[ { "type": "_comment", "identifier": "Comment#1", "01": "You can add or modify entries here. Enabled blocks will be applied only in the Mining World.", "02": "Changes will be applied when restarting the game or using the command /dimensionalworld reloadconfig", "03": "All blocks need to have a type and a identifier field and can have a enabled field", "04": "The identifier can be freely chosen, but needs to be unique", "05": "All block specifications have the format modid:blockname:metadata", "06": "Look at the examples given below to get more information on how to use this file." }, { "type": "oreGen", "identifier": "clay_ore", "enabled": true, "amount": 0.5, "size": 20, "minHeight": 60, "maxHeight": 80, "ore": "aroma1997sdimension:miningore:1" }, { "type": "oreGen", "identifier": "emerald_ore", "enabled": true, "amount": 6.0, "size": 2, "minHeight": 4, "maxHeight": 28, "ore": "minecraft:emerald_ore" }, { "type": "oreGen", "identifier": "sticky_ore", "enabled": false, "amount": 2.0, "size": 4, "minHeight": 30, "maxHeight": 80, "ore": "aroma1997sdimension:miningore" }, { "type": "lakes", "identifier": "lava_lake", "enabled": false, "targetBlock": "minecraft:lava" }, { "type": "lakes", "identifier": "water_lake", "enabled": false, "targetBlock": "minecraft:water" }, { "type": "oreReplace", "identifier": "removeDiamonds", "enabled": false, "targetBlock": "minecraft:stone", "originalBlock": [ "minecraft:diamond_ore" ] }, { "type": "grass", "identifier": "grass", "enabled": false }, { "type": "oreReplace", "identifier": "oreGenDebug", "_comment": "If you want this to work properly, this needs to be the last block in the json file.", "enabled": false, "targetBlock": "minecraft:air", "originalBlock": [ "minecraft:stone", "minecraft:stone:1", "minecraft:stone:2", "minecraft:stone:3", "minecraft:stone:4", "minecraft:stone:5", "minecraft:stone:6", "minecraft:dirt", "minecraft:grass", "minecraft:gravel" ] } ]