# Configuration file ########################################################################################################## # BuildersWand #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Configs for the Wand of the Lazy Builder ########################################################################################################## BuildersWand { # The number of blocks the Lazy Builder's Wand will place each game tick # in the "build modes". Default: 10 (= 200 blocks per second) I:buildersWandBlocksPerTick=10 # Enables the Copy mode functionality in survival mode B:buildersWandEnableCopyMode=true # Enables the Move mode functionality in survival mode B:buildersWandEnableMoveMode=true # Enables the Paste mode functionality in survival mode B:buildersWandEnablePasteMode=true # Enables the Replace 3D mode functionality in survival mode B:buildersWandEnableReplace3DMode=true # Enables the Replace mode functionality in survival mode B:buildersWandEnableReplaceMode=true # Enables the "Stack Area" mode functionality in survival mode B:buildersWandEnableStackMode=true # The alpha value to use for the translucent ghost block rendering mode D:buildersWandGhostBlockAlpha=0.7 # The maximum block hardness of the blocks the wand can break/move in survival mode D:buildersWandMaxBlockHardness=60.0 # The number of blocks to replace per game tick in the Replace mode, default: 2 (= 40 blocks per second) I:buildersWandReplaceBlocksPerTick=2 # Use translucent ghost block rendering instead of opaque B:buildersWandUseTranslucentGhostBlocks=true } ########################################################################################################## # Client #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Client side configs ########################################################################################################## Client { # Prints a chat message when items are bound to a new location B:announceLocationBindingInChat=false # Render the Ruler and Builder's Wand areas/selections also for the items held by other players B:buildersWandAndRulerRenderForOtherPlayers=true # Reverse the sneak behaviour on opening the Handy Bag instead of the regular inventory B:handyBagOpenRequiresSneak=false # Does the block drops teleporting by Ender tools cause particle effects B:useToolParticles=true # Does the block drops teleporting by Ender tools play the sound effect B:useToolSounds=true } ########################################################################################################## # DisableBlocks #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Completely disable blocks (don't register them to the game.) # Note that machines are grouped together and identified by the meta value. You can't disable just a specific meta value. ########################################################################################################## DisableBlocks { B:disableBlockAdjustableStorageUnit=false B:disableBlockBarrel=false B:disableBlockDrawbridge=false B:disableBlockEnderElevator=false # Meta values: 0 = Energy Bridge Resonator; 1 = Energy Bridge Receiver; 2 = Energy Bridge Transmitter B:disableBlockEnergyBridge=false B:disableBlockFloor=false B:disableBlockInserter=false # Info: Machine_0 meta values: 0 = Ender Furnace B:disableBlockMachine_0=false # Info: Machine_1 meta values: 0 = Ender Infuser; 1 = Tool Workstation, 2 = Creation Station B:disableBlockMachine_1=false # Meta values: 0 = Massive Storage Unit, 1 = Massive Storage Bundle B:disableBlockMassiveStorageUnit=false B:disableBlockMolecularExciter=false B:disableBlockPhasing=false B:disableBlockPortal=false B:disableBlockPortalFrame=false B:disableBlockPortalPanel=false B:disableBlockSoundBlock=false # Meta values: 0..2 = Memory Chests, 3..6 = Handy Chests, 7 = Junk Storage Unit B:disableBlockStorage_0=false } ########################################################################################################## # DisableItems #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Completely disable items (don't register them to the game.) # Note that some items are grouped together using the damage value (and/or NBT data) to identify them. # You can't disable a specific damage value only (so that existing items would vanish). ########################################################################################################## DisableItems { B:disableItemBuildersWand=false B:disableItemCraftingPart=false B:disableItemEnderArrow=false B:disableItemEnderBag=false B:disableItemEnderBow=false B:disableItemEnderBucket=false B:disableItemEnderCapacitor=false B:disableItemEnderLasso=false B:disableItemEnderPearl=false B:disableItemEnderPorter=false B:disableItemEnderSword=false B:disableItemEnderTools=false B:disableItemHandyBag=false B:disableItemIceMelter=false B:disableItemInventorySwapper=false B:disableItemLinkCrystal=false B:disableItemLivingManipulator=false B:disableItemMobHarness=false B:disableItemNullifier=false B:disableItemPetContract=false B:disableItemPickupManager=false B:disableItemPortalScaler=false B:disableItemQuickStacker=false B:disableItemRuler=false B:disableItemSyringe=false B:disableItemVoidPickaxe=false } ########################################################################################################## # DisableRecipes #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Disable item recipes ########################################################################################################## DisableRecipes { B:disableRecipeEnderElevator=false } Generic { # How many stacks of storage each Barrel Capacity Upgrade adds I:barrelCapacityUpgradeStacksPer=256 # Inverses the sneak behavior of taking out items from barrels. # When inversed, you take out one item when NOT sneaking. B:barrelInversedSneak=false # How many Barrel Capacity Upgrades can be applied to one barrel I:barrelMaxCapacityUpgrades=64 # Whether or not to render the "fullness bar" on Barrels B:barrelRenderFullnessBar=true # Is the Ender Bow allowed to teleport players (directly or in a 'stack' riding something) B:enderBowAllowPlayers=true # Can the Ender Bow be used in the 'TP Self' mode B:enderBowAllowSelfTP=true # Maximum amount the Ender Bucket can hold, in millibuckets. Default: 16000 mB (= 16 buckets). I:enderBucketCapacity=16000 # Is the Ender Lasso allowed to teleport players (directly or in a 'stack' riding something) B:enderLassoAllowPlayers=true # If true, then the block will drop as item when failing to place (like vanilla falling blocks). # If false, then it will stay in entity form until it's able to place itself. B:fallingBlockDropsAsItemOnPlacementFail=false # Master config to enable calling the stored items' update method in the Handy Bag. # WARNING: Due to how complex the bag's inventory stuff is (due to the bag storing Memory Cards, # which then store the items), using this functionality # might cause lots of NBT data changes in the bag and also considerable network bandwidth usage # when updating the bag's NBT to the clients. So USE WITH CAUTION! B:handyBagEnableItemUpdate=false # The harvest level of tools made from Advanced Ender Alloy (3 = vanilla diamond tool level). I:harvestLevelEnderAlloyAdvanced=3 # The maximum amount of items (per slot) the MSU and MSB can store. Max is 2147483647 I:msuMaxItems=1000000000 # How many blocks to check at most when checking that one portal area is valid I:portalAreaCheckLimit=10000 # How many Portal Frame blocks to check at most I:portalFrameCheckLimit=2000 # How many blocks to check at most when checking portal enclosing loops I:portalLoopCheckLimit=2000 # If true, then the Portal Panel only accepts Portal type Link Crystals. # This allows forcing the Portals to be used in pairs (or rather, that there # must always also be _some_ Portal in the destination location.) B:portalOnlyAllowsPortalTypeLinkCrystals=false # If enabled, then a custom event replaces fetching the block collision boxes for # EntityItems and EntityXPOrbs when they are being pushed out of blocks. # Without this, the Cracked Floor are really derpy and shoot the items and XP # everywhere while they try to fall through the block. # NOTE: This doesn't currently work in 1.11.2+ due to vanilla/Forge changes B:replaceEntityItemCollisionBoxHandling=false # Do items require Ender Charge to operate? (stored in Ender Capacitors) B:useEnderCharge=true } Lists { # A list of blockstates that are not allowed to be picked up # by the Dolly (only effective in survival mode!) # Use a blockstate string, for example: # 'minecraft:gold_block' or 'minecraft:stone[variant=andesite]'. # A block name without properties will match all states, # for example: 'minecraft:stone' # would match smooth stone and all the granite/andesite/diorite # variants that are in the same block. S:dollyBlockBlacklist < > # A list of dimension IDs that should be considered End dimensions, although they may otherwise not seem like it. # This is mainly used for the Energy Bridges, to allow the Transmitters to work in custom End dimensions. S:endDimensions < > # Block types the Ender Bag is NOT allowed to (= doesn't properly) work with. S:enderBagBlackList < > # Target control list type used for Ender Bag. Allowed values: blacklist, whitelist. S:enderBagListType=whitelist # Block types the Ender Bag is allowed to (= should properly) work with. **NOTE** Only some vanilla blocks work properly atm!! S:enderBagWhiteList < minecraft:chest minecraft:dispenser minecraft:dropper minecraft:ender_chest minecraft:furnace minecraft:hopper minecraft:trapped_chest > # A list of blockstates that are valid for the Energy Bridge's Bedrock requirement. # Use a blockstate string, for example: 'minecraft:gold_block' or 'minecraft:stone[variant=andesite]'. # A block name without properties will match all states, for example: 'minecraft:stone' # would match smooth stone and all the granite/andesite/diorite variants that are in the same block. S:energyBridgeBedrockWhitelist < minecraft:bedrock > # List of entity names the LMM is not allowed to store, if 'livingMatterManipulatorListType' is 'blacklist'. S:livingMatterManipulatorBlackList < minecraft:ender_dragon minecraft:wither > # The list type used for the Living Matter Manipulator. Allowed values: blacklist, whitelist. S:livingMatterManipulatorListType=blacklist # List of entity names the LMM is only allowed to store, if 'livingMatterManipulatorListType' is 'whitelist'. S:livingMatterManipulatorWhiteList < > # Entities that are not allowed to be teleported using any methods S:teleportBlackList < minecraft:ender_dragon minecraft:ender_crystal minecraft:wither > } Version { # Internal config file version tracking. DO NOT CHANGE!! I:configFileVersion=6600 }