# Configuration file buildcraft { # Allow BuildCraft fuels to be used in fuel generators [Default=true] B:EnableBuildcraftFuels=true # Enable distillation tower recipes related to BuildCraft fuels [Default=true] B:EnableDistillationTowerBuildCraftRecipes=true # Buildcraft's quarry will require an advanced circuit and diamond drill if enabled [Default=true] B:ExpensiveQuarryRecipe=true } forestry { # Enable distillation tower recipes envolving Forestry fuels [Default=true] B:EnableDistillationTowerForestryRecipes=true # Allow Forestry fuels to be used in the fuel generators [Default=true] B:EnableForestryFuels=true } general { # Drop red and yellow garnets and peridot from any harvested oreRuby, oreSapphire, oreSphalerite. False will also disable drop from TechReborn ores. [Default=true] B:secondaryGemDrops=false } immersive_engineering { # Enable compressor recipes related to Immersive Engineering content [Default=true] B:EnableCompressorImmersiveEngineeringRecipes=true # Allow Immersive Engineering fuels to be used in the fuel generators [Default=true] B:EnableImmersiveEngineeringFuels=true } immersiveengineering { B:EnableImmersiveEngineeringFuels=true } industrial_foregoing { # Allow Industrial Foregoing fuels to be used in the fuel generators [Default=true] B:EnableIndustrialForegoingFuels=true } jei { # Show Scrapbox loot in JEI [Default=false] B:ShowScrabpox=false } modules { # Should the compat module 'BaublesCompat' be loaded B:BaublesCompat=true # Should the compat module 'BuildCraftBuildersCompat' be loaded B:BuildCraftBuildersCompat=true # Should the compat module 'BuildCraftEnergyCompat' be loaded B:BuildCraftEnergyCompat=true B:BuildcraftBuildersCompat=true B:BuildcraftCompat=true # Should the compat module 'CraftTweakerCompat' be loaded B:CraftTweakerCompat=true # Should the compat module 'ForestryCompat' be loaded B:ForestryCompat=true B:IC2Module=true # Should the compat module 'IC2ModuleExperimental' be loaded B:IC2ModuleExperimental=true # Should the compat module 'ImmersiveEngineeringCompat' be loaded B:ImmersiveEngineeringCompat=true # Should the compat module 'IndustrialForegoingCompat' be loaded B:IndustrialForegoingCompat=true # Should the compat module 'RailcraftCompat' be loaded B:RailcraftCompat=true B:RecipeImmersiveEngineering=true B:RecipeThermalExpansion=true # Should the compat module 'TheOneProbeCompat' be loaded B:TheOneProbeCompat=true # Should the compat module 'ThermalExpansionCompat' be loaded B:ThermalExpansionCompat=true } railcraft { # Disable rolling machine rail related recipes when Railcraft is installed [Default=true] B:DisableRailRelatedRollingMachineRecipes=true B:DisableRailRelatedRollingMachinesRecipes=true # Allow Railcraft fuels to be used in the fuel generators (i.e. Creosote) [Default=true] B:EnableRailcraftFuels=true } theoneprobe { # Display machine info in The One Probe's HUD [Default=true] B:EnableTOPSupport=true } thermal_expansion { # Disable induction smelter recipes that bypass the use of the blast furnace (i.e. tungsten ingots) [Default=true] B:DisableInductionSmelterRecipesBypassingBlastFurnace=true # Enable distillation tower recipes related to ThermalExpansion content [Default=true] B:EnableDistillationTowerThermalExpansionRecipes=true # Allow Thermal Expansion fuels to be used in the fuel generators [Default=true] B:EnableThermalExpansionFuels=true }