{ title: "&5Challenge: Impetus Automation", x: 26.0d, y: -23.0d, shape: "octagon", description: "&oThe Exam&7 *Read Description*", text: [ "&7Using &dall the pieces you have collected&7, it will be possible to automate the creation of &0Impetus&7 energy. &dIt is up to you to complete the Puzzle&7.", "", "Bonus points if only &dMinecraft&7, &dThaumcraft&7, and &dThaumic Augmentation&7 blocks are used for the functional parts of the setup.", "", "&6Use this Quest as a marker of your sucess, or don't, whatever." ], hide_dependency_lines: true, dependencies: [ "46331023", "912753e6", "3d39407c", "f83b3551", "fc33a2d8", "dd378099", "857ee1c1" ], hide: true, optional: true, tasks: [{ uid: "464f8631", type: "checkmark" }] }