/* This file uses the ".json5" file extension which allows for comments like this in a json file! Your text editor may show this file with invalid/no syntax, if so, we recommend you download: VSCode: https://code.visualstudio.com/ JSON5 plugin(for VSCode): https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=mrmlnc.vscode-json5 to make editing this file much easier. Appearing on terrain BELOW weirdness 0 or in unfilled("NULL(nothing)") spots in "middle_biomes_variants", here is the "middle_biomes" layout: [ ARID-ICY, DRY-ICY, NEUTRAL-ICY, WET-ICY, HUMID-ICY ], [ ARID-COLD, DRY-COLD, NEUTRAL-COLD, WET-COLD, HUMID-COLD ], [ ARID-NEUTRAL, DRY-NEUTRAL, NEUTRAL-NEUTRAL, WET-NEUTRAL, HUMID-NEUTRAL ], [ ARID-WARM, DRY-WARM, NEUTRAL-WARM, WET-WARM, HUMID-WARM ], [ ARID-HOT, DRY-HOT, NEUTRAL-HOT, WET-HOT, HUMID-HOT ] All keys passed in must be valid in the biome registry! "minecraft:the_void" is invalid as it represents a value of "NULL(nothing)" internally. */ { "value": [ [ "byg:shattered_glacier", "byg:cardinal_tundra", "byg:cardinal_tundra", "byg:skyris_vale", "byg:skyris_vale" ], [ "byg:rose_fields", "byg:weeping_witch_forest", "byg:twilight_meadow", "byg:autumnal_valley", "byg:cika_woods" ], [ "byg:forgotten_forest", "byg:prairie", "byg:allium_fields", "byg:aspen_forest", "byg:temperate_rainforest" ], [ "byg:araucaria_savanna", "byg:baobab_savanna", "byg:cherry_blossom_forest", "byg:ebony_woods", "byg:jacaranda_forest" ], [ "byg:atacama_desert", "byg:red_rock_valley", "byg:mojave_desert", "byg:sierra_badlands", "byg:windswept_desert" ] ] }