["Allowed Experience Fluids"] #Add IDs of fluids you want the obelisk to support here in the form mod_id:fluid_name. Fluids have to be tagged forge:experience. AllowedFluids = ["mob_grinding_utils:fluid_xp", "cofh_core:experience", "industrialforegoing:essence", "sophisticatedcore:xp_still", "enderio:xp_juice"] ["Experience Obelisk Capacity"] #The fluid capacity of the obelisk in mB. Default = 100000000. This is ~1072 levels' worth. #Range: 20 ~ 2147483640 Capacity = 100000000 ["Enlightened Amulet Range"] #The range of the enlightened amulet. Accepts decimals. Default = 8.0. #Range: 1.0 ~ 32.0 Range = 8.0