#Name: Tinkers.zs #Author: Feed the Beast and Sunekaer print("Initializing 'Tinkers.zs'..."); //Other Items to be Smelted Down mods.tconstruct.Melting.addRecipe( * 648, , 400); mods.tconstruct.Melting.addRecipe( * 540, , 400); mods.tconstruct.Melting.addRecipe( * 648, , 400); //slimydirt recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ] ]); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ] ]); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ] ]); recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ] ]); //Compressed Block Smelting mods.tconstruct.Melting.addRecipe( * 648, , 350); mods.tconstruct.Melting.addRecipe( * 5832, , 450); mods.tconstruct.Melting.addRecipe( * 52488, , 550); mods.tconstruct.Melting.addRecipe( * 472392, , 650); mods.tconstruct.Melting.addRecipe( * 4251528, , 750); mods.tconstruct.Melting.addRecipe( * 38263752, , 850); //Adds Dirt Melting To smeltery mods.tconstruct.Melting.addRecipe( * 648, , 250); mods.tconstruct.Melting.addRecipe( * 5832, , 350); mods.tconstruct.Melting.addRecipe( * 52488, , 500); mods.tconstruct.Melting.addRecipe( * 472392, , 650); recipes.remove(); recipes.addShaped(.withTag({textureBlock: {id: "minecraft:wooden_slab", Count: 1 as byte, Damage: 0 as short}}), [[, ]]); //mods.tconstruct.Melting.removeRecipe(); mods.tconstruct.Melting.removeRecipe(, ); mods.tconstruct.Melting.addRecipe(* 1296, , 400); mods.tconstruct.Casting.addBasinRecipe(, null, , 1296, false, 200); mods.tconstruct.Casting.addBasinRecipe(, null, , 1296, false, 200); mods.tconstruct.Casting.addBasinRecipe(, null, , 1296, false, 200); mods.tconstruct.Melting.removeRecipe(, ); mods.tconstruct.Melting.addRecipe(* 100, , 400); print("Initialized 'Tinkers.zs'");