§align:center ##### §nEnergy Core Setup Guide ###### The Core Okay, so remember the good old days of 1.7.10 when this was as simple as reading the tablet, watching some tutorials, placing a ton of blocks, then breaking a ton of blocks to find what you did wrong, then placing the blocks again and shift-clicking a stabilizer? Well, now it's not so simple... In fact, it's even simpler! (With some exceptions) The first thing you need to do is place an energy core block at the center of the area you want the core. Next, right-click the core to open its GUI and set the tier. If you're building a tier 1 core, you can skip ahead to the section on stabilizers. Otherwise, continue reading. Now that you have selected a tier, you will need to build a structure around the core from Redstone and Draconium blocks. The following is a list of ingredients required for each tier. §table{width:100%,colour:0x0,border_colour:0xffffff,render_cells:true} <table column_layout="1*,1*"> <tr padding="2" align="left"> <td> §7Tier 1: §71x Energy Core §74x Energy Core Stabilizer </td> <td> §7Tier 2: §71x Energy Core §74x Energy Core Stabilizer §76x Draconium Block </td> </tr> <tr padding="2" align="left"> <td> §7Tier 3: §71x Energy Core §74x Energy Core Stabilizer §726x Draconium Block </td> <td> Tier 4: §71x Energy Core §74x Energy Core Stabilizer §754x Draconium Block §726x Redstone Block </td> </tr> <tr padding="2" align="left"> <td> §7Tier 5: §71x Energy Core §736x Energy Core Stabilizer §790x Draconium Block §780x Redstone Block </td> <td> §7Tier 6: §71x Energy Core §736x Energy Core Stabilizer §7150x Draconium Block §7178x Redstone Block </td> </tr> <tr padding="2" align="left"> <td> §7Tier 7: §71x Energy Core §736x Energy Core Stabilizer §7210x Draconium Block §7328x Redstone Block </td> <td> §7Tier 8: §7Remember when I said this core is stupidly powerful? §7Well, it has a price tag to match... §71x Energy Core §736x Energy Core Stabilizer §7786x Draconium Block §7378x Awakened Draconium Block §6Note: if hard mode is enabled, this tier requires 672 Awakened and 492 regular Draconium. </td> </tr> </table> §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%,top_pad:0} ###### §nBuild Guide §img[https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brandon3055/Project-Intelligence-Docs/master/Assets/Draconic%20Evolution/Energy%20Core/Built%20Guide.jpg]{width:50%} By selecting the desired tier in the core GUI and enabling the build guide option, you can see where each block needs to be placed in world in order to build the core. Alternatively, there's also an auto-assemble button that will take the blocks out of your inventory and assemble the structure for you! §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%} The next step is to setup the Stabilizers. §link[draconicevolution:energy_storage_core/energy_core_stabilizer]{alt_text:"Click here to go to the stabilizer page."} After that, you need to setup the energy pylons. §link[draconicevolution:energy_storage_core/energy_pylon]{alt_text:"Click here skip ahead."} §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%}