{ "name": "Word from the Author", "icon": "minecraft:skull:3{SkullOwner:'IterationFunk'}", "category": "5_funk", "sortnum": 0, "pages": [ { "type": "text", "text": "Hiya, I'm IterationFunk, a 25 year old developer from icy Sweden. I started developing Deep Mob Learning back in the $(item)Summer$() of $(item)2017$() as a project to get into modding.$(br2)I had made previous attempts at modding but the first time around I wasn't really familiar with $(item)Java$() or programming for that matter." }, { "type": "text", "text": "I was introduced to the modded scene back in 1.4.6 where $(item)IC2$() and $(item)Thermal Expansion$() (RIP Tesseracts) had their glorydays, since then I've been playing on and off and after I started my $(l:https://www.youtube.com/user/Niklas939393/videos)Youtube Channel$() I've played the game pretty much every day.$(br2)I'm very happy to be part of this community and I do hope you enjoy playing the $(item)Mod$()!" } ] }