# Configuration file autochisel { # If true, the auto chisel will not function at all without power. B:autoChiselNeedsPower=false # If false, the auto chisel will always run at full speed, and will not accept FE. B:autoChiselTakesPower=true } block { S:getRoadLineTool=pickaxe I:roadLineToolLevel=0 B:useRoadLineTool=false } chisel { B:allowChiselCrossColors=true # Should the chisel be damageable and take damage when it chisels something. B:allowChiselDamage=true # The extra attack damage points (in half hearts) that the diamond chisel inflicts when it is used to attack an entity. I:diamondChiselAttackDamage=3 # The max damage of the diamond chisel. [range: 1 ~ 32767, default: 5056] I:diamondChiselMaxDamage=5000 # The extra attack damage points (in half hearts) that the iChisel inflicts when it is used to attack an entity. I:hitechChiselAttackDamage=3 # The max damage of the iChisel. [range: 1 ~ 32767, default: 10048] I:hitechChiselMaxDamage=10000 # The extra attack damage points (in half hearts) that the iron chisel inflicts when it is used to attack an entity. I:ironChiselAttackDamage=2 # If this is true, the iron chisel can left click chisel blocks. If false, it cannot. B:ironChiselCanLeftClick=false # If this is true, the iron chisel can change its chisel mode just as the diamond chisel can. B:ironChiselHasModes=false # The max damage of the standard iron chisel. [range: 1 ~ 32767, default: 512] I:ironChiselMaxDamage=500 } client { B:imTooGoodForBlockDescriptions=false # Use old pillar textures B:pillarOldGraphics=false # Make variations of blocks have the same name, and use the description in tooltip to distinguish them. B:tooltipsUseBlockDescriptions=true } features { B:aluminum=true B:andesite=true B:antiblock=true B:arcaneStone=true B:autochisel=true B:basalt=true B:bloodMagic=true B:bookshelf=true B:bricks=true B:bronze=true B:brownstone=true B:carpet=true B:certus=true B:charcoal=true B:chisel=true B:cloud=true B:coal=true B:coalCoke=true B:cobalt=true B:cobblestone=true B:cobblestonemossy=true B:concrete=true B:copper=true B:diamond=true B:diorite=true B:dirt=true B:electrum=true B:emerald=true B:endPurpur=true B:endstone=true B:factory=true B:futura=true B:glass=true B:glassdyed=true B:glowstone=true B:gold=true B:granite=true B:hardenedClay=true B:ice=true B:invar=true B:iron=true B:ironpane=true B:laboratory=true B:lapis=true B:lavastone=true B:lead=true B:limestone=true B:marble=true B:marblepillar=true B:netherbrick=true B:netherrack=true B:nickel=true B:obsidian=true B:paper=true B:planks=true B:platinum=true B:prismarine=true B:quartz=true B:redstone=true B:sandstone=true B:sandstoneRed=true B:sandstoneScribbles=true B:sandstoneredScribbles=true B:silver=true B:steel=true B:stonebrick=true B:technical=true B:temple=true B:tin=true B:tyrian=true B:uranium=true B:valentines=true B:voidstone=true B:waterstone=true B:wool=true } general { # If true, you can chisel stone brick to mossy stone brick. B:allowBrickToMossyInChisel=true I:amountYouGetFromFactoryBlockCrafting=32 # Use alternative crafting recipe for the chisel B:chiselAlternateRecipe=false # If this is true, you can chisel from the chisel leaves back to vanilla ones. If it is false, you cannot. B:chiselBackToVanillaLeaves=false # Allow stone to be chiseled to/from stone bricks. B:chiselStoneToStoneBricks=true # The factor that concrete_white increases your velocity. Default is 1.35, set to 1 for no change. D:concreteVelocityMult=1.35 B:doesCloudRenderLikeGhost=true } hexcolors { S:hexblack=#f0f0f0 S:hexblue=#decf2a S:hexbrown=#6689d3 S:hexcyan=#d88198 S:hexgray=#ababab S:hexgreen=#c354cd S:hexlight_blue=#51301a S:hexlime=#7b2fbe S:hexmagenta=#3b511a S:hexorange=#b3312c S:hexpink=#287697 S:hexpurple=#41cd34 S:hexred=#eb8844 S:hexsilver=#434343 S:hexwhite=#1e1b1b S:hexyellow=#253192 } worldgen { # Amount of limestone to generate in the world; use 0 for none [range: 0 ~ 30, default: 18] I:limestoneAmount=10 # Amount of marble to generate in the world; use 0 for none [range: 0 ~ 30, default: 20] I:marbleAmount=10 basalt { # Thickness of the basalt at the bottom of lava lakes. 0 for none. [range: 0 ~ 5, default: 3] I:bottomThickness=3 # Thickness of the basalt around the sides of lava lakes. 0 for none. [range: 0 ~ 5, default: 1] I:sideThickness=1 # True to generate basalt only around lava lakes. False to do standard vein generation. [default: true] B:specialGen=true # Amount of basalt to generate in the world if not using special generation. Has no effect if basaltSpecialGen is true. Use 0 for none [range: 0 ~ 30, default: 15] I:veinAmount=15 } }