# Configuration file botaniaplugin { # Multiplier for the Beegonia's mana generation. Default: 1.0 (Affects duration, not throughput) D:beegoniaManaMultiplier=1.0 # Multiplier on Hibeescus mana cost, base 10,000. Default 1.0. Setting to 0 makes you a huge cheater. <3 D:hibeescusManaCostMultiplier=1.0 # Multiplier for Hibeescus operation tick time. Multiplied against 1.5 Minecraft days with some extra randomness. Default: 1.0. Setting to 0 makes you a huge cheater. <3 D:hibeescusTicksMultiplier=1.0 # Multiplier for the Hiveacynth's mana consumption. Default: 1.0 D:hiveacynthManaMultiplier=1.0 # Rate at which the Hiveacynth will spawn a Princess instead of a Drone. Default: 0.09. Setting to 0 will disable. D:hiveacynthPrincessSpawnRate=0.09 # Rate at which the Hiveacynth will produce a Pristine Princess, when it produces a princess. Default: 0.15. Setting to 0 will disable, setting to 1 will make every Princess produced pristine.. D:hiveacynthPristineRate=0 # Rate at which the Hiveacynth applies rain resist to spawned bees. Default: 0.1 Setting to 0 will disable. D:hiveacynthRainResistRate=0.1 } client { # set to true to disable the magnet from making noise on item pickup B:disableMagnetSound=false } debug { # Enable to see exact locations of MagicBees hive spawns. B:logHiveSpawns=false } general { # Set to true to allow Greatwood & Silverwood planks to burn in a fire. B:areMagicPlanksFlammable=false # Aromatic lump swarmer rate. Final value is X/1000. 0 will disable, values outside of [0,1000] will be clamped to range. Default: 95 I:aromaticLumpSwarmerRate=95 # Set to true if you want MagicBees to add several Thaumcraft blocks & items to Forestry backpacks. # Set to false to disable. B:backpack.forestry.addThaumcraftItems=true # Set to false to disable the Thaumaturge backpack B:backpack.thaumaturge.active=true # Add additional items to the Thaumaturge's Backpack. # Format is the same as Forestry's: id:meta;id;id:meta (etc) S:backpack.thaumaturge.additionalItems=minecraft:paper;TaintedMagic:ItemMaterial:*;ThaumicTinkerer:kamiResource:*;Thaumcraft:ItemZombieBrain;Thaumcraft:ItemResource:*;Thaumcraft:blockCrystal:*;Thaumcraft:ItemShard:*;Thaumcraft:blockCosmeticSolid:*;Thaumcraft:blockCosmeticOpaque:*;Thaumcraft:ItemEssence:*;Thaumcraft:ItemInkwell:*;Thaumcraft:blockTube:*;Thaumcraft:blockMagicalLog:*;Thaumcraft:blockWoodenDevice:*;Thaumcraft:blockStoneDevice:*;Thaumcraft:blockMetalDevice:*;Thaumcraft:blockMirror:*;Thaumcraft:blockTable:*;Thaumcraft:ItemResearchNotes:*;Thaumcraft:ItemThaumometer;Thaumcraft:WandCasting:*;Thaumcraft:ItemThaumonomicon;Thaumcraft:ItemGoggles;Thaumcraft:ItemGolemPlacer:*;Thaumcraft:ItemGolemCore:*;Thaumcraft:ItemGolemUpgrade:*;Thaumcraft:ItemGolemDecoration:*;Thaumcraft:ItemLootBag:*;Thaumcraft:ItemEldritchObject:*;witchery:ingredient:*;witchery:garlic;witchery:witchsapling:*;witchery:witchlog:*;witchery:poppet:*;witchery:chalkritual;witchery:chalkotherwhere;witchery:chalkinfernal;witchery:chalkheart;ForbiddenMagic:NetherShard:*;ForbiddenMagic:GluttonyShard # Allows you to edit the stack size of the capsules in MagicBees if using GregTech, # or the reduced capsule size in Forestry & Railcraft. Default: 64 I:capsuleStackSize=64 # Set to true to stop Magic Bees from notifying you when new updates are available. (Does not supress critical updates) B:disableVersionNotification=false # Set to false if you hate fun and do not want special hives generating in Magic biomes. B:doSpecialHiveGen=false # Maximum level of the magnets. I:magnetMaximumLevel=8 # Base range (in blocks) of the Mysterious Magnet D:magnetRangeBase=3.0 # Range multiplier per level of the Mysterious Magnet. Total range = base range + level * multiplier D:magnetRangeMultiplier=0.75 # set to true to show the current moon phase in mouse-over text. B:moonDialShowText=false D:thaumCraftSaplingDroprate=0.1 # The maximum aspect amount Nexus bees can grow a node to I:thaumcraftNodeMaxSize=2147483000 # The chance for thaumcraft saplings using the thaumium grafter D:thaumcraftSaplingDroprate=0.1 # Set to true to make Thaumium Grafter & Scoop require impregnated sticks in the recipe. B:useImpregnatedStickInTools=true } modules { B:AppliedEnergistics2=true B:ArsMagica=false B:BloodMagic=true B:Botania=true B:EquivalentExchange=false B:ExtraBees=true B:RedstoneArsenal=false B:Thaumcraft=true B:ThermalExpansion=false }