[ { "identifier": "fast_forward", "title": "Fast Forward", "description": "Skip the early game grind by receiving a bag full of items to help get you past early game. This will give you a bag right away and a bag on every new world until sold", "icon": "{id:\"teslacorelib:speed_tier1\",Count:1b,Damage:0s}", "x": 349, "y": 74, "cost": 3, "sellPrice": 1, "parents": [ "bonsai" ], "children": [], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "portalgun", "title": "Now You\u0027re Thinking With Portals", "description": "Unlocks the Portal Gun mod", "icon": "{ForgeCaps:{\"astralsorcery:cap_item_amulet_holder\":{}},id:\"portalgun:item_portalgun\",Count:1b,tag:{lastFired:1b,width:1,channelName:\"Chell\",grabStrength:4,uuid:\"Global\",username:\"Global\",height:2},Damage:0s}", "x": 403, "y": 205, "cost": 1, "sellPrice": 1, "parents": [ "bonsai" ], "children": [], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "pills", "title": "There is No Spoon", "description": "Gives access to edible pills allowing you to turn into a Matter Overdrive Android. You will be able to upgrade your body with a variety of buffs. You will also trade eating food to recharging your batteries", "icon": "{id:\"matteroverdrive:android_pill\",Count:1b,Damage:0s}", "x": 403, "y": 128, "cost": 3, "sellPrice": 1, "parents": [ "bonsai" ], "children": [], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "smeltery", "title": "It Just Smelts My Heart", "description": "Unlocks the blocks needed to build a Tinkers\u0027 Construct Smeltery", "icon": "{id:\"tconstruct:smeltery_controller\",Count:1b,Damage:0s}", "x": 381, "y": 237, "cost": 2, "sellPrice": 1, "parents": [ "bonsai" ], "children": [], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "redmulch", "title": "Red Mulch", "description": "Upgrades Bonsai Growth and Loot Drops Growth Rate: 333% Drop Chance: 240%", "icon": "{id:\"inspirations:mulch\",Count:1b,Damage:5s}", "x": 469, "y": 52, "cost": 6, "sellPrice": 0, "parents": [ "rubymulch" ], "children": [ "blackmulch" ], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "strength_two", "title": "Check Out My Gains", "description": "Grants a permanent Strength 2 Potion effect", "icon": "{id:\"minecraft:splash_potion\",Count:1b,tag:{Potion:\"cofhcore:strength2+\"},Damage:0s}", "x": 81, "y": 173, "cost": 2, "sellPrice": 0, "parents": [ "gate" ], "children": [], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "saturation", "title": "Food Bank", "description": "Grants a permanent Saturation Potion effect", "icon": "{id:\"minecraft:splash_potion\",Count:1b,tag:{Potion:\"cyclicmagic:saturation\"},Damage:0s}", "x": 81, "y": 103, "cost": 2, "sellPrice": 0, "parents": [ "gate" ], "children": [], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "flux_networks", "title": "Weird Flux, but OK", "description": "Unlocks the Flux Networks mod. Allowing wireless transfer of power", "icon": "{id:\"fluxnetworks:fluxplug\",Count:1b,Damage:0s}", "x": 349, "y": 259, "cost": 4, "sellPrice": 2, "parents": [ "bonsai" ], "children": [], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "projecte", "title": "Yes, ProjectE is in the Modpack", "description": "Unlocks the ProjectE mod", "icon": "{ForgeCaps:{\"astralsorcery:cap_item_amulet_holder\":{}},id:\"projecte:item.pe_transmutation_tablet\",Count:1b,Damage:0s}", "x": 311, "y": 267, "cost": 100, "sellPrice": 50, "parents": [ "bonsai" ], "children": [ "projecte_world" ], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "ambermulch", "title": "Amber Mulch", "description": "Upgrades Bonsai Growth and Loot Drops Growth Rate: 200% Drop Chance: 170%", "icon": "{id:\"inspirations:mulch\",Count:1b,Damage:3s}", "x": 425, "y": 96, "cost": 4, "sellPrice": 0, "parents": [ "yellowmulch" ], "children": [ "rubymulch" ], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "purpleslimedirt", "title": "Purple Slime Dirt", "description": "Upgrades Slime Sapling Bonsai Growth and Loot Drops Growth Rate: 400% Drop Chance: 200%", "icon": "{id:\"tconstruct:slime_dirt\",Count:1b,Damage:2s}", "x": 443, "y": 148, "cost": 2, "sellPrice": 0, "parents": [ "blueslimedirt" ], "children": [ "magmaslimedirt" ], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "ironjetpacks", "title": "Rocket Man", "description": "Unlocks the Iron Jetpacks mod allowing flight", "icon": "{ForgeCaps:{\"astralsorcery:cap_item_amulet_holder\":{}},id:\"ironjetpacks:platinum_jetpack\",Count:1b,Damage:0s}", "x": 272, "y": 259, "cost": 4, "sellPrice": 2, "parents": [ "bonsai" ], "children": [], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "fertilesoil", "title": "Fertile Soil", "description": "Upgrades Bonsai Growth and Loot Drops Growth Rate: 117% Drop Chance: 125%", "icon": "{id:\"rustic:fertile_soil\",Count:1b,Damage:0s}", "x": 381, "y": 96, "cost": 1, "sellPrice": 0, "parents": [ "bonsai" ], "children": [ "brownmulch" ], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "brownmulch", "title": "Brown Mulch", "description": "Upgrades Bonsai Growth and Loot Drops Growth Rate: 142% Drop Chance: 125%", "icon": "{id:\"inspirations:mulch\",Count:1b,Damage:1s}", "x": 381, "y": 52, "cost": 2, "sellPrice": 0, "parents": [ "fertilesoil" ], "children": [ "yellowmulch" ], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "regeneration_two", "title": "Bring Me Back 2 Life", "description": "Grants a permanent Regeneration 2 Potion effect", "icon": "{id:\"minecraft:splash_potion\",Count:1b,tag:{Potion:\"minecraft:regeneration\"},Damage:0s}", "x": 105, "y": 68, "cost": 2, "sellPrice": 0, "parents": [ "gate" ], "children": [], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "health_boost", "title": "You Doubled Your Health Calm Down", "description": "Grants a permanent Health Boost 5 Potion effect", "icon": "{id:\"minecraft:lingering_potion\",Count:1b,tag:{Potion:\"cyclicmagic:healthboost\"},Damage:0s}", "x": 48, "y": 156, "cost": 3, "sellPrice": 0, "parents": [ "gate" ], "children": [], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "mega_torch", "title": "Fire it Up!", "description": "Unlocks the Mega Torch mod allowing items to disable mob spawning in an area around the torch", "icon": "{id:\"torchmaster:mega_torch\",Count:1b,Damage:0s}", "x": 240, "y": 237, "cost": 1, "sellPrice": 0, "parents": [ "bonsai" ], "children": [], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "night_vision", "title": "I Can Show You the World", "description": "Grants a permanent Night Vision Potion effect", "icon": "{id:\"minecraft:potion\",Count:1b,tag:{Potion:\"minecraft:night_vision\"},Damage:0s}", "x": 123, "y": 138, "cost": 1, "sellPrice": 0, "parents": [ "gate" ], "children": [], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "haste_two", "title": "Dwarf Mode", "description": "Grants a permanent Haste 2 Potion effect", "icon": "{id:\"minecraft:splash_potion\",Count:1b,tag:{Potion:\"inspirations:strong_haste\"},Damage:0s}", "x": 48, "y": 123, "cost": 2, "sellPrice": 0, "parents": [ "gate" ], "children": [], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "magmaslimedirt", "title": "Magma Slime Dirt", "description": "Upgrades Slime Sapling Bonsai Growth and Loot Drops Growth Rate: 800% Drop Chance: 300%", "icon": "{id:\"tconstruct:slime_dirt\",Count:1b,Damage:3s}", "x": 475, "y": 167, "cost": 3, "sellPrice": 0, "parents": [ "purpleslimedirt" ], "children": [], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "water_breathing", "title": "Fish Moley", "description": "Grants a permanent Water Breathing Potion effect", "icon": "{id:\"minecraft:potion\",Count:1b,tag:{Potion:\"minecraft:water_breathing\"},Damage:0s}", "x": 126, "y": 173, "cost": 1, "sellPrice": 0, "parents": [ "gate" ], "children": [], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "fire_resistance", "title": "Backdraft", "description": "Grants a permanent Fire Resistance Potion effect", "icon": "{id:\"minecraft:potion\",Count:1b,tag:{Potion:\"minecraft:fire_resistance\"},Damage:0s}", "x": 126, "y": 103, "cost": 1, "sellPrice": 0, "parents": [ "gate" ], "children": [], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "mystcraft", "title": "Myst Connections", "description": "Unlocks the Mystcraft mod allowing you to create new, custom dimensions", "icon": "{id:\"mystcraft:page\",Count:1b,tag:{linkpanel:{}},Damage:0s}", "x": 211, "y": 167, "cost": 25, "sellPrice": 10, "parents": [ "bonsai" ], "children": [], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "blackmulch", "title": "Black Mulch", "description": "Upgrades Bonsai Growth and Loot Drops Growth Rate: 500% Drop Chance: 290%", "icon": "{id:\"inspirations:mulch\",Count:1b,Damage:6s}", "x": 513, "y": 52, "cost": 7, "sellPrice": 0, "parents": [ "redmulch" ], "children": [ "bluemulch" ], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "bonsai", "title": "Zen Garden", "description": "Unlocks the Hopper Bonsai to further automate resource collection", "icon": "{id:\"bonsaitrees:bonsaipot\",Count:1b,Damage:1s}", "x": 311, "y": 167, "cost": 1, "sellPrice": 0, "parents": [], "children": [ "portalgun", "pills", "smeltery", "flux_networks", "projecte", "ironjetpacks", "fertilesoil", "mega_torch", "mystcraft", "ore_excavation", "twilightforest", "mob_grinding_utils", "mysticalagriculture", "blueslimedirt", "fast_forward", "open_computers", "parabox_two", "gate" ], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "ore_excavation", "title": "Can You Dig it", "description": "Enables the Ore Excavation mod", "icon": "{ForgeCaps:{\"astralsorcery:cap_item_amulet_holder\":{}},id:\"minecraft:diamond_pickaxe\",Count:1b,Damage:0s}", "x": 268, "y": 175, "cost": 1, "sellPrice": 0, "parents": [ "bonsai" ], "children": [], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "bluemulch", "title": "Blue Mulch", "description": "Upgrades Bonsai Growth and Loot Drops Growth Rate: 1000% Drop Chance: 350%", "icon": "{id:\"inspirations:mulch\",Count:1b,Damage:7s}", "x": 513, "y": 96, "cost": 8, "sellPrice": 0, "parents": [ "blackmulch" ], "children": [], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "mysticalagradditions", "title": "Insanium in the Membranium", "description": "Unlocks the Mystical Agradditions mod furthering Mystical Agriculture mechanics", "icon": "{id:\"mysticalagradditions:insanium\",Count:1b,Damage:0s}", "x": 285, "y": 42, "cost": 20, "sellPrice": 10, "parents": [ "mysticalagriculture" ], "children": [], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "blueslimedirt", "title": "Blue Slime Dirt", "description": "Upgrades Slime Sapling Bonsai Growth and Loot Drops Growth Rate: 200% Drop Chance: 150%", "icon": "{id:\"tconstruct:slime_dirt\",Count:1b,Damage:1s}", "x": 411, "y": 167, "cost": 1, "sellPrice": 0, "parents": [ "bonsai" ], "children": [ "purpleslimedirt" ], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "twilightforest", "title": "Skylight Forest", "description": "Unlocks the Twilight Forest mod set in a void world", "icon": "{id:\"huntingdim:portal\",Count:1b,Damage:0s}", "x": 240, "y": 96, "cost": 4, "sellPrice": 2, "parents": [ "bonsai" ], "children": [], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "rubymulch", "title": "Ruby Mulch", "description": "Upgrades Bonsai Growth and Loot Drops Growth Rate: 250% Drop Chance: 200%", "icon": "{id:\"inspirations:mulch\",Count:1b,Damage:4s}", "x": 469, "y": 96, "cost": 5, "sellPrice": 0, "parents": [ "ambermulch" ], "children": [ "redmulch" ], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "mob_grinding_utils", "title": "You Know What Grinds My Mobs?", "description": "Unlocks the Mob Grinder Utils mod allowing automation for mob farms", "icon": "{id:\"mob_grinding_utils:absorption_upgrade\",Count:1b,Damage:0s}", "x": 272, "y": 74, "cost": 1, "sellPrice": 0, "parents": [ "bonsai" ], "children": [], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "parabox_two", "title": "Parabox^2", "description": "Unlocks the upgraded Parabox. This Parabox will allow 3 Points to be generated at a cost of inserting higher tier items such as Singularities", "icon": "{id:\"parabox:empowered_parabox\",Count:1b,Damage:0s}", "x": 218, "y": 128, "cost": 10, "sellPrice": 0, "parents": [ "bonsai" ], "children": [], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "projecte_world", "title": "Project E Adventure", "description": "Unlocks a new world type in the world creation screen allowing a start with the Project E mod", "icon": "{id:\"projecte:item.pe_matter\",Count:1b,Damage:0s}", "x": 338, "y": 291, "cost": 250, "sellPrice": 125, "parents": [ "projecte" ], "children": [], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "gate", "title": "Gate-O-Rade", "description": "This is a gate.", "icon": "{id:\"minecraft:fence_gate\",Count:1b,Damage:0s}", "x": 167, "y": 138, "cost": 0, "sellPrice": 0, "parents": [ "bonsai" ], "children": [ "saturation", "strength_two", "night_vision", "haste_two", "water_breathing", "regeneration_two", "fire_resistance", "resistance_two", "health_boost" ], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "open_computers", "title": "Age of Information", "description": "Unlocks the Open Computers mod", "icon": "{id:\"opencomputers:case1\",Count:1b,Damage:0s}", "x": 218, "y": 205, "cost": 2, "sellPrice": 1, "parents": [ "bonsai" ], "children": [], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "mysticalagriculture", "title": "Seed No Evil", "description": "Unlocks the Mystical Agriculture mod allowing growing of resources", "icon": "{id:\"mysticalagriculture:crafting\",Count:1b,Damage:4s}", "x": 311, "y": 67, "cost": 50, "sellPrice": 25, "parents": [ "bonsai" ], "children": [ "mysticalagradditions" ], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "resistance_two", "title": "It\u0027s Futile", "description": "Grants a permanent Resistance 2 Potion effect", "icon": "{id:\"minecraft:splash_potion\",Count:1b,tag:{Potion:\"apotheosis:strong_resistance\"},Damage:0s}", "x": 105, "y": 212, "cost": 2, "sellPrice": 0, "parents": [ "gate" ], "children": [], "placed": true }, { "identifier": "yellowmulch", "title": "Yellow Mulch", "description": "Upgrades Bonsai Growth and Loot Drops Growth Rate: 166% Drop Chance: 150%", "icon": "{id:\"inspirations:mulch\",Count:1b,Damage:2s}", "x": 425, "y": 52, "cost": 3, "sellPrice": 0, "parents": [ "brownmulch" ], "children": [ "ambermulch" ], "placed": true } ]