{ "name": "Trial Attunement", "icon": "deepmoblearning:trial_key", "category": "2_trials", "sortnum": 0, "pages": [ { "type": "recipelookup", "recipe": "deepmoblearning:trial_key", "text": "This little guy is what starts a $(l:2_trials/1_trials)Trial$(), but first you need to $(item)Attune$() it.$(br2)Hover over the $(item)Key$() to see what $(l:0_introduction/2_data_models)Data Models$() you can use to attune it with. More may be added in the future." }, { "type": "text", "title": "How to Attune", "text": "The $(item)Attunement$() of the $(item)Key$() will decide what $(l:2_trials/1_trials)Trial$() is started.$(br2)For example a $(item)Zombie$() attuned key will start a $(item)Zombie$() $(l:2_trials/1_trials)Trial$().$(br2)You $(item)Attune Keys$() by having them in your $(item)Inventory$(). The next time you slay a mob and gain $(l:0_introduction/1_data)Data$() it will $(item)Attune$() the $(item)Key$() if the mob slain matches one of the available $(item)Attunements$()." } ] }