cfg Machines { cfg MutagenProducer { Enabled = Yes MaxReceivedEnergy = 150 PowerUseRate = 0.0005 MjPerItem = 200000 MaxStoredEnergy = 1000000 ActivationEnergy = 25 TankSize = 10000 // Output tank size in milibuckets } cfg Mutatron { Enabled = Yes MaxReceivedEnergy = 150 PowerUseRate = 0.001 MjPerItem = 2000000 MaxStoredEnergy = 2000000 ActivationEnergy = 10 TankSize = 10000 // Output tank size in milibuckets MutagenPerItem = 5000 // Mutagen use per run, in milibuckets LabwareConsumeChance = 100 // Chance that the Genetic Labware will be consumed, 0-100 DegradeChanceNatural = 30 // Chance of natural princesses to become artificial when mutating, 0-100 DeathChanceArtificial = 80 // Chance of artificial princesses to be killed when mutating, 0-100 SecretMutationChance = 10 // Chance that secret mutation will be selected over a normal one, 0-100 // Has no effect if only secret mutations are present } cfg MutatronAdv { Enabled = Yes MaxReceivedEnergy = 500 PowerUseRate = 0.00125 MjPerItem = 200000 MaxStoredEnergy = 2000000 ActivationEnergy = 20 TankSize = 10000 // Output tank size in milibuckets MutagenPerItem = 2500 // Mutagen use per run, in milibuckets LabwareConsumeChance = 100 // Chance that the Genetic Labware will be consumed, 0-100 DegradeChanceNatural = 10 // Chance of natural princesses to become artificial when mutating, 0-100 DeathChanceArtificial = 50 // Chance of artificial princesses to be killed when mutating, 0-100 SecretMutationChance = 20 // Chance that secret mutation will be selected over a normal one, 0-100 // Has no effect if only secret mutations are present } cfg Sampler { Enabled = Yes MaxReceivedEnergy = 150 PowerUseRate = 0.001 MjPerItem = 20000 MaxStoredEnergy = 100000 ActivationEnergy = 10 LabwareConsumeChance = 100 // Chance that the Genetic Labware will be consumed, 0-100 } cfg Imprinter { Enabled = Yes MaxReceivedEnergy = 250 PowerUseRate = 0.0005 MjPerItem = 120000 MaxStoredEnergy = 400000 ActivationEnergy = 20 LabwareConsumeChance = 100 // Chance that the Genetic Labware will be consumed, 0-100 DeathChanceNatural = 20 // Chance of natural princesses or queen to be killed when imprinting, 0-100 DeathChanceArtificial = 40 // Chance of artificial princesses or queen to be killed when imprinting, 0-100 } cfg IndustrialApiary { Enabled = Yes MaxReceivedEnergy = 100 MaxStoredEnergy = 100000 ActivationEnergy = 0 BaseMjPerTick = 15 // Base run cost in MJ/t, before any modifiers } cfg Extractor { Enabled = Yes MaxReceivedEnergy = 500 PowerUseRate = 0.001 MjPerItem = 120000 MaxStoredEnergy = 400000 ActivationEnergy = 40 TankSize = 5000 // Output tank size in milibuckets LabwareConsumeChance = 50 // Chance that the Genetic Labware will be consumed, 0-100 } cfg Liquifier { Enabled = Yes MaxReceivedEnergy = 1000 PowerUseRate = 0.002 MjPerItem = 50000 MaxStoredEnergy = 100000 ActivationEnergy = 20 TankSize = 5000 // Output tank size in milibuckets } cfg Transposer { Enabled = Yes MaxReceivedEnergy = 500 PowerUseRate = 0.002 MjPerItem = 80000 MaxStoredEnergy = 100000 ActivationEnergy = 20 LabwareConsumeChance = 20 // Chance that the Genetic Labware will be consumed, 0-100 } cfg Replicator { Enabled = Yes MaxReceivedEnergy = 500 PowerUseRate = 0.001 MjPerItem = 350000 MaxStoredEnergy = 800000 ActivationEnergy = 50 DNATankSize = 10000 // Liquid DNA tank size, in milibuckets DNAPerItem = 5000 // Liquid DNA use per run, in milibuckets ProteinTankSize = 50000 // Protein tank size, in milibuckets ProteinPerItem = 5000 // Protein use per run, in milibuckets MakePristineBees = False // Set to true to produce pristine bees } } cfg Items { cfg IndustrialGrafter { Enabled = Yes Charges = 500 // Number of blocks that a fully charged grafter can break MjPerCharge = 750 // Cost of a single broken block in MJ AOE = 2 // Radius from the central block, 1 = 3x3x3, 2 = 5x5x5 and so on SaplingModifier = 100 // Modifier for chance to get sapling, 100 is equal to a vanila grafter } cfg IndustrialScoop { Enabled = Yes Charges = 750 // Number of blocks that a fully charged grafter can break MjPerCharge = 10 // Cost of a single broken block in MJ SilktouchCharges = 20 // Cost of silktouch harvesting } } cfg Power { RF_MJ_Ratio = 10 // 10 RF = 1 MJ EU_MJ_Ratio = 2.5 // 5 EU = 2 MJ cfg EU { Enabled = Y // 1 = LV, 2 = MV, 3 = HV, 4 = EV etc. SinkTier = 4 } cfg RF { Enabled = Y } cfg RedstoneCharging { Enabled = Y // This enables charging powered items in a normal crafting grid by using redstone dust RedstoneValue = 2500 // MJ per redstone dust (blocks are x9) } } cfg Genetics { cfg MutatronOverrides { // Keys are species UID // Values are: ENABLED/DISABLED/REQUIREMENTS // ENABLED will allow that mutation without checking requirements (this is the default) // DISABLED will disallow that mutation in the mutatron // REQUIREMENTS will check normal breeding requirements (only valid for bee species) "forestry.speciesLeporine" = REQUIREMENTS "forestry.speciesMerry" = REQUIREMENTS "forestry.speciesTipsy" = REQUIREMENTS "forestry.speciesTricky" = REQUIREMENTS "extrabees.species.chad" = REQUIREMENTS "gregtech.bee.speciesCosmicneutronium" = REQUIREMENTS "gregtech.bee.speciesInfinityCatalyst" = REQUIREMENTS "gregtech.bee.speciesInfinity" = REQUIREMENTS } }