This guide will help you figure out how to start your adventure in this modpack! Here is some basic but important information for you to go over: -Scaling Health: The difficulty in your world will continuously increase up to a difficulty of 250. If you are not always improving your gear or enchants, you may find the game to be difficult at certain points. ALL mobs scale, including bosses. Take this into account when deciding what content you wish to pursue at the time. Check the Scaling Health page for more information. -Quality Tools: Items may have a random quality or attribute when they enter your inventory. This can be a good or bad thing, depending on the quality of the tool. In order to reforge a tool, you will need to obtain Obsidian and craft a Reforging Station. There, you can place the repair material for the item into the station, and reforge your item. If your item does not have a proper repair material, you will need a Nether Star, instead. -Level-Up System: A menu, available by a binding (check your Controls), will allow players to exert 5 experience levels for a skill point. Skill points can be spent on passive talents inside this menu. These talents will provide slight boosts to your quality of life. Check the Level-Up System page for more information. -Spells: Spells have great utility purpose, but have also been recently updated to be more useful in combat. You may find certain spells to be overpowering against enemies; this is partially intended. As the difficulty of your world increases, you will find spells are more balanced towards mid to end-game. -Read descriptions in your questbook: If you need help figuring out what an item does, and it is not explained in the game, you can usually find an explanation in the description of the quest related to the item in question. E.g items in "Cyclic" or "Random Things". -The Questbook is not the end-all. It is meant to be a guide, more than anything, and you will likely find yourself completing quests just by playing the modpack. Objectives for players to complete are a bonus to those who play objectively. Just about everything can still be obtained or discovered without completing the questbook. -This modpack strays away from automation. Certain farming methods may be gone over in this guide, but in regards to experience farms; these have been effortfully removed. This modpack focuses on exploration and rewards determination.