{ "name": "Data", "icon": "deepmoblearning:deep_learner", "category": "0_introduction", "sortnum": 2, "pages": [ { "type": "text", "text": "While it's not necessary, it's possible to collect $(item)Data$() about a mob manually. The handheld device that makes that possible is called the $(item)Deep Learner$().$(br2)The $(item)Deep Learner$() is a device that can detect whenever you deliver mortal harm to a mob." }, { "type": "recipelookup", "recipe": "deepmoblearning:deep_learner", "text": "It can turn your encounter with that mob into $(item)Data$() if you have a $(l:0_introduction/2_data_models)Data model$() attached to the $(item)Deep Learner$().$(br2)The $(item)Deep Learner$() Can have 4 attached $(l:0_introduction/2_data_models)Data Models$() at any given time." }, { "type": "spotlight", "item": "deepmoblearning:deep_learner", "text": "If you hold the $(item)Deep Learner$() in your $(item)Mainhand$() or $(item)Offhand$() a HUD will be displayed showing you how much more $(item)Data$() you need before you reach the next $(l:0_introduction/2_data_models)Data Model$() $(item)Tier$()." } ] }