{ x: 2.0d, y: 2.0d, shape: "diamond", description: "Place a skull on the Guardian Alter, after a moment, the arena will be spawned, where you will fight the Tower Guardian *Deals additional magic damage at higher difficulties*", tasks: [{ uid: "2ada0cdf", type: "kill", icon: { ForgeCaps: { "wizardryutils:summoneditemdata": {} }, id: "enderio:item_material", Damage: 56s }, entity: "dungeontactics:towerguardian", value: 1L }], rewards: [{ uid: "77578fc0", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 250L }, { uid: "a5b8a16f", type: "loot", table: 1 }] }