# Configuration file cyclicmagic { logging { # Log debug related information. This can be very spammy, only used for debugging problems or new features, so just leave it off normally. [default: false] B:Debug=false # Log basic game startup information such as ore dictionary registration [default: true] B:Information=true # Run unit tests on startup and log the result. Still experimental and not widely used [default: false] B:UnitTests=false } content { # plate_vector Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:AerialFaithPlate=true # charm_air Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:AirCharm=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:AntidoteCharm=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:AppleStature=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:AutoCrafter=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:AutomatedUser=true # tool_auto_torch Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:AutomaticTorch=true # placer_block Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:BlockPlacer=true # tool_randomize Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:BlockRandomizer=true # tool_rotate Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:BlockRotator=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:BrushScythe=true # block_storeempty, the Fluid Tank. Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:BucketBlocks=true # builder_block Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:BuilderBlock=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:CarbonPaper=false # tool_spelunker Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:Cavefinder=true # wand_hypno Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:ChaosSiren=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:ChestSack=false # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:ClimbingGlove=false # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:Clock=true # block_miner_smart Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:ControlledMiner=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:"CorruptedChorus(Food)"=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:CyclicWand=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:DynamiteMining=false # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:DynamiteSafe=false # Emerald armor and tools that are slightly weaker than diamond. Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:"Emerald Gear"=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EmeraldApple=true # beacon_redstone Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EmptyBeacon=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EnchantAutoSmelt=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EnchantBeheading=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EnchantExcavation=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EnchantExpBoost=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EnchantLaunch=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EnchantLifeLeech=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EnchantMagnet=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EnchantMultishot=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EnchantQuickdraw=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EnchantReach=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EnchantVenom=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EnchantWaterwalk=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EnderBlaze=true B:EnderBombs=true # book_ender Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EnderBook=true # ender_dungeon Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EnderDungeonFinder=true # ender_lightning Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EnderLightning=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EnderOrb=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EnderOrbMounted=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EnderSack=false # ender_snow Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EnderSnow=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EnderTorch=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EnderWater=true # tool_warp_home Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EnderWing=true # tool_warp_spawn Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EnderWingPrime=true # ender_wool Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EnderWool=true # entity_detector Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EntityDetector=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EvokerFang=false # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:ExchangeScepters=true # exp_pylon Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:ExperiencePylon=true # fan Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:Fan=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:FireCharm=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:FishingBlock=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:FluidMilk=false # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:FluidPoison=true # glowing_chorus Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:"GlowingChorus(Food)"=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:GlowingHelmet=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: false] B:GoldDropperMinecart=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: false] B:GoldMinecart=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: false] B:GoldTurretMinecart=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:HarvestScythe=true # harvester_block Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:HarvesterBlock=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:"HeartContainer(food)"=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:HorseFood=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:Hydrator=true # magnet_anti_block Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:InterdictionPlate=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:"InventoryCrafting(Food)"=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:"InventoryUpgrade(Food)"=true # block_vacuum Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:ItemCollector=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:LapisApple=true # sprout_seed Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:MagicBean=true # wand_missile Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:MagicMissile=false # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:MagnetBlock=true # mattock Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:Mattock=true # tool_trade Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:"Merchant Almanac"=false # block_miner Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:MinerBlock=true # magic_net Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:MonsterBall=true # Netherbrick tools have mining level of stone but improved stats. Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:NetherbrickTools=false # password_block Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:PasswordTrigger=true # builder_pattern Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:PatternReplicator=true # Set false to delete - requires restart; this feature includes several items and blocks used by the Peat farming system [default: true] B:PeatFeature=false # tool_push Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:PistonScepter=true # tool_launcher Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:PlayerLauncher=true # beacon_potion Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:PotionBeacon=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:PotionBlindness=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:PotionBounce=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:PotionButterDropItems=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:PotionEnder=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:PotionFrostWalker=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:PotionHealthBoost=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:PotionLevitation=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:PotionLuck=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:PotionMagnet=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:PotionResistance=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:PotionSaturation=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:PotionSlowfall=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:PotionSnow=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:PotionSwimSpeed=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:PotionWaterwalk=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:PotionWither=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:Potionhaste=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:Prospector=false # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:PumpAndPipes=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:PurpleArmor=true # password_remote Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:"Remote Lever"=true # tool_elevate Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:RodElevation=true # charm_boat Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:SailorCharm=true # Sandstone tools are between wood and stone. Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:SandstoneTools=false # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:ScaffoldingBlock=true # block_shears Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:ShearingBlock=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:SleepingMat=false # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:SlimeConveyor=false # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:SlimePads=false # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:Soulstone=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:Soundproofing=true # tool_spawn_inspect Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:SpawnDetector=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:SpeedCharm=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:Spikes=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:Sprinkler=true # tool_mount_inverse Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:StirrupInverse=true # tool_mount Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:Stirrups=false # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: false] B:StoneMinecart=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:StorageBag=true # Enable the epic swords. Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:SwordsFrostEnder=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:TorchLauncher=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:TreeScythe=false # block_disenchanter Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:UnchantPylon=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:UncraftingGrinder=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:VoidCharm=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:WaterCharm=true # water_freezer Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:WaterFroster=true # fire_killer Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:WaterSplasher=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:WaterSpreader=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:WingCharm=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:Workbench=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:apple=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:auto_packager=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:battery=false # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:battery_infinite=false # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:block_anvil=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:block_anvil_magma=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:block_enchanter=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:block_forester=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:block_library=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:block_screen=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:boomerang=false # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:button_large=false # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:cable_wireless=true # creative_items Set false to delete - requires restart [default: false] B:creative_items=false # Set false to delete - requires restart Warning, removing this crafting item may cause some recipes to not work correctly or be too inexpensive. So be prepared to customize recipes if you disable this. It has ore dictionary 'gemObsidian' [default: true] B:crystallized_amber=true # Set false to delete - requires restart Warning, removing this crafting item may cause some recipes to not work correctly or be too inexpensive. So be prepared to customize recipes if you disable this. It has ore dictionary 'gemObsidian' [default: true] B:crystallized_obsidian=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:dehydrator=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:dice=false # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:doorbell=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:dropper_exact=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:fire_starter=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:fluid_amber=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:fluid_biomass=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:fluid_crystal=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:fluid_drain=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:fluid_placer=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:glass_strong=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:heart_toxic=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:imbuer=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:item.ender_eye_orb=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:laser=false # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:laser_cannon=false # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:melter=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:moon_sensor=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:robot_spawner=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:screen_target=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:shears_obsidian=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:sign_editor=false # slingshot_weapon Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:slingshot=false # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:solidifier=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:sound_player=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:target=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:trash=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:void_anvil=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:water_candle=true # Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:wireless_transmitter=true } ########################################################################################################## # blocks #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Tweaks to new and existing blocks ########################################################################################################## blocks { # Ticks for apple sprout to grow, 1 will grow almost instantly [range: 1 ~ 99999, default: 500] I:AppleGrowthTicks=500 I:AppleLightLevel=5 # Swap armor with a stand whenever you interact while sneaking [default: true] B:ArmorStandSwap=true # Dispensers can plant growable seeds B:"Dispense Plants"=true # Torches can get knocked over when passed through by living entities [default: false] B:"Fragile Torches"=false # Plant saplings (and mushrooms) if they despawn on grass/dirt [default: false] B:"Plant Despawning Saplings"=false # If true, the Slime Conveyor will auto-correct entities towards the center while they are moving (keeping them away from the edge) [default: true] B:SlimeConveyorPullCenter=true # Players can sneak to avoid being pushed [default: true] B:SlimeConveyorSneakPlayer=true # Players can sneak to avoid being jumped [default: true] B:SlimePlateSneakPlayer=true # Make mob spawners unbreakable [default: false] B:"Spawners Unbreakable"=false cables { I:TRANSFER_ITEM_TICK_DELAY=1 } magicbean { # Allow bonemeal on magic bean [default: true] B:MagicBeanBonemeal=true # Drop list [default: [minecraft:stick], [minecraft:wheat_seeds], [minecraft:yellow_flower], [minecraft:tallgrass], [minecraft:deadbush], [minecraft:dye*7], [minecraft:dye*3], [minecraft:dye*9], [minecraft:dye*14], [minecraft:dye*1], [minecraft:dye*4], [minecraft:dye*5], [minecraft:dye*2], [minecraft:dye*10], [minecraft:dye*6], [minecraft:dye*8], [minecraft:stained_glass_pane], [minecraft:stained_glass_pane*1], [minecraft:stained_glass_pane*2], [minecraft:stained_glass_pane*3], [minecraft:stained_glass_pane*4], [minecraft:stained_glass_pane*5], [minecraft:stained_glass_pane*6], [minecraft:stained_glass_pane*7], [minecraft:stained_glass_pane*8], [minecraft:stained_glass_pane*9], [minecraft:stained_glass_pane*10], [minecraft:stained_glass_pane*11], [minecraft:stained_glass_pane*12], [minecraft:stained_glass_pane*13], [minecraft:stained_glass_pane*14], [minecraft:stained_glass_pane*15], [minecraft:red_flower], [minecraft:red_flower], [minecraft:red_flower*1], [minecraft:red_flower*2], [minecraft:red_flower*3], [minecraft:red_flower*4], [minecraft:red_flower*5], [minecraft:red_flower*6], [minecraft:red_flower*7], [minecraft:red_flower*8], [minecraft:double_plant], [minecraft:double_plant*1], [minecraft:double_plant*2], [minecraft:double_plant*3], [minecraft:double_plant*4], [minecraft:double_plant*5]] S:MagicBeanDropList < inspirations:cactus_seeds inspirations:carrot_seeds inspirations:potato_seeds inspirations:sugar_cane_seeds minecraft:beetroot_seeds minecraft:brown_mushroom minecraft:deadbush minecraft:double_plant*1 minecraft:double_plant*4 minecraft:double_plant*5 minecraft:double_plant minecraft:dye*3 minecraft:melon_seeds minecraft:pumpkin_seeds minecraft:red_flower*1 minecraft:red_flower*2 minecraft:red_flower*3 minecraft:red_flower*4 minecraft:red_flower*5 minecraft:red_flower*6 minecraft:red_flower*7 minecraft:red_flower*8 minecraft:red_flower minecraft:red_mushroom minecraft:wheat_seeds minecraft:yellow_flower rustic:apple_seeds rustic:chili_pepper_seeds rustic:deathstalk_mushroom rustic:grape_stem rustic:mooncap_mushroom rustic:sapling*1 rustic:sapling rustic:tomato_seeds tp:mycelium_seeds twilightforest:torchberries xlfoodmod:corn_seeds xlfoodmod:cucumber_seeds xlfoodmod:lettuce_seeds xlfoodmod:onion xlfoodmod:pepper_seeds xlfoodmod:rice_seeds xlfoodmod:strawberry_seeds xlfoodmod:tomato_seeds xlfoodmod:vanilla_flower > # Allow dropping the seed item if fully grown. (if its not grown it will still drop when broken) [default: false] B:MagicBeanGrownDropSeed=true } water_candle { # Chance this will turn itself off after each spawn; 0.01 means 1%. [range: 0.001 ~ 0.99, default: 0.01] S:chance_off=0.01 # Spawning radius [range: 1 ~ 128, default: 8] I:radius=8 # Spawning tick speed [range: 1 ~ 9999, default: 50] I:tick_speed=50 } } ########################################################################################################## # items #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Tweaks to new and existing items ########################################################################################################## items { # Cyclic Scepter: Set to false to disable particles [default: false] B:"Build Scepter Particles"=false # Search radius of Spawner Seeker [range: 8 ~ 128, default: 64] I:"Ender Dungeon Radius"=64 # If true, this item will do the searching on a new thread, and then come back to the projectile when found and end the thread. Set to false to completely disable threading if you have any weird issues or false results, but be aware that setting to false will cause clientside lag on every use [default: true] B:"Ender Threading"=true # Blocks that will not be broken by the exchange scepters. It will also not break anything that is unbreakable (such as bedrock), regardless of if its in this list or not. [default: [minecraft:mob_spawner], [minecraft:obsidian]] S:ExchangeSceptersBlacklist < minecraft:mob_spawner minecraft:obsidian > # Add food value and saturation to items info (hold shift) [default: true] B:"Food Details"=true # Add fuel burn time to items info (hold shift) [default: true] B:"Fuel Details"=true # Tons more wood and plant related items now can burn as fuel B:"More Furnace Fuel"=true # Location of scepter Hud [topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright]. Used by both Exchange Scepters and Cyclic Build Scepter. [default: bottomleft] S:"Scepter HUD"=bottomleft # False will disable the potion effects given by the Sleeping Mat [default: false] B:SleepingMatPotions=false # Set false to delete - requires restart WARNING disabling this may cause other blocks to not function (wireless nodes) [default: true] B:card_location=true stacksize { # Increase stack size to 64 [default: true] B:item.armorStand=true # Increase stack size to 64 [default: true] B:item.bed=true # Increase stack size to 16 [default: true] B:item.boat.acacia=true # Increase stack size to 16 [default: true] B:item.boat.birch=true # Increase stack size to 16 [default: true] B:item.boat.dark_oak=true # Increase stack size to 16 [default: true] B:item.boat.jungle=true # Increase stack size to 16 [default: true] B:item.boat.oak=true # Increase stack size to 16 [default: true] B:item.boat.spruce=true # Increase stack size to 64 [default: true] B:item.bucket=true # Increase stack size to 64 [default: true] B:item.egg=true # Increase stack size to 64 [default: true] B:item.enderPearl=true # Increase stack size to 16 [default: true] B:item.horsearmordiamond=true # Increase stack size to 16 [default: true] B:item.horsearmorgold=true # Increase stack size to 16 [default: true] B:item.horsearmormetal=true # Increase stack size to 16 [default: true] B:item.minecart=true # Increase stack size to 16 [default: true] B:item.minecartChest=true # Increase stack size to 16 [default: true] B:item.minecartFurnace=true # Increase stack size to 16 [default: true] B:item.minecartHopper=true # Increase stack size to 16 [default: true] B:item.minecartTnt=true # Increase stack size to 16 [default: true] B:item.saddle=true # Increase stack size to 64 [default: true] B:item.sign=true # Increase stack size to 64 [default: true] B:item.snowball=true # Increase stack size to 64 [default: true] B:tile.banner=true } } inventory { # If true, you always keep these extended storage items on death (similar to an ender chest). If false, you will drop these items on death (depending on the keepInventory game rule) [default: true] B:InventoryUpgradeKeepOnDeath=true # Set this to false (and restart your client) to remove the inventory shift keybindings [default: false] B:KeybindInventoryShift=false # When true, this blocks the potions moving the inventory over [default: true] B:"Potion Inventory Shift"=true # Location of the buttons on inventory [range: 0 ~ 200, default: 44] I:xOffsetButton=44 # Location of the buttons on inventory [range: 0 ~ 200, default: 0] I:yOffsetButton=0 } ########################################################################################################## # player #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Player Abilities and interactions ########################################################################################################## player { # Open ender chest without placing it down, just attack with it [default: true] B:"Easy Enderchest"=true # Show Speed and jump height of any horse you are riding in F3. [default: true] B:F3HorseInfo=true # Show Within Spawn Chunks or Distance from Spawn in F3 screen. [default: true] B:F3SpawnChunkInfo=true # Allows you to quickly climb ladders by looking up instead of moving forward [default: true] B:"Faster Ladders"=true # Stardew Furnaces: Quickly fill a furnace by hitting it with fuel or an item, or interact with an empty hand to pull out the results [Inspired by Stardew Valley. Left click only] [default: true] B:"Furnace Speed"=false # Default modifier for heart containers a new player will start with when first joining the world. Will not affect existing players once they have joined. (For Maximum heart modifier limit given by the heart containers see 'modpacks' category in the config file) [range: -9 ~ 90, default: 0] I:HeartModifierInitial=0 # Use a player skull on a sign to name the skull based on the top line [default: true] B:"Name Player Skulls with Sign"=true # Open chests (and other containers) by passing right through the attached signs, banners, and item frames [default: true] B:"Pass-Through Click"=true # Enderpearls work on a horse, bringing it with you [default: false] B:"Pearls On Horseback"=true # Force the players hunger bar to show even when mounted [default: false] B:"Show Hunger Mounted"=true # Set the players default step height value. False is just like normal minecraft, true means step height is one full block. Only applies to new players the first time they join the world. Regardless of setting this can still be toggled with Apple of Lofty Stature. [default: false] B:StepHeightDefault=false # Let players name villagers with nametags [default: true] B:"Villager Nametag"=true } ########################################################################################################## # world generation #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Control any blocks that get generated in new chunks & new worlds ########################################################################################################## "world generation" { # If true, then enabled items and blocks from this mod can appear in loot chests [default: true] B:ChestLoot=true # If ChestLoot is true, this is the default chance a cyclic item will show up as treasure. [range: 1 ~ 99, default: 4] I:ChestLootChance=4 # Generate ore in the end. B:"End Ore"=true # These dimension ores (nether and end) have a chance to spawn endermites or silverfish B:"Infested Ores"=false # Generate ore in the nether. B:"Nether Ore"=false # If true, mining Nether ore has a 20% chance of enraging a nearby PigZombie within 16 blocks B:PigmenEnrage=false netherorecustom { # Approximate ore vein size. Zero means no spawns. [range: 0 ~ 32, default: 8] I:blockCountCoal=8 # Approximate ore vein size. Zero means no spawns. [range: 0 ~ 32, default: 8] I:blockCountDiamond=8 # Approximate ore vein size. Zero means no spawns. [range: 0 ~ 32, default: 8] I:blockCountEmerald=8 # Approximate ore vein size. Zero means no spawns. [range: 0 ~ 32, default: 8] I:blockCountGold=8 # Approximate ore vein size. Zero means no spawns. [range: 0 ~ 32, default: 12] I:blockCountIron=12 # Approximate ore vein size. Zero means no spawns. [range: 0 ~ 32, default: 8] I:blockCountLapis=8 # Approximate ore vein size. Zero means no spawns. [range: 0 ~ 32, default: 8] I:blockCountRedstone=8 # Ore exists [default: true] B:nether_coal_ore=true # Tool Harvest Level [range: 0 ~ 3, default: 0] I:nether_coal_ore_harvest_level=0 # Ore exists [default: true] B:nether_diamond_ore=true # Tool Harvest Level [range: 0 ~ 3, default: 2] I:nether_diamond_ore_harvest_level=2 # Ore exists [default: true] B:nether_emerald_ore=true # Tool Harvest Level [range: 0 ~ 3, default: 2] I:nether_emerald_ore_harvest_level=2 # Ore exists [default: true] B:nether_gold_ore=true # Tool Harvest Level [range: 0 ~ 3, default: 2] I:nether_gold_ore_harvest_level=2 # Ore exists [default: true] B:nether_iron_ore=true # Tool Harvest Level [range: 0 ~ 3, default: 1] I:nether_iron_ore_harvest_level=1 # Ore exists [default: true] B:nether_lapis_ore=true # Tool Harvest Level [range: 0 ~ 3, default: 1] I:nether_lapis_ore_harvest_level=1 # Ore exists [default: true] B:nether_redstone_ore=true # Tool Harvest Level [range: 0 ~ 3, default: 1] I:nether_redstone_ore_harvest_level=1 # Chance of a vein to spawn. Zero means no spawns. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 20] I:spawnChanceCoal=20 # Chance of a vein to spawn. Zero means no spawns. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 1] I:spawnChanceDiamond=1 # Chance of a vein to spawn. Zero means no spawns. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 1] I:spawnChanceEmerald=1 # Chance of a vein to spawn. Zero means no spawns. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 40] I:spawnChanceGold=40 # Chance of a vein to spawn. Zero means no spawns. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 10] I:spawnChanceIron=10 # Chance of a vein to spawn. Zero means no spawns. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 10] I:spawnChanceLapis=10 # Chance of a vein to spawn. Zero means no spawns. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 8] I:spawnChanceRedstone=8 } endorecustom { # Approximate ore vein size. Zero means no spawns. [range: 0 ~ 32, default: 8] I:blockCountCoal=8 # Approximate ore vein size. Zero means no spawns. [range: 0 ~ 32, default: 8] I:blockCountDiamond=8 # Approximate ore vein size. Zero means no spawns. [range: 0 ~ 32, default: 8] I:blockCountEmerald=8 # Approximate ore vein size. Zero means no spawns. [range: 0 ~ 32, default: 8] I:blockCountGold=8 # Approximate ore vein size. Zero means no spawns. [range: 0 ~ 32, default: 8] I:blockCountIron=8 # Approximate ore vein size. Zero means no spawns. [range: 0 ~ 32, default: 8] I:blockCountLapis=8 # Approximate ore vein size. Zero means no spawns. [range: 0 ~ 32, default: 8] I:blockCountRedstone=8 # Ore exists [default: true] B:end_coal_ore=true # Tool Harvest Level [range: 0 ~ 3, default: 0] I:end_coal_ore_harvest_level=0 # Ore exists [default: true] B:end_diamond_ore=true # Tool Harvest Level [range: 0 ~ 3, default: 2] I:end_diamond_ore_harvest_level=2 # Ore exists [default: true] B:end_emerald_ore=true # Tool Harvest Level [range: 0 ~ 3, default: 2] I:end_emerald_ore_harvest_level=2 # Ore exists [default: true] B:end_gold_ore=true # Tool Harvest Level [range: 0 ~ 3, default: 2] I:end_gold_ore_harvest_level=2 # Ore exists [default: true] B:end_iron_ore=true # Tool Harvest Level [range: 0 ~ 3, default: 1] I:end_iron_ore_harvest_level=1 # Ore exists [default: true] B:end_lapis_ore=true # Tool Harvest Level [range: 0 ~ 3, default: 1] I:end_lapis_ore_harvest_level=1 # Ore exists [default: true] B:end_redstone_ore=true # Tool Harvest Level [range: 0 ~ 3, default: 2] I:end_redstone_ore_harvest_level=2 # Chance of a vein to spawn. Zero means no spawns. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 10] I:spawnChanceCoal=10 # Chance of a vein to spawn. Zero means no spawns. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 1] I:spawnChanceDiamond=1 # Chance of a vein to spawn. Zero means no spawns. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 1] I:spawnChanceEmerald=1 # Chance of a vein to spawn. Zero means no spawns. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 4] I:spawnChanceGold=4 # Chance of a vein to spawn. Zero means no spawns. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 4] I:spawnChanceIron=4 # Chance of a vein to spawn. Zero means no spawns. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 12] I:spawnChanceLapis=12 # Chance of a vein to spawn. Zero means no spawns. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 15] I:spawnChanceRedstone=15 } } ########################################################################################################## # mobs #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Changes to vanilla mobs ########################################################################################################## mobs { # Enderman will always drop block they are carrying 100% [default: true] B:"Enderman Block"=true # False is the same as vanilla behavior. True means that this mod will block enderman from picking up all registered blocks (does not listen to mob actions, this scans registry only once on startup and sets properties). [default: true] B:"Enderman Pickup Blocker"=true # When an entity dies that is named with a tag, it drops the nametag [default: true] B:"Name Tag Death"=false } ########################################################################################################## # recipes #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # New and altered recipes ########################################################################################################## recipes { # Craft Glowstone blocks back to dust B:GlowstoneBlockToDust=true # Craft a Melon block into nine slices B:"Melon Block Slices"=true # Craft Netherwart blocks back to item B:NetherwartBlockReverse=true # Craft a notch apple with golden blocks as usual B:"Notch Apple"=true # Create a player skull by combining wither, skeleton, zombie, and creeper skulls B:"Player Skulls"=true # Craft Quartz blocks back to the items B:QuartzBlockToItem=true # Craft a dispenser with string instead of a bow B:"Simple Dispenser"=true # Craft the minecart combinations using five iron as well as minecarts B:"Simple Minecarts"=true # Craft repeaters using sticks and redstone in place of redstone torches B:"Simple Repeater"=true # Craft Snow blocks back into snowballs B:SnowBlockBalls=true } ########################################################################################################## # villagers #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Two new villagers with more trades ########################################################################################################## villagers { # Number of villager entities that will attempt to spawn when a new village generates in the world terrain (no buildings) [range: 0 ~ 9, default: 2] I:DruidCount=2 # Adds new villager type Druid. Spawns naturally and from mob eggs. [default: true] B:DruidVillagers=true # Number of villager entities that will attempt to spawn when a new village generates in the world terrain (no buildings) [range: 0 ~ 9, default: 2] I:SageCount=2 # Adds new villager type Sage. Spawns naturally and from mob eggs. [default: true] B:SageVillagers=true } fuelcost { # Fuel/Energy/RF cost to run machine [range: 0 ~ 500000, default: 150] I:auto_crafter=150 # Fuel/Energy/RF cost to run machine [range: 0 ~ 500000, default: 950] I:auto_packager=10 # Fuel/Energy/RF cost to run machine [range: 0 ~ 500000, default: 900] I:block_anvil=900 # Lava cost per damage unit [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 100] I:block_anvil_magma_lava=100 # Fuel/Energy/RF cost to run machine [range: 0 ~ 500000, default: 99] I:block_disenchanter=99 # Fuel/Energy/RF cost to run machine [range: 0 ~ 500000, default: 900] I:block_enchanter=900 # Experience fluid cost per damage unit [range: 1 ~ 1000, default: 100] I:block_enchanter_xpjuice=100 # Fuel/Energy/RF cost to run machine [range: 0 ~ 500000, default: 25] I:block_fishing=99 # Fuel/Energy/RF cost to run machine [range: 0 ~ 500000, default: 50] I:block_forester=50 # Fuel/Energy/RF cost to run machine [range: 0 ~ 500000, default: 10] I:block_hydrator=10 # Fuel/Energy/RF cost to run machine [range: 0 ~ 500000, default: 75] I:block_miner_smart=75 # Fuel/Energy/RF cost to run machine [range: 0 ~ 500000, default: 10] I:block_user=10 # Fuel/Energy/RF cost to run machine [range: 0 ~ 500000, default: 90] I:builder_block=90 # Fuel/Energy/RF cost to run machine [range: 0 ~ 500000, default: 1] I:builder_pattern=1 # Fuel/Energy/RF cost to run machine [range: 0 ~ 500000, default: 20] I:dehydrator=20 # Fuel/Energy/RF cost to run machine [range: 0 ~ 500000, default: 99] I:dropper_exact=99 # Fuel/Energy/RF cost to run machine [range: 0 ~ 500000, default: 250] I:fire_starter=250 # Fuel/Energy/RF cost to run machine [range: 0 ~ 500000, default: 500] I:fluid_drain=500 # Fuel/Energy/RF cost to run machine [range: 0 ~ 500000, default: 50] I:harvester_block=50 I:null=1 I:null_lava=100 I:null_xpjuice=100 # Energy generated by normal Peat [range: 10 ~ 99999, default: 256] I:peat_fuel=256 # Energy generated by crafted Peat [range: 10 ~ 99999, default: 4096] I:peat_fuel_enriched=4096 # Fuel/Energy/RF cost to run machine [range: 0 ~ 500000, default: 200] I:uncrafting_block=200 # Fuel/Energy/RF cost to run machine [range: 0 ~ 500000, default: 2000] I:void_anvil=2000 } time { I:auto_crafter=20 I:auto_packager=35 # Number of ticks needed to perform one action by this machine [range: 1 ~ 9000, default: 80] I:block_disenchanter=80 # Number of ticks needed to perform one action by this machine [range: 1 ~ 9000, default: 100] I:block_miner_smart=100 I:builder_block=25 # Number of ticks needed to perform one action by this machine [range: 1 ~ 9000, default: 150] I:harvester_block=150 I:null=35 # Number of ticks needed to perform one action by this machine [range: 1 ~ 9000, default: 150] I:uncrafting_block=150 } } "dynamite i-ivcyclicmagic" { content { # ender_tnt Set false to delete - requires restart [default: true] B:EnderBombs=false } } modpacks { # At which light level will auto torch place. Set to 7 means it will place a torch 7 or darker. (15 is full light, 0 is full dark) [range: 1 ~ 14, default: 7] I:AutoTorchLightLevel=7 # Largest tick delay allowed in auto user control [range: 2 ~ 999, default: 200] I:AutoUserLargestTick=200 # How many entities can be attacked with one swipe from the block_user when in attack mode. Zero means no limit. [range: 0 ~ 100, default: 0] I:AutoUserMaxAttackPerAction=0 # Smallest tick delay allowed in auto user control. if 1 use per tick is too much for your server than raise this larger [range: 1 ~ 200, default: 1] I:AutoUserSmallestTick=1 # Blocks in-world that cannot be targeted by the auto user. Use block id; for example minecraft:chest [default: ] S:AutoUserTargetBlacklist < > # By default Beheading works on vanilla mobs and player heads. Add creatures from any other mod here along with a player name to act as the skin for the dropped head. Format is: mod:monster-player, see the /summon command for mod data. [default: [roots:fairy-Elucent]] S:BeheadingExtraMobs < roots:fairy-Elucent > # Percent chance that the beheading enchant will actually drop a head. [range: 1 ~ 100, default: 10] I:BeheadingPercent=10 # Cyclic Scepter: Maximum range for all spells [range: 8 ~ 128, default: 64] I:"Build Scepter Max Range"=64 # Block Range it will search onclick [range: 2 ~ 256, default: 32] I:CavefinderRange=32 # Maximum height of the controlled miner block that you can increase it to in the GUI [range: 3 ~ 256, default: 32] I:ControlledMiner.maxHeight=32 # How long the negative potion effects last after a corrupted chorus teleports you [range: 0 ~ 600, default: 10] I:CorruptedChorusPotions=10 # How long you can noclip after eating corrupted chorus [range: 1 ~ 600, default: 10] I:CorruptedChorusSeconds=10 # Max blocks broken by this enchantment at level 1 [range: 1 ~ 512, default: 26] I:EnchantExcavationBreak1=22 # Max blocks broken by this enchantment at level 2 [range: 1 ~ 512, default: 42] I:EnchantExcavationBreak2=34 # Max blocks broken by this enchantment at level 3 [range: 1 ~ 512, default: 58] I:EnchantExcavationBreak3=46 # The exp cost of teleporting is [the horizontal distance] divided by [this number] rounded to the nearest integer. For example, if this number is 10, then teleporting 20 blocks costs 2 exp [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 10.0] I:EnderBookExpCostRatio=10 # Maximum number of saved waypoints in the ender book. It still uses 8 per column, and putting too many may send it offscreen [range: 1 ~ 512, default: 64] I:EnderBookMaxSaved=16 # Crops & bushes that are blocked from harvesting (Garden Scythe and Harvester). A star is for a wildcard [default: [terraqueous:pergola], [minecraft:*_stem], [croparia:stem_*], [rustic:grape_stem]] S:HarvesterBlacklist < terraqueous:pergola minecraft:*_stem croparia:stem_* > # Maximum number of heart containers you can get by eating heart containers. Does not limit the /setheartmod command [range: 0 ~ 90, default: 10] I:HeartModifierMax=10 # Maximum number of upgraded hearts [range: 1 ~ 100, default: 20] I:"HorseFood Max Hearts"=20 # Maximum value of jump. Naturally spawned/bred horses seem to max out at 5.5 [range: 1 ~ 20, default: 6] I:"HorseFood Max Jump"=6 # Maximum value of speed (this is NOT blocks/per second or anything like that) [range: 1 ~ 99, default: 50] I:"HorseFood Max Speed"=50 # Distance it pulls items from. [range: 2 ~ 128, default: 16] I:MagnetBlockDistance=16 # Height it pulls at items [range: 1 ~ 128, default: 2] I:MagnetBlockHeight=2 # How fast it pulses. Smaller numbers are faster [range: 5 ~ 5000, default: 100] I:MagnetBlockTimer=100 # Potions that are blacklisted from this beacon [default: [minecraft:instant_health], [minecraft:instant_damage], [minecraft:wither], [minecraft:poison]] S:PharosBeaconBlacklist < minecraft:instant_health minecraft:instant_damage minecraft:wither minecraft:poison > # Set to make Pharos Beacon free and perpetual, so it will not consume potions. However if this set false, once it reads an effect from a potion, you must break and replace the beacon to wipe out its current effect. [default: true] B:PharosBeaconDoesConsumePotions=true # List of blocks that the Prospector knows about. [default: [minecraft:air], [minecraft:grass], [minecraft:dirt/0], [minecraft:dirt/1], [minecraft:stone], [minecraft:gravel], [minecraft:sand], [minecraft:bedrock]] S:ProspectorBlockList < minecraft:air minecraft:grass minecraft:dirt/0 minecraft:dirt/1 minecraft:stone minecraft:gravel minecraft:sand minecraft:bedrock > # True means this (ProspectorBlockList) is a blacklist, ignore whats listed. False means its a whitelist: only print whats listed. [default: true] B:ProspectorIsBlacklist=true # Block Range it will search onclick [range: 2 ~ 256, default: 32] I:ProspectorRange=32 S:SackHoldingBlacklist < parabox:parabox extracells:fluidcrafter extracells:ecbaseblock extracells:fluidfiller > # Crops & leaves that are blocked from harvesting (Brush Scythe and Tree Scythe). A star is for a wildcard [default: [terraqueous:pergola], [harvestcraft:*_sapling]] S:ScytheBlacklist < terraqueous:pergola harvestcraft:*_sapling > # Seconds of potion effect caused by using the sleeping mat [range: 0 ~ 600, default: 20] I:SleepingMatPotion=20 # Damage per second of iron spikes [range: 1 ~ 99, default: 5] I:SpikeDiamondDamage=5 # Damage per second of iron spikes [range: 1 ~ 99, default: 1] I:SpikeIronDamage=1 # Maximum height of the builder block that you can increase it to in the GUI [range: 1 ~ 256, default: 256] I:builder.maxHeight=64 # Maximum range of the builder block that you can increase it to in the GUI [range: 3 ~ 64, default: 64] I:builder.maxRange=64 # If true, then this block plays sound to everybody just like a record player. If false, it only plays for the player who most recently opened the block. This is useful for servers if players are using this block to grief others, you can set it to false and only the block owner will hear it. [default: true] B:sound_player_everybody=true B:sword_ender_projectiles=true B:sword_slowness_projectiles=true B:sword_weakness_projectiles=true # If true this will try an auto-detect blocks that are a leaf-type by class type, which means harvesting many blocks that are not explicitly in the whitelist. This is useful for handling vanilla and most modded blocks. If you want more precise control you can turn this false which means ONLY the whitelists will be harvested, so you would have to add every block yourself. [default: true] B:tool_harvest_leaves.class_defaults=true # Blocks that the Tree Scythe will attempt to harvest as if they are leaves. A star is for a wildcard [default: [extratrees:leaves.decorative.0], [extratrees:leaves.decorative.1], [extratrees:leaves.decorative.2], [extratrees:leaves.decorative.3], [extratrees:leaves.decorative.4], [extratrees:leaves.decorative.5], [forestry:leaves.decorative.0], [forestry:leaves.decorative.1], [terraqueous:foliage3:5], [plants2:nether_leaves], [plants2:crystal_leaves], [plants2:leaves_0], [plants2:bush]] S:tool_harvest_leaves.whitelist < extratrees:leaves.decorative.0 extratrees:leaves.decorative.1 extratrees:leaves.decorative.2 extratrees:leaves.decorative.3 extratrees:leaves.decorative.4 extratrees:leaves.decorative.5 forestry:leaves.decorative.0 forestry:leaves.decorative.1 terraqueous:foliage3:5 plants2:nether_leaves plants2:crystal_leaves plants2:leaves_0 plants2:bush > # Ore dictionary entries that the Tree Scythe will attempt to harvest as if they are leaves. [default: [treeLeaves]] S:tool_harvest_leaves.whitelist_oredict < treeLeaves > # If true this will try an auto-detect blocks that are a weed/bush/tallgrass type by class type, which means harvesting many blocks that are not explicitly in the whitelist. This is useful for handling vanilla and most modded blocks. If you want more precise control you can turn this false which means ONLY the whitelists will be harvested, so you would have to add every block yourself. [default: true] B:tool_harvest_weeds.class_defaults=true # Blocks that the Brush Scythe will attempt to harvest as if they are leaves. A star is for a wildcard [default: [plants2:cosmetic_0], [plants2:cosmetic_1], [plants2:cosmetic_2], [plants2:cosmetic_3], [plants2:cosmetic_4], [plants2:desert_0], [plants2:desert_1], [plants2:double_0], [plants2:cataplant], [botany:flower], [biomesoplenty:bamboo], [biomesoplenty:flower_0], [biomesoplenty:flower_1], [biomesoplenty:plant_0], [biomesoplenty:plant_1], [biomesoplenty:mushroom], [biomesoplenty:doubleplant], [biomesoplenty:flower_vine], [biomesoplenty:ivy], [biomesoplenty:tree_moss], [biomesoplenty:willow_vine], [croparia:fruit_grass], [plants2:androsace_a], [plants2:akebia_q_vine], [plants2:ampelopsis_a_vine], [plants2:adlumia_f], [abyssalcraft:wastelandsthorn], [abyssalcraft:luminousthistle], [harvestcraft:garden], [harvestcraft:windygarden], [minecraft:double_plant], [minecraft:red_flower], [minecraft:yellow_flower], [minecraft:brown_mushroom], [minecraft:red_mushroom], [ferdinandsflowers:block_cff_*], [extraplanets:*_flowers], [primal:cineris_grass], [primal:cineris_bloom], [primal:sinuous_weed], [primal:dry_grass_root], [primal:nether_root], [primal:corypha_stalk], [twilightforest:*_plant], [tconstruct:*_grass_tall], [thebetweenlands:*_flower], [thebetweenlands:*_tallgrass], [thebetweenlands:*_stalk], [thebetweenlands:moss], [thebetweenlands:cattail], [thebetweenlands:*_cattail], [thebetweenlands:*_plant], [thebetweenlands:*_coral], [thebetweenlands:*_bush], [thebetweenlands:*_ivy], [thebetweenlands:algae], [thebetweenlands:hanger], [thebetweenlands:nettle], [thebetweenlands:*_iris], [thebetweenlands:*_kelp], [thebetweenlands:fallen_leaves], [thebetweenlands:swamp_reed_*], [thebetweenlands:*_mushroom], [natura:*_vines], [nex:plant_thornstalk]] S:tool_harvest_weeds.whitelist < plants2:cosmetic_0 plants2:cosmetic_1 plants2:cosmetic_2 plants2:cosmetic_3 plants2:cosmetic_4 plants2:desert_0 plants2:desert_1 plants2:double_0 plants2:cataplant botany:flower biomesoplenty:bamboo biomesoplenty:flower_0 biomesoplenty:flower_1 biomesoplenty:plant_0 biomesoplenty:plant_1 biomesoplenty:mushroom biomesoplenty:doubleplant biomesoplenty:flower_vine biomesoplenty:ivy biomesoplenty:tree_moss biomesoplenty:willow_vine croparia:fruit_grass plants2:androsace_a plants2:akebia_q_vine plants2:ampelopsis_a_vine plants2:adlumia_f abyssalcraft:wastelandsthorn abyssalcraft:luminousthistle harvestcraft:garden harvestcraft:windygarden minecraft:double_plant minecraft:red_flower minecraft:yellow_flower minecraft:brown_mushroom minecraft:red_mushroom ferdinandsflowers:block_cff_* extraplanets:*_flowers primal:cineris_grass primal:cineris_bloom primal:sinuous_weed primal:dry_grass_root primal:nether_root primal:corypha_stalk twilightforest:*_plant tconstruct:*_grass_tall thebetweenlands:*_flower thebetweenlands:*_tallgrass thebetweenlands:*_stalk thebetweenlands:moss thebetweenlands:cattail thebetweenlands:*_cattail thebetweenlands:*_plant thebetweenlands:*_coral thebetweenlands:*_bush thebetweenlands:*_ivy thebetweenlands:algae thebetweenlands:hanger thebetweenlands:nettle thebetweenlands:*_iris thebetweenlands:*_kelp thebetweenlands:fallen_leaves thebetweenlands:swamp_reed_* thebetweenlands:*_mushroom natura:*_vines nex:plant_thornstalk > # Ore dictionary entries that the Brush Scythe will attempt to harvest as if they are leaves. [default: [vine], [plant], [flowerYellow], [stickWood]] S:tool_harvest_weeds.whitelist_oredict < vine plant flowerYellow stickWood > ########################################################################################################## # commands #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Disable any command that was added ########################################################################################################## commands { # Opens your ender chest B:enderchest=true # If true, only server OPs can run this command (or cheats enabled in single player) B:enderchest.NeedsOP=true # Get where your current spawn is set (by a bed) B:gethome=true # If true, only server OPs can run this command (or cheats enabled in single player) B:gethome.NeedsOP=false # Heal yourself (or a target player) to full B:heal=true # If true, only server OPs can run this command (or cheats enabled in single player) B:heal.NeedsOP=true # Teleport you to your current spawn (if its set) B:home=true # If true, only server OPs can run this command (or cheats enabled in single player) B:home.NeedsOP=true # Read NBT data from your held item B:nbtprint=true # If true, only server OPs can run this command (or cheats enabled in single player) B:nbtprint.NeedsOP=false # Debug command to set values on items, currently only sets strings B:nbtset=true # If true, only server OPs can run this command (or cheats enabled in single player) B:nbtset.NeedsOP=true # Display your current coordinates B:ping=true # If true, only server OPs can run this command (or cheats enabled in single player) B:ping.NeedsOP=false # Search for an item in nearby containers B:searchitem=true # If true, only server OPs can run this command (or cheats enabled in single player) B:searchitem.NeedsOP=false # Search the world nearby for spawners (dungeons, etc) B:searchspawner=true # If true, only server OPs can run this command (or cheats enabled in single player) B:searchspawner.NeedsOP=true # Search nearby villagers for trades based on item names B:searchtrade=true # If true, only server OPs can run this command (or cheats enabled in single player) B:searchtrade.NeedsOP=false # Command to set users food level B:setfood=true # If true, only server OPs can run this command (or cheats enabled in single player) B:setfood.NeedsOP=true # Increase the maximum hearts of a target player (lasts until death) B:setheartmod=true # If true, only server OPs can run this command (or cheats enabled in single player) B:setheartmod.NeedsOP=true B:sethearts=true B:sethearts.NeedsOP=true # Set reminders on screen for yourself B:todo=true # If true, only server OPs can run this command (or cheats enabled in single player) B:todo.NeedsOP=false # Get the stats on the nearest village (if any) B:villageinfo=true # If true, only server OPs can run this command (or cheats enabled in single player) B:villageinfo.NeedsOP=false # Teleport to true worldspawn B:worldhome=true # If true, only server OPs can run this command (or cheats enabled in single player) B:worldhome.NeedsOP=true } ########################################################################################################## # uncrafter #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Blacklists and other tweaks for the Uncrafting Grinder. (Use F3+H to see the details, it is always 'modid:item') ########################################################################################################## uncrafter { # Items that cannot be uncrafted. [default: [minecraft:end_crystal], [minecraft:magma], [minecraft:elytra], [forge:bucketfilled], [astralsorcery:itemwand], [progressiveautomation:WitherDiamond], [progressiveautomation:WitherGold], [progressiveautomation:WitherIron], [progressiveautomation:WitherStone], [progressiveautomation:WitherWood], [techreborn:uumatter], [spectrite:spectrite_arrow], [spectrite:spectrite_arrow_special], [cyclicmagic:crystallized_amber], [cyclicmagic:crystallized_obsidian]] S:BlacklistInput < minecraft:end_crystal minecraft:magma progressiveautomation:WitherDiamond progressiveautomation:WitherGold progressiveautomation:WitherIron progressiveautomation:WitherStone progressiveautomation:WitherWood minecraft:elytra techreborn:uumatter spectrite:spectrite_arrow spectrite:spectrite_arrow_special > # If a mod id is in this list, then nothing from that mod will be uncrafted [default: [projecte], [flammpfeil.slashblade], [resourcefulcrops], [spectrite]] S:BlacklistMod < projecte resourcefulcrops spectrite > # Items that cannot come out of crafting recipes. For example, if milk is in here, then cake can be uncrafted, but you get all items except the milk buckets. [default: [minecraft:milk_bucket], [minecraft:water_bucket], [minecraft:lava_bucket], [minecraft:nether_star], [minecraft:elytra], [forge:bucketfilled], [abyssalcraft:cloth], [abyssalcraft:transmutationgem], [botania:manatablet], [extrautils2:glasscutter], [harvestcraft:juiceritem], [harvestcraft:mixingbowlitem], [harvestcraft:mortarandpestleitem], [harvestcraft:bakewareitem], [harvestcraft:saucepanitem], [harvestcraft:skilletitem], [harvestcraft:potitem], [harvestcraft:cuttingboarditem], [ic2:forge_hammer], [ic2:cutter], [minecolonies:sceptergold], [mysticalagriculture:infusion_crystal], [mysticalagriculture:master_infusion_crystal], [techreborn:uumatter]] S:BlacklistOutput < minecraft:milk_bucket minecraft:water_bucket minecraft:lava_bucket botania:manaTablet harvestcraft:juicerItem harvestcraft:mixingbowlItem harvestcraft:mortarandpestleItem harvestcraft:bakewareItem harvestcraft:saucepanItem harvestcraft:skilletItem harvestcraft:potItem harvestcraft:cuttingboardItem mysticalagriculture:infusion_crystal mysticalagriculture:master_infusion_crystal minecraft:nether_star minecraft:elytra techreborn:uumatter deepmoblearning:pristine_matter_zombie deepmoblearning:pristine_matter_skeleton deepmoblearning:pristine_matter_creeper deepmoblearning:pristine_matter_spider deepmoblearning:pristine_matter_slime deepmoblearning:pristine_matter_witch deepmoblearning:pristine_matter_blaze deepmoblearning:pristine_matter_ghast deepmoblearning:pristine_matter_wither_skeleton deepmoblearning:pristine_matter_enderman deepmoblearning:pristine_matter_wither deepmoblearning:pristine_matter_dragon deepmoblearning:pristine_matter_shulker deepmoblearning:pristine_matter_guardian deepmoblearning:pristine_matter_thermal_elemental deepmoblearning:pristine_matter_tinker_slime deepmoblearning:pristine_matter_twilight_forest deepmoblearning:pristine_matter_twilight_swamp deepmoblearning:pristine_matter_twilight_darkwood deepmoblearning:pristine_matter_twilight_glacier deepmoblearning:pristine_matter_mo_android minecraft:stained_glass minecraft:stained_glass:1 minecraft:stained_glass:2 minecraft:stained_glass:3 minecraft:stained_glass:4 minecraft:stained_glass:5 minecraft:stained_glass:6 minecraft:stained_glass:7 minecraft:stained_glass:8 minecraft:stained_glass:9 minecraft:stained_glass:10 minecraft:stained_glass:11 minecraft:stained_glass:12 minecraft:stained_glass:13 minecraft:stained_glass:14 minecraft:stained_glass:15 rustic:painted_wood_white rustic:painted_wood_orange rustic:painted_wood_magenta rustic:painted_wood_light_blue rustic:painted_wood_yellow rustic:painted_wood_lime rustic:painted_wood_pink rustic:painted_wood_gray rustic:painted_wood_silver rustic:painted_wood_cyan rustic:painted_wood_purple rustic:painted_wood_blue rustic:painted_wood_brown rustic:painted_wood_green rustic:painted_wood_red rustic:painted_wood_black mysticalagriculture:stone_essence mysticalagriculture:dirt_essence mysticalagriculture:nature_essence mysticalagriculture:wood_essence mysticalagriculture:water_essence mysticalagriculture:ice_essence mysticalagriculture:fire_essence mysticalagriculture:dye_essence mysticalagriculture:nether_essence mysticalagriculture:coal_essence mysticalagriculture:iron_essence mysticalagriculture:nether_quartz_essence mysticalagriculture:glowstone_essence mysticalagriculture:redstone_essence mysticalagriculture:obsidian_essence mysticalagriculture:gold_essence mysticalagriculture:lapis_lazuli_essence mysticalagriculture:end_essence mysticalagriculture:experience_essence mysticalagriculture:diamond_essence mysticalagriculture:emerald_essence mysticalagriculture:zombie_essence mysticalagriculture:pig_essence mysticalagriculture:chicken_essence mysticalagriculture:cow_essence mysticalagriculture:sheep_essence mysticalagriculture:slime_essence mysticalagriculture:skeleton_essence mysticalagriculture:creeper_essence mysticalagriculture:spider_essence mysticalagriculture:rabbit_essence mysticalagriculture:guardian_essence mysticalagriculture:blaze_essence mysticalagriculture:ghast_essence mysticalagriculture:enderman_essence mysticalagriculture:wither_skeleton_essence mysticalagriculture:silicon_essence mysticalagriculture:sulfur_essence mysticalagriculture:copper_essence mysticalagriculture:tin_essence mysticalagriculture:bronze_essence mysticalagriculture:silver_essence mysticalagriculture:lead_essence mysticalagriculture:graphite_essence mysticalagriculture:steel_essence mysticalagriculture:nickel_essence mysticalagriculture:electrum_essence mysticalagriculture:invar_essence mysticalagriculture:uranium_essence mysticalagriculture:platinum_essence mysticalagriculture:blizz_essence mysticalagriculture:blitz_essence mysticalagriculture:signalum_essence mysticalagriculture:lumium_essence mysticalagriculture:enderium_essence mysticalagriculture:knightslime_essence mysticalagriculture:ardite_essence mysticalagriculture:cobalt_essence mysticalagriculture:manyullyn_essence mysticalagriculture:osmium_essence mysticalagriculture:glowstone_ingot_essence mysticalagriculture:refined_obsidian_essence mysticalagriculture:marble_essence mysticalagriculture:limestone_essence mysticalagriculture:basalt_essence mysticalagriculture:steeleaf_essence mysticalagriculture:ironwood_essence mysticalagriculture:knightmetal_essence mysticalagriculture:fiery_ingot_essence mysticalagriculture:thorium_essence mysticalagriculture:boron_essence mysticalagriculture:lithium_essence mysticalagriculture:magnesium_essence mysticalagriculture:menril_essence mysticalagriculture:aquamarine_essence mysticalagriculture:starmetal_essence mysticalagriculture:rock_crystal_essence mysticalagriculture:dilithium_essence mysticalagriculture:tritanium_essence mysticalagriculture:slate_essence mysticalagriculture:fluix_essence tconstruct:clear_stained_glass tconstruct:clear_stained_glass:1 tconstruct:clear_stained_glass:2 tconstruct:clear_stained_glass:3 tconstruct:clear_stained_glass:4 tconstruct:clear_stained_glass:5 tconstruct:clear_stained_glass:6 tconstruct:clear_stained_glass:7 tconstruct:clear_stained_glass:8 tconstruct:clear_stained_glass:9 tconstruct:clear_stained_glass:10 tconstruct:clear_stained_glass:11 tconstruct:clear_stained_glass:12 tconstruct:clear_stained_glass:13 tconstruct:clear_stained_glass:14 tconstruct:clear_stained_glass:15 tp:dirty_glass tp:glowstone_glass cookingforblockheads:cow_jar > # If you change this to true, then the uncrafting will just take the first of many options in any recipe that takes multiple input types. For example, false means chests cannot be uncrafted, but true means chests will ALWAYS give oak wooden planks. [default: true] B:PickFirstMeta=true } block_anvil { # If this is set to true, this block will force-repair items that are set to be non-repairable (such as Tinkers Construct tools). Of course it still respects the blacklist. Applies to both diamond and magma anvil [default: false] B:ForceNonRepairable=false # These cannot be repaired. Use star syntax to lock out an entire mod, otherwise use the standard modid:itemid for singles. Applies to both diamond and magma anvil [default: [galacticraftcore:battery], [galacticraftcore:oxygen_tank_heavy_full], [galacticraftcore:oxygen_tank_med_full], [galacticraftcore:oil_canister_partial], [galacticraftcore:oxygen_tank_light_full], [pneumaticcraft:*]] S:RepairBlacklist < galacticraftcore:battery galacticraftcore:oxygen_tank_heavy_full galacticraftcore:oxygen_tank_med_full galacticraftcore:oil_canister_partial galacticraftcore:oxygen_tank_light_full pneumaticcraft:* > } magic_net { # Entities that cannot be captured. (even without this, players and non-living entities do not work) [default: [minecraft:wither], [minecraft:ender_dragon], [minecraft:ender_crystal]] S:CaptureBlacklist < minecraft:wither minecraft:ender_dragon minecraft:ender_crystal > } }