§align:center ##### §nPower Through Portals§n §img[https://ss.brandon3055.com/44ee4]{height:200,padding:2,border_colour:0x0} §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%,top_pad:0} Thanks to the bound dislocators you now have the ability to transmit power through portals! To do this simply create two portals and a set of §link[draconicevolution:dislocation/bound_dislocators]{alt_text:"Bound Dislocators"} (Point to Point) Then insert those dislocators into the portals to link them. You can now bind a crystal to the receptacle of each portal and it will be as if the two crustals are linked directly to each other. The two portals can be seperated by any distance. They can even be in different dimensions. Note: You can only link a single crystal to each portal and both portals need to be chunkloaded in order for the link to work. §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%,top_pad:0}