§2§lApprentice Blood Orb §0Getting to the next tier of orb takes a few steps in different magic schools to complete First we will want to get our Witchery Alter setup, and start planting well... plants to get that up to at least 2800 magic power. Placing skulls on the alter will also increase the magic power. [alter] We will also need a distillery for this stage of the process: [distillery] Our goal is to get the golden chalk. Follow these recipes to get all the ingredients. and remember that the distiller and golden chalk recipe will require alter power. If you haven't gotten each of the trees in witchery from mutandis at this point, you may want to do that for some of these recipes. [gypsum] [chalk] [goldenchalk] Then with a bit of Thaumcraft: [balanced] [mundis] We can then make our Alchemy Catalyst in Botania: [alchemy] Which in turn will allow us to make our prismatine required for the apprentice blood orb: [pris] [bloodorb2] Now we are well on our way to a larger blood altar.