  "questIDHigh:4": 0,
  "preRequisites:9": {
    "0:10": {
      "questIDHigh:4": 0,
      "questIDLow:4": 36
  "questIDLow:4": 1085,
  "properties:10": {
    "betterquesting:10": {
      "snd_complete:8": "random.levelup",
      "taskLogic:8": "AND",
      "partySingleReward:1": 0,
      "visibility:8": "NORMAL",
      "isMain:1": 0,
      "simultaneous:1": 0,
      "icon:10": {
        "id:8": "IronChest:BlockIronChest",
        "Count:3": 1,
        "Damage:2": 0,
        "OreDict:8": ""
      "snd_update:8": "random.levelup",
      "repeatTime:3": -1,
      "globalShare:1": 1,
      "questLogic:8": "AND",
      "repeat_relative:1": 1,
      "name:8": "§2§lMore Compact Storage",
      "isGlobal:1": 0,
      "lockedProgress:1": 0,
      "autoClaim:1": 0,
      "isSilent:1": 0,
      "desc:8": "Now that you are starting to find more and more iron you feel your wood chests are too small to hold all the stuff you\u0027ve found and collected. Now it\u0027s time to upgrade your chests to iron chests. You can just build a new chest or upgrade the wood chest with a wood to iron chest upgrade item."
  "tasks:9": {
    "0:10": {
      "partialMatch:1": 1,
      "autoConsume:1": 0,
      "groupDetect:1": 0,
      "ignoreNBT:1": 1,
      "index:3": 0,
      "consume:1": 0,
      "requiredItems:9": {
        "0:10": {
          "id:8": "gregtech:gt.metaitem.01",
          "Count:3": 8,
          "Damage:2": 18032,
          "OreDict:8": ""
        "1:10": {
          "id:8": "gregtech:gt.metaitem.01",
          "Count:3": 4,
          "Damage:2": 27032,
          "OreDict:8": ""
        "2:10": {
          "id:8": "minecraft:chest",
          "Count:3": 2,
          "Damage:2": 0,
          "OreDict:8": ""
      "taskID:8": "bq_standard:optional_retrieval"
    "1:10": {
      "partialMatch:1": 1,
      "autoConsume:1": 0,
      "groupDetect:1": 0,
      "ignoreNBT:1": 0,
      "index:3": 1,
      "consume:1": 0,
      "requiredItems:9": {
        "0:10": {
          "id:8": "IronChest:BlockIronChest",
          "Count:3": 2,
          "Damage:2": 0,
          "OreDict:8": ""
      "taskID:8": "bq_standard:retrieval"
  "rewards:9": {
    "0:10": {
      "rewardID:8": "bq_standard:choice",
      "index:3": 0,
      "choices:9": {
        "0:10": {
          "id:8": "IronChest:woodIronUpgrade",
          "Count:3": 2,
          "Damage:2": 0,
          "OreDict:8": ""
        "1:10": {
          "id:8": "minecraft:iron_ingot",
          "Count:3": 8,
          "Damage:2": 0,
          "OreDict:8": ""
        "2:10": {
          "id:8": "enhancedlootbags:lootbag",
          "Count:3": 1,
          "Damage:2": 2,
          "OreDict:8": ""
    "1:10": {
      "rewardID:8": "bq_standard:item",
      "index:3": 1,
      "rewards:9": {
        "0:10": {
          "id:8": "dreamcraft:item.CoinTechnician",
          "Count:3": 5,
          "Damage:2": 0,
          "OreDict:8": ""