : , L : , A : , T : , M : } ); .addTooltip( format.italic( format.white("Harvests Titanium and other light metals from asteroids in the microverse."))); // Tier 1 Guidance makeShaped("of_t1guidance", , ["GPG", "PCP", "CCC"], { C : , G : , P : } ); // Tier 1 Laser makeShaped("of_t1laser", , [" R ", "QGQ", "QGQ"], { G : , Q : , R : } ); ///////////// Tier Two Space Ship ////////////////// makeExtremeRecipe5(, [" G ", " PAP ", "LBFBL", "PPCPP", " TTT "], { A : , B : , C : , F : , G : , L : , P : , T : } ); .addTooltip( format.white( format.italic("Harvests Tungsten and other heavy metals from asteroids in the microverse."))); ///////////// Tier Three Space Ship ////////////////// makeExtremeRecipe7(, [" G G ", " PPP ", " ABA ", " LPBPL ", "PPFBFPP", "PPPCPPP", " TTT "], { A : , B : , C : , F : , G : , L : , P : , T : } ); // Tier 2 Laser makeExtremeRecipe5(, [" R R ", "GAGAG", "GAGAG", "GBGBG", "QCECQ"], { A : , B : , C : , E : , G : , Q : , R : } ); .addTooltip( format.white( format.italic("Harvests ultra hot metals and gems from Nether microverses."))); // Rocket Engine recipes.remove(); makeShaped("of_ar_advrocketmotor", , [" P ", "PPP", "TTT"], { P : , T : } ); ///////////// Tier Four Space Ship ////////////////// makeExtremeRecipe7(, [" G ", " LWL ", " SAWAS ", " SBWBS ", " SFWFS ", " TDWDT ", " T T "], { A : , B : , D : , F : , G : , L : , S : , T : , W : } ); // Tier 2 Guidance makeShaped("of_t2guidance", , ["AWA", "WCW", "CCC"], { A : , C : , W : } ); ///////////// Tier Five Space Ship ////////////////// makeExtremeRecipe7(, [" G G ", " I I ", " SILIS ", "SSABASS", " IFCFI ", "IIIPIII", " TTT "], { A : , B : , C : , F : , G : , I : , L : , P : , S : , T : } ); ///////////// Tier Six Space Ship ////////////////// makeExtremeRecipe7(, [" LG GL ", "LEE EEL", "EEEEEEE", " EAFAE ", "EBFCFBE", " EPPPE ", " ETTTE "], { A : , B : , C : , E : , F : , G : , L : , P : , T : } ); ///////////// Tier Seven Space Ship ////////////////// makeExtremeRecipe9(, [" L D L ", " DDDGDDD ", "LDDDDDDDL", "DDDDPDDDD", "DDDAEADDD", "DDDDPDDDD", "DDDDDDDDD", "D DDDDD D", "D WW WW D"], { A : , D : , E : , G : , L : , P : , W : } ); makeShaped("of_warpengine", , ["PIP", "ABA", "CDC"], { A : , B : , C : , D : , I : , P : } ); ///////////// Tier Eight Space Ship ////////////////// makeExtremeRecipe9(, [" G C C G ", " WCCLCCW ", " WCIIICW ", "LCIIIIICL", "WCAABAACW", "WCWWIWWCW", "WDCCICCDW", "WMWWIWWMW", " E E "], { A : , B : , C : , D : , E : , G : , I : , L : , M : , W : } ); ///////////// Tier Nine Space Ship ////////////////// makeExtremeRecipe9(, [" Q ", " QQQ ", " QUQ ", " QQAQQ ", " QQQQQQQ ", "QQBQRQBQQ", " QQQCQQQ ", " QQQQQQQ ", "QQ W W QQ"], { A : , B : , C : , Q : , R : , U : , W : } ); makeShaped("of_universalnavigator", , ["ABA", "BCB", "ABA"], { A : , B : , C : } ); .addTooltip("See you later, navigator!")); ///////////// Tier Ten Space Ship ////////////////// makeExtremeRecipe9(, [" N N ", " NUN NUN ", " NNN NNN ", " NNN NNN ", " NCNNNCN ", "PNRN NRNP", "NNNNANNNN", " N NNN N ", "N W W N"], { A : , C : , N : , P : , R : , U : , W : } ); .displayName = "Block of Black Steel"; .displayName = "Block of Black Steel"; .displayName = "Block of Black Steel"; .displayName = "Block of Black Steel"; .displayName = "Block of Black Steel"; .displayName = "Block of Black Steel"; .clearTooltip(); .addTooltip("Block of Black Steel"); .addTooltip( format.gray( format.italic("Omnium Trimmed"))); recipes.removeByRecipeName("avaritia:items/resource/neutron_nugget"); // Quantum Flux makeShaped("of_quantumflux_b", , [" M ", "MDM", " M "], { M : , D : } ); // AA Experience Solidifier recipes.remove(); makeShaped("of_aa_block_xp_solidifier", , ["AAA", "ABA", "AAA"], { A : , B : } ); .addTooltip("Drops from monsters, and can be made in")); .addTooltip("a Fluid Solidifier or Experience Solidifier.")); // Solidified Experience solidifier.recipeBuilder() .fluidInputs([ * 160]) .notConsumable() .outputs() .duration(500).EUt(16).buildAndRegister(); fluid_extractor.recipeBuilder() .inputs() .fluidOutputs( * 160) .duration(80).EUt(32).buildAndRegister(); .addTooltip(format.white( format.italic("Harvests ultra cold materials from the deepest parts of empty space."))); .addTooltip(format.white( format.italic("Harvests strange materials from End microverses."))); .addTooltip(format.italic( format.white("Harvests extremely rare materials from every concievable reality."))); .addTooltip(format.white( format.italic("Hunts Wyrms and End Dragons from the microverse"))); .addTooltip(format.white( format.italic("and returns with parts from their carapaces."))); .addTooltip(format.italic( format.white("Hunts inconcievable monstrosities from beyond the End"))); .addTooltip(format.italic( format.white("and returns with bizzare trinkets."))); .addTooltip(format.italic( format.white("Collapses microverse stars and harvests their delicious neutronium cores."))); .addTooltip(format.italic( format.white("Collapses an entire microverse and harvests it whole."))); .addTooltip(format.italic( format.white("Try to aim for uninhabited ones."))); // Dense Hydrogen makeShaped("of_densehydrogen", , ["HHH", "HHH", "HHH"], { H : } ); // Dense -> Solidified decomposition recipes.addShapeless( * 9, []); // Ultra Dense Hydrogen makeShaped("of_ultradensehydrogen", , ["DDD", "DDD", "DDD"], { D : } ); // Ultra Dense -> Dense decomposition recipes.addShapeless( * 9, []);