# Configuration file biomes { I:biomeOilDesert=40 I:biomeOilOcean=41 } debug { B:blueprints.printSchematicList=false B:facades.printFacadeList=false } general { S:blueprints.libraryInput < "$MINECRAFT\blueprints" "$MINECRAFT\config\buildcraft\blueprints\client" "$HOME\Downloads" > S:blueprints.libraryOutput="$MINECRAFT\blueprints" S:blueprints.serverDir="$MINECRAFT\config\buildcraft\blueprints\server" S:boards.blacklist < > # blocks that should be excluded from the builder. S:builder.excludedBlocks < > # mods that should be excluded from the builder. S:builder.excludedMods < > # Can oil burn? B:burnOil=true # The multiplier for chipset recipe cost. [range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0, default: 1.0] S:chipset.costMultiplier=1.0 B:client.colorblindmode=false # set to true if the Pump should consume water B:consumeWater=false B:current.continuous=false # Should it be hard to swim in oil? B:denseOil=true B:dropBrokenBlocks=true B:energyConverter=true # Do engines explode upon overheat? B:enginesExplode=false S:excessiveOilBiomeIDs= S:excludeOilBiomeIDs=9,8 # Blocks listed here will not have facades created. The format is modid:blockname. # For mods with a | character, the value needs to be surrounded with quotes. S:facade.blacklist < minecraft:bedrock minecraft:command_block minecraft:end_portal_frame minecraft:grass minecraft:leaves minecraft:leaves2 minecraft:lit_pumpkin minecraft:lit_redstone_lamp minecraft:mob_spawner minecraft:monster_egg minecraft:redstone_lamp minecraft:double_stone_slab minecraft:double_wooden_slab minecraft:sponge "BuildCraft|Builders:architectBlock" "BuildCraft|Builders:builderBlock" "BuildCraft|Builders:fillerBlock" "BuildCraft|Builders:libraryBlock" "BuildCraft|Factory:autoWorkbenchBlock" "BuildCraft|Factory:floodGateBlock" "BuildCraft|Factory:miningWellBlock" "BuildCraft|Factory:pumpBlock" "BuildCraft|Factory:machineBlock" "BuildCraft|Transport:filteredBufferBlock" > B:facade.treatBlacklistAsWhitelist=false B:filler.destroy=false I:filler.lifespan.other=6000 I:filler.lifespan.tough=20 # adjust energy value of Fuel in Combustion Engines D:fuel.fuel.combustion=1.0 # adjust output energy by Fuel in Combustion Engines I:fuel.fuel.combustion.energyOutput=60 # adjust energy value of Lava in Combustion Engines D:fuel.lava.combustion=1.0 # adjust output energy by Lava in Combustion Engines I:fuel.lava.combustion.energyOutput=20 # adjust energy value of Oil in Combustion Engines D:fuel.oil.combustion=1.0 # adjust output energy by Oil in Combustion Engines I:fuel.oil.combustion.energyOutput=30 # The multiplier for gate recipe cost. [range: 0.001 ~ 1000.0, default: 1.0] S:gate.recipeCostMultiplier=1.0 # set to true to not display any mB or mB/t numbers. B:hideFluidNumbers=false # set to true to not display any RF or RF/t numbers. B:hidePowerNumbers=false # the lifespan in ticks of items dropped on the ground by pipes and machines, vanilla = 6000, default = 1200 I:itemLifespan=1200 # Set the default marker range. Setting it too high might cause lag and general weirdness, so watch out! I:marker.range=64 # cost multiplier for mining operations, range (1.0 - 10.0) # high values may render engines incapable of powering machines directly D:mining.cost.multipler=1.0 # how far below the machine can mining machines dig, range (2 - 256), default 256 I:mining.depth=256 # disables the recipes for automated mining machines B:mining.enabled=true # set to false if BuildCraft should not generate custom blocks (e.g. oil) B:modifyWorld=true # delay between full client sync packets, increasing it saves bandwidth, decreasing makes for better client syncronization. I:network.stateRefreshPeriod=40 # increasing this number will decrease network update frequency, useful for overloaded servers I:network.updateFactor=10 # IDs or Biome Types (e.g. SANDY,OCEAN) of biomes that should have GREATLY increased oil generation rates. S:oil.excessiveBiomeIDs < > # IDs or Biome Types (e.g. SANDY,OCEAN) of biomes that are excluded from generating oil. S:oil.excludeBiomeIDs < Sky Hell > # IDs or Biome Types (e.g. SANDY,OCEAN) of biomes that should have increased oil generation rates. S:oil.increasedBiomeIDs < SANDY Taiga > S:oilBiomeIDs=DESERT,5 # Probability of oil well generation D:oilWellGenerationRate=1.0 # How long a pipe will take to break D:pipes.durability=0.25 I:pipes.fluids.baseFlowRate=10 # Enable the slimeball based pipe waterproofing recipe B:pipes.fluids.enableAdditionalWaterproofingRecipe=true # when reaching this amount of objects in a pipes, items will be automatically grouped I:pipes.groupItemsTrigger=32 # Allows admins to whitelist or blacklist pumping of specific fluids in specific dimensions. # Eg. "-/-1/Lava" will disable lava in the nether. "-/*/Lava" will disable lava in any dimension. "+/0/*" will enable any fluid in the overworld. # Entries are comma seperated, banned fluids have precedence over allowed ones.Default is "+/*/*,+/-1/Lava" - the second redundant entry ("+/-1/lava") is there to show the format. S:pumping.controlList=+/*/*,+/-1/lava # Quarry loads chunks required for mining B:quarry.loads.chunks=true # Quarry cannot be picked back up after placement B:quarry.one.time.use=false S:recipesBlacklist < > B:trackNetworkUsage=false # set to true for version check on startup B:update.check=false S:version=6.4.16 S:woodenPipe.item.exclusion < > S:woodenPipe.liquid.exclusion < > } worldgen { B:oilSprings=true B:waterSpring=true }