# Configuration file all { # Amphithere attack strength [range: 1.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 7.0] S:"Amphithere Attack Strength"=7.0 # How fast amphitheres fly. [range: 0.0 ~ 3.0, default: 1.75] S:"Amphithere Flight Speed"=1.75 # Maximum amphithere health [range: 1.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 50.0] S:"Amphithere Max Health"=50.0 # Amphithere spawn weight. Lower = lower chance to spawn [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 5] I:"Amphithere Spawn Weight"=10 # How many ticks it takes while riding an untamed amphithere to tame it. [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 400] I:"Amphithere Tame Time"=400 # How many blocks away can ampitheres detect villagers being hurt. Note that increasing this could cause lag. [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 64] I:"Amphithere Villager Search Length"=64 # True if animals should run away and hide from dragons and other hostile Ice and Fire mobs. [default: true] B:"Animals Fear Dragons"=true # True if riding dragons should make the player take a 3rd person view automatically. [default: true] B:"Auto 3rd person when riding dragon"=true # Blacklist for blocks that dragons are not to break or burn. Ex. "minecraft:sponge" or "rats:rat_crafting_table" [default: ] S:"Blacklisted Blocks from Dragon" < > # If true, then the blacklist will act as a whitelist. [default: false] B:"Blacklisted Blocks from Dragon is a Whitelist"=false # Dragons cannot spawn in these dimensions' IDs I:"Blacklisted Dragon Dimensions" < 0 100 145 2 -2 > # Misc Structures(Cyclops caves, Gorgon temples, etc) cannot spawn in these dimensions' IDs I:"Blacklisted Misc. Structure Dimensions" < -1 1 > I:"Blacklisted Snow Village Dimensions" < 100 0 2 145 146 147 > # True if chickens lay rotten eggs. [default: true] B:"Chickens Lay Rotten Eggs"=false # True if the summon crystal can load chunks to find dragons. [default: true] B:"Chunk Load Summon Crystal"=true # Maximum cockatrice health [range: 1.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 40.0] S:"Cockatrice Health"=40.0 # A double check to see if the game can spawn cockatrices. Higher number = lower chance to spawn. [range: 0 ~ 10000, default: 0] I:"Cockatrice Spawn Check Chance"=3 # Cockatrice spawn weight. Lower = lower chance to spawn [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 4] I:"Cockatrice Spawn Weight"=3 # 1 out of this number chance per 6000 ticks for a chicken to lay a cockatrice egg. [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 30] I:"Cockatrice chicken Search Length"=0 # Whether to display the dragon on the main menu or not [default: true] B:"Custom main menu"=false # How many blocks away can cyclopes detect sheep. Note that increasing this could cause lag. [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 17] I:"Cyclopes Sheep Search Length"=1 # Cyclops attack strength [range: 1.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 15.0] S:"Cyclops Attack Strength"=15.0 # Amount of damage done with cyclops bite attack. [range: 1.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 40.0] S:"Cyclops Bite Strength"=40.0 # Whether or not cyclops can break logs or leaves in their way [default: true] B:"Cyclops Griefing"=true # Maximum cyclops health [range: 1.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 150.0] S:"Cyclops Max Health"=200.0 # How many blocks away does dangerous(dragons, cyclops, etc.) world gen have to generate from spawn [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 200] I:"Dangerous World Gen Distance From Spawn"=200 # Default deathworm attack strength, this is scaled to the worm's particular size [range: 1.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 3.0] S:"Death Worm Base Attack Strength"=3.0 # Default deathworm health, this is scaled to the worm's particular size [range: 1.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 10.0] S:"Death Worm Base Health"=10.0 # A double check to see if the game can spawn death worms. Higher number = lower chance to spawn. [range: 0 ~ 10000, default: 3] I:"Death Worm Spawn Check Chance"=1 # Deathworm spawn weight. Lower = lower chance to spawn [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 2] I:"Death Worm Spawn Weight"=1 # How many blocks away can death worms spot potential prey. Note that increasing this could cause lag [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 64] I:"Death Worm Target Search Length"=32 # True if wild deathworms are allowed to target and attack monsters [default: true] B:"Death Worms Target Monsters"=false # Max dragon attack damage. Attack Damage is scaled to this [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 17] I:"Dragon Attack Damage"=35 # Damage dealt from a successful fire breath attack. Attack Damage is scaled to by age, so a stage 5 dragon will deal 5x as much as this number [range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 2.0] S:"Dragon Attack Damage(Fire breath)"=2.0 # Damage dealt from a successful ice breath attack. Attack Damage is scaled to by age, so a stage 5 dragon will deal 5x as much as this number [range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 2.5] S:"Dragon Attack Damage(Ice breath)"=2.5 # Every interval of this number in ticks, dragon allowed to break blocks. [range: 0 ~ 10000, default: 5] I:"Dragon Block Break Cooldown"=5 # The percentage chance for a block to drop as an item when a dragon breaks it. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.1] S:"Dragon Block Breaking Drop Chance"=0.1 # Ratio of Stone(this number) to Ores in Dragon Caves [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 45] I:"Dragon Cave Ore Ratio"=10000 # 1 out of this number chance per block that gold will generate in dragon lairs. [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 4] I:"Dragon Den Gold Amount"=4 # How long it takes(in ticks) for a dragon egg to hatch [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 7200] I:"Dragon Egg Hatch Time"=7200 # Dragon Flap Noise Distance - Larger number, further away you can hear it [range: 0 ~ 10000, default: 4] I:"Dragon Flap Noise Distance"=4 # Dragon Flute Distance - how many chunks away is the dragon flute effective? [range: 0 ~ 10000, default: 4] I:"Dragon Flute Distance"=4 B:"Dragon GL Error Fix"=false # How far away dragons will detect gold blocks being destroyed or chests being opened [range: 0 ~ 10000, default: 30] I:"Dragon Gold Search Length"=17 # Dragon griefing - 2 is no griefing, 1 is breaking weak blocks, 0 is default [range: 0 ~ 2, default: 0] I:"Dragon Griefing"=0 # Max dragon health. Health is scaled to this [range: 1 ~ 100000, default: 500] I:"Dragon Health"=850 # Every interval of this number in ticks, dragon hunger decreases. [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 3000] I:"Dragon Hunger Tick Rate"=3000 # Enable this if your server is being bombarded with moved wrongly or moved too fast console messages. REQUIRES RESTART! [default: false] B:"Dragon Moved Wrongly Error Fix"=false # How many blocks away can dragons spot potential prey. Note that increasing this could cause lag. [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 128] I:"Dragon Target Search Length"=48 # How many blocks away can dragons wander from their defined "home" position. [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 40] I:"Dragon Wander From Home Distance"=48 # True if dragons can despawn. Note that if this is false there may be SERIOUS lag issues. [default: true] B:"Dragons Despawn"=true # True if dragons can break blocks if they get stuck. Turn this off if your dragons randomly explode. [default: true] B:"Dragons Dig When Stuck"=true # True if dragons can drop their blood on death. [default: true] B:"Dragons Drop Blood"=true # True if dragons can drop their heart on death. [default: true] B:"Dragons Drop Heart"=true # True if dragons can drop their skull on death. [default: true] B:"Dragons Drop Skull"=true # Default armor value of dragonsteel chestplate. [range: 7 ~ 2147483647, default: 12] I:"Dragonsteel Base Armor"=12 # Default durability value of dragonsteel sword. [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 8000] I:"Dragonsteel Base Durability"=8000 # Default attack strength of a dragonsteel sword. [range: 5.0 ~ 2.14748365E9, default: 25.0] S:"Dragonsteel Sword Base Attack Strength"=25.0 # Percentage of critical strike that will disarm with easter egg tinkers material. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.2] S:"Easter Egg Tinkers Tool Disarm chance"=0.2 # Turning this to true simplifies the dragon's pathfinding process, making them dumber when finding a path, but better for servers with many loaded dragons. [default: false] B:"Experimental Dragon path Finder"=true # True if dragons fire/ice charges create secondary explosions that launch blocks everywhere. Turn this to true if you like unfair explosions. Or lag. [default: false] B:"Explosive Dragon Breath"=false # Whether to generate structures or mobs on superflat worlds [default: true] B:"Generate All Structures on Superflat"=true # 1 out of this number chance per chunk for generation [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 180] I:"Generate Dragon Cave Chance"=180 # Whether to generate dragon caves or not [default: true] B:"Generate Dragon Caves"=true # 1 out of this number chance per chunk for generation [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 360] I:"Generate Dragon Roost Chance"=360 # Whether to generate dragon roosts or not [default: true] B:"Generate Dragon Roosts"=true # 1 out of this number chance per chunk for generation [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 300] I:"Generate Dragon Skeleton Chance"=300 # Whether to generate dragon skeletons or not [default: true] B:"Generate Dragon Skeletons"=false # Whether to generate glacier biomes or not [default: true] B:"Generate Glaciers"=false # True if hydra caves are allowed to generate [default: true] B:"Generate Hydra Caves"=true # True if mausoleums are allowed to generate [default: true] B:"Generate Mausoleums"=true # Whether to generate sapphire ore or not [default: true] B:"Generate Sapphire Ore"=false # Whether to generate silver ore or not [default: true] B:"Generate Silver Ore"=false # 1 out of this number chance per chunk for generation [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 100] I:"Generate Snow Village Chance"=50 # Whether to generate snow villages or not [default: true] B:"Generate Snow Villages"=false # Glacier Spawn Weight. Higher number = more common [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 4] I:"Glacier Spawn Weight"=4 # Maximum gorgon health [range: 1.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 100.0] S:"Gorgon Max Health"=220.0 # Hippogryph spawn weight. Lower = lower chance to spawn. [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 2] I:"Hippogryph Spawn Weight"=2 # One out of this number chance per chunk to generate a hydra cave. [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 200] I:"Hydra Caves Gen Chance"=200 # Maximum hydra health [range: 1.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 250.0] S:"Hydra Max Health"=250.0 # A more intelligent dragon pathfinding system, but is also laggier. Turn this on if you think dragons are too stupid. [default: false] B:"Intelligent Dragon Pathfinding"=false # Dread Lich spawn weight. Lower = lower chance to spawn [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 2] I:"Lich Spawn Weight"=2 # Whether to log cascading world gen lag. We hope to fix all cascading lag in the future, but the server console spam is over the top. [default: false] B:"Log Cascading World Gen"=false # One out of this number chance per chunk to generate a mausoleum. [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 1800] I:"Mausoleum Gen Chance"=1800 # How high dragons can fly, in Y height. [range: 100 ~ 2147483647, default: 128] I:"Max Dragon Flight Height"=128 # How high stymphalian birds can fly, in Y height. [range: 10 ~ 2147483647, default: 80] I:"Max Stymphalian Bird Flight Height"=80 # Base Myrmex(worker) attack strength [range: 1.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 3.0] S:"Myrmex Base Attack Strength"=3.0 # One out of this number chance per chunk to generate a myrmex hive. [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 150] I:"Myrmex Colony Gen Chance"=10000 # How many maximum individuals a myrmex colony can have. [range: 10 ~ 10000, default: 80] I:"Myrmex Colony Max Size"=10 # How many ticks it takes for a Myrmex Queen to produce an egg. [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 2500] I:"Myrmex Gestation Length"=10000 # How many ticks it takes for a Myrmex to move from a larva to a pupa, and from a pupa to an adult. [range: 1 ~ 100000, default: 35000] I:"Myrmex Hatch Length"=35000 # Blocks that will not drop as items when broken by a dragon. Ex. "minecraft:chest" or "rats:rat_crafting_table" [default: [minecraft:stone], [minecraft:dirt], [minecraft:grass]] S:"No-Drop Blocks from Dragon Block Breaking" < minecraft:stone minecraft:dirt minecraft:grass > # size of pixie villages [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 5] I:"Pixie Village Size"=5 # True if pixies are allowed to steal from players [default: true] B:"Pixies Steal Items"=false # Default sea serpent attack strength, this is scaled to the sea serpent's particular size [range: 1.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 4.0] S:"Sea Serpent Base Attack Strength"=4.0 # Default sea serpent health, this is scaled to the sea serpent's particular size [range: 1.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 20.0] S:"Sea Serpent Base Health"=20.0 # Whether or not sea serpents can break weak blocks in their way [default: true] B:"Sea Serpent Griefing"=true # Maximum siren health [range: 1.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 50.0] S:"Siren Max Health"=75.0 # how long(in ticks) can a siren use its sing effect on a player, without a cooldown. [range: 100 ~ 24000, default: 12000] I:"Siren Max Sing Time"=12000 # how long(in ticks) a siren has to wait after failing to lure in a player [range: 100 ~ 24000, default: 2000] I:"Siren Time Between Songs"=2000 # True if amphitheres are allowed to spawn [default: true] B:"Spawn Amphitheres"=true # True if cockatrices are allowed to spawn [default: true] B:"Spawn Cockatrices"=false B:"Spawn Cyclopes"=true # True if cyclops caves are allowed to spawn [default: true] B:"Spawn Cyclopes Caves"=true # 1 out of this number chance per chunk for generation [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 170] I:"Spawn Cyclops Cave Chance"=170 I:"Spawn Cyclops Chance"=170 # True if deathworms are allowed to spawn [default: true] B:"Spawn Death Worms"=true # 1 out of this number chance per chunk for generation [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 75] I:"Spawn Gorgon Chance"=75 # True if gorgon temples are allowed to spawn [default: true] B:"Spawn Gorgons"=true # True if hippocampi are allowed to spawn [default: true] B:"Spawn Hippocampus"=true # 1 out of this number chance per chunk for generation [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 70] I:"Spawn Hippocampus Chance"=70 # True if hippogryphs are allowed to spawn [default: true] B:"Spawn Hippogryphs"=true # True if dread liches are allowed to spawn [default: true] B:"Spawn Liches"=true # True if myrmex colonies are allowed to spawn [default: true] B:"Spawn Myrmex"=false # True if pixie villages are allowed to spawn [default: true] B:"Spawn Pixies"=false # 1 out of this number chance per chunk for generation [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 60] I:"Spawn Pixies Chance"=2000 # 1 out of this number chance per chunk for generation [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 200] I:"Spawn Sea Serpent Chance"=200 # True if sea serpents are allowed to spawn [default: true] B:"Spawn Sea Serpents"=true # True if siren islands are allowed to spawn [default: true] B:"Spawn Sirens"=true # 1 out of this number chance per chunk for generation [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 300] I:"Spawn Sirens Chance"=800 # 1 out of this number chance per chunk for generation [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 100] I:"Spawn Stymhphalian Bird Chance"=250 # True if stymphalian birds are allowed to spawn [default: true] B:"Spawn Stymphalian Birds"=true # True if trolls are allowed to spawn [default: true] B:"Spawn Trolls"=true # True if wandering cyclopes are allowed to spawn [default: true] B:"Spawn Wandering Cyclopes"=true # 1 out of this number chance per chunk for generation [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 900] I:"Spawn Wandering Cyclops Chance"=900 # Stymphalian bird feather attack strength. [range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 1.0] S:"Stymphalian Bird Feather Attack Strength"=1.0 # 1/this number chance for a stymphalian feather to turn into an item before despawning. Zero means never. [range: 0 ~ 10000, default: 25] I:"Stymphalian Bird Feather Drop Chance"=25 # How far away stymphalian birds will consider other birds to be in the same flock. [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 40] I:"Stymphalian Bird Flock Length"=40 # How many blocks away can stymphalian birds spot potential prey. Note that increasing this could cause lag. [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 64] I:"Stymphalian Bird Target Search Length"=64 # True if stymphalian birds are allowed to target and attack animals [default: false] B:"Stymphalian Birds Target Animals"=false # True if stymphalian birds can drop items registered in the ore dictionary to ingotCopper, ingotBronze, nuggetCopper, nuggetBronze. [default: true] B:"Stymphalian Birds drop ore dict items"=true # True if tamed dragons can follow the griefing rules. [default: true] B:"Tamed Dragon Griefing"=true # True if tamed dragons go to sleep at night. [default: true] B:"Tamed Dragons Sleep"=true # Troll attack strength [range: 1.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 10.0] S:"Troll Attack Strength"=12.0 # Maximum troll health [range: 1.0 ~ 10000.0, default: 50.0] S:"Troll Max Health"=125.0 # A double check to see if the game can spawn trolls. Higher number = lower chance to spawn. [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 1] I:"Troll Spawn Check Chance"=1 # Troll spawn weight. Lower = lower chance to spawn [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 60] I:"Troll Spawn Weight"=500 # True if trolls are allowed to drop their weapon on death. [default: true] B:"Trolls Drop Weapon"=true # True to make the screen pink when sirens attract players [default: true] B:"Use Siren Shader"=true # Whether to use the vanilla font in the bestiary or not [default: false] B:"Use Vanilla Font"=false # True if villagers should run away and hide from dragons and other hostile Ice and Fire mobs. [default: true] B:"Villagers Fear Dragons"=true # Disable this to remove easter egg with tinkers installed. [default: true] B:Weezer=true # Dragons can only spawn in these dimensions' IDs I:"Whitelisted Dragon Dimensions" < 146 147 > # Misc Structures(Cyclops caves, Gorgon temples, etc) can only spawn in these dimensions' IDs I:"Whitelisted Misc. Structure Dimensions" < 0 > I:"Whitelisted Snow Village Dimensions" < 0 > # How far apart dragon dens, cyclops caves, gorgon temples etc should spawn apart from eachother (this is kept seperate for each type: a dragon roost can still spawn next to a myrmex hive) [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 150] I:"World Gen Distance"=150 # true to use dimensional blacklist, false to use the whitelist. [default: true] B:"use Dimension Blacklist"=false }