# Configuration file general { master_config { general { # When 'playerResizing' is enabled and ArtemisLib is loaded the player will be resized using ArtemisLib. Might cause visual and/or eye height glitches. B:artemisLibCompatibility=true # Enable/Disable changes to item entity sinking in water. B:itemEntityMovement=true # Factor in percent how fast item entities sink in water. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:itemEntityMovementFactor=0.125 # Enable/Disable packets to sync oxygen. Should prevent desync of client and server. But increases network traffic and comes with a latency. Not recommended unless you have experienced desync. B:oxygenSyncPackets=false # Enable/Disable resizing of the player when sprint diving or in a seamoth. B:playerResizing=true # Enable/Disable packets to sync seaglide energy. Should prevent desync of client and server. But increases network traffic and comes with a latency. Not recommended unless you have experienced desync. B:seaglideEnergySyncPackets=false # Enable/Disable packets to sync seamoth energy. Should prevent desync of client and server. But increases network traffic and comes with a latency. Not recommended unless you have experienced desync. B:seamothEnergySyncPackets=false # When 'divingMovement' module is enabled the movemet will be altered to be similar to MC 1.13. B:vanillaDivingMovement=false } modules { B:blockBreaking=true B:divingMovement=true B:entitySpawning=true B:oreGeneration=true B:oxygenHandling=true B:plantGeneration=true B:visionUnderWater=true } ores { limestone { # Amount of this plant/ore per chunk. # Min: 1 # Max: 128 I:amount=1 # Biome types in which this plant/ore can generate. S:biomeTypes < OCEAN > # Biomes in which this plant/ore can generate. For modded biomes: modid:biome_name. S:biomes < ocean deep_ocean > # Every x chunks this plant/ore will be generated. # Min: 1 # Max: 1000 I:chance=2 # Dimensions in which this plant/ore can generate. I:dimensions < 0 > # Usage changes depending on seaLevelRelative. # Min: 0 # Max: 256 I:maxHeight=60 # Usage changes depending on seaLevelRelative. # Min: 0 # Max: 256 I:minHeight=4 # When enabled minHeight defines how many blocks below sea level you have to at least be to find this plant/ore and maxHeight defines how many blocks below sea level you have to at most be to find this plant/ore. B:seaLevelRelative=true # Enable/Disable the generation of this plant/ore. B:shouldGenerate=true } sandstone { # Amount of this plant/ore per chunk. # Min: 1 # Max: 128 I:amount=1 # Biome types in which this plant/ore can generate. S:biomeTypes < OCEAN > # Biomes in which this plant/ore can generate. For modded biomes: modid:biome_name. S:biomes < ocean deep_ocean > # Every x chunks this plant/ore will be generated. # Min: 1 # Max: 1000 I:chance=4 # Dimensions in which this plant/ore can generate. I:dimensions < 0 > # Usage changes depending on seaLevelRelative. # Min: 0 # Max: 256 I:maxHeight=60 # Usage changes depending on seaLevelRelative. # Min: 0 # Max: 256 I:minHeight=24 # When enabled minHeight defines how many blocks below sea level you have to at least be to find this plant/ore and maxHeight defines how many blocks below sea level you have to at most be to find this plant/ore. B:seaLevelRelative=true # Enable/Disable the generation of this plant/ore. B:shouldGenerate=true } sandlayer { # Biome types in which this plant/ore can generate. S:biomeTypes < OCEAN > # Biomes in which this plant/ore should generate. For modded biomes: modid:biome_name. S:biomes < ocean deep_ocean > # Dimensions in which this plant/ore should generate. I:dimensions < 0 > # Usage changes depending on seaLevelRelative. # Min: 0 # Max: 256 I:maxHeight=20 # Usage changes depending on seaLevelRelative. # Min: 0 # Max: 256 I:minHeight=4 # When enabled minHeight defines how many blocks below sea level you have to at least be to find this plant/ore and maxHeight defines how many blocks below sea level you have to at most be to find this plant/ore. B:seaLevelRelative=true # Enable/Disable sand layer generation. B:shouldGenerate=true } } plants { B:shouldGenerateCreepvineSeedCluster=true acidmushroom { # Amount of this plant/ore per chunk. # Min: 1 # Max: 128 I:amount=8 # Biome types in which this plant/ore can generate. S:biomeTypes < OCEAN > # Biomes in which this plant/ore can generate. For modded biomes: modid:biome_name. S:biomes < ocean deep_ocean > # Every x chunks this plant/ore will be generated. # Min: 1 # Max: 1000 I:chance=12 # Dimensions in which this plant/ore can generate. I:dimensions < 0 > # Usage changes depending on seaLevelRelative. # Min: 0 # Max: 256 I:maxHeight=60 # Usage changes depending on seaLevelRelative. # Min: 0 # Max: 256 I:minHeight=4 # When enabled minHeight defines how many blocks below sea level you have to at least be to find this plant/ore and maxHeight defines how many blocks below sea level you have to at most be to find this plant/ore. B:seaLevelRelative=true # Enable/Disable the generation of this plant/ore. B:shouldGenerate=true } creepvine { # Amount of this plant/ore per chunk. # Min: 1 # Max: 128 I:amount=16 # Biome types in which this plant/ore can generate. S:biomeTypes < OCEAN > # Biomes in which this plant/ore can generate. For modded biomes: modid:biome_name. S:biomes < ocean deep_ocean > # Every x chunks this plant/ore will be generated. # Min: 1 # Max: 1000 I:chance=16 # Dimensions in which this plant/ore can generate. I:dimensions < 0 > # Usage changes depending on seaLevelRelative. # Min: 0 # Max: 256 I:maxHeight=60 # Usage changes depending on seaLevelRelative. # Min: 0 # Max: 256 I:minHeight=16 # When enabled minHeight defines how many blocks below sea level you have to at least be to find this plant/ore and maxHeight defines how many blocks below sea level you have to at most be to find this plant/ore. B:seaLevelRelative=true # Enable/Disable the generation of this plant/ore. B:shouldGenerate=true } seagrass { # Amount of this plant/ore per chunk. # Min: 1 # Max: 128 I:amount=24 # Biome types in which this plant/ore can generate. S:biomeTypes < OCEAN > # Biomes in which this plant/ore can generate. For modded biomes: modid:biome_name. S:biomes < ocean deep_ocean > # Every x chunks this plant/ore will be generated. # Min: 1 # Max: 1000 I:chance=1 # Dimensions in which this plant/ore can generate. I:dimensions < 0 > # Usage changes depending on seaLevelRelative. # Min: 0 # Max: 256 I:maxHeight=60 # Usage changes depending on seaLevelRelative. # Min: 0 # Max: 256 I:minHeight=4 # When enabled minHeight defines how many blocks below sea level you have to at least be to find this plant/ore and maxHeight defines how many blocks below sea level you have to at most be to find this plant/ore. B:seaLevelRelative=true # Enable/Disable the generation of this plant/ore. B:shouldGenerate=true } seagrasstall { # Amount of this plant/ore per chunk. # Min: 1 # Max: 128 I:amount=12 # Biome types in which this plant/ore can generate. S:biomeTypes < OCEAN > # Biomes in which this plant/ore can generate. For modded biomes: modid:biome_name. S:biomes < ocean deep_ocean > # Every x chunks this plant/ore will be generated. # Min: 1 # Max: 1000 I:chance=4 # Dimensions in which this plant/ore can generate. I:dimensions < 0 > # Usage changes depending on seaLevelRelative. # Min: 0 # Max: 256 I:maxHeight=60 # Usage changes depending on seaLevelRelative. # Min: 0 # Max: 256 I:minHeight=4 # When enabled minHeight defines how many blocks below sea level you have to at least be to find this plant/ore and maxHeight defines how many blocks below sea level you have to at most be to find this plant/ore. B:seaLevelRelative=true # Enable/Disable the generation of this plant/ore. B:shouldGenerate=true } } divinggear { basicdivinggear { # Swim speed bonus in percent # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:finsMovespeed=0.1667 # An improved diving mask removes the oxygen usage penality when diving deep B:improvedGear=false # Break speed bonus in percent # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:legsBreakspeed=0.15 # Reinforced diving dear shows tool tip B:reinforcedGear=false # Oxygen capacity in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second) # Min: 0 # Max: 10000 I:tankAirStorage=600 # Swim speed bonus in percent # Min: -1.0 # Max: 0.0 D:tankMovespeed=-0.08 armorvalues { I:durability=60 I:enchantability=10 I:protection < 1 3 5 1 > D:toughness=0.0 } } improveddivinggear { # Swim speed bonus in percent # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:finsMovespeed=0.3333 # An improved diving mask removes the oxygen usage penality when diving deep B:improvedGear=true # Break speed bonus in percent # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:legsBreakspeed=0.3 # Reinforced diving dear shows tool tip B:reinforcedGear=false # Oxygen capacity in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second) # Min: 0 # Max: 10000 I:tankAirStorage=1800 # Swim speed bonus in percent # Min: -1.0 # Max: 0.0 D:tankMovespeed=-0.08 armorvalues { I:durability=60 I:enchantability=10 I:protection < 1 3 5 1 > D:toughness=0.0 } } reinforceddivinggear { # Swim speed bonus in percent # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:finsMovespeed=0.1667 # An improved diving mask removes the oxygen usage penality when diving deep B:improvedGear=false # Break speed bonus in percent # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:legsBreakspeed=0.15 # Reinforced diving dear shows tool tip B:reinforcedGear=true # Oxygen capacity in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second) # Min: 0 # Max: 10000 I:tankAirStorage=600 # Swim speed bonus in percent # Min: -1.0 # Max: 0.0 D:tankMovespeed=-0.08 armorvalues { I:durability=80 I:enchantability=10 I:protection < 2 5 7 2 > D:toughness=0.5 } } } divingvalues { # Oxygen capacity in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second) # Min: 0 # Max: 10000 I:airBase=900 # Enable/Disable decreased oxygen efficiency while diving deeper B:airEfficiency=true # When 'airEfficiency' is enabled, diving every x blocks deep consumes one unit of oxygen more per second. # Min: 1 # Max: 256 I:airEfficiencyLimit=32 # Oxygen capacity in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second) # Min: 0 # Max: 10000 I:airPerRespirationLevel=300 # Break speed underwater based on normal break speed # Min: 0.0 # Max: 2.0 D:breakSpeed=1.0 # Break speed bonus underwater with the Aqua Affinity Enchantment # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:breakSpeedAquaAffinity=0.15 # Amount of energy the seaglide uses per tick (20 ticks = 1 second) # Min: 0 # Max: 1000 I:seaglideEnergyUsage=65 # Seaglide swim speed. (blocks per second = x * 100) # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:seaglideSpeed=0.11 # Amount of energy the seamoth uses per tick (20 ticks = 1 second) # Min: 0 # Max: 1000 I:seamothEnergyUsage=130 # Speed of the seamoth. (blocks per second = x * 100 * 20 / 5) # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:seamothSpeed=0.0275 # Basic swim speed. (min = x / 3; max = x * 4 / 3; vanilla ~ 0.0196D) (blocks per second = x * 100) # Min: 0.0 # Max: 0.1 D:swimSpeed=0.042 # Depth strider bonus swim speed in percent # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:swimSpeedDepthStrider=0.1 # Lower swim speed limit in percent. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:swimSpeedLimitLower=0.3333 # Upper swim speed limit in percent. # Min: 1.0 # Max: 2.0 D:swimSpeedLimitUpper=1.3333 } client { # Currently unused. Enable/Disable the custom player model when diving. B:customPlayerModel=true # 0: oxygen gui always enabled, 1: oxygen gui enabled while in water, 2: oxygen gui enabled while under water, 3: oxygen gui enabled while underwater or when oxygen is not full # Min: 0 # Max: 3 I:guiOxygen=3 # Enable/Disable a more minecraft looking oxygen gui. It's recommended to set oxygen gui offsetX to 61 and offsetY to -34. B:guiOxygenAlternative=false # Hides the water overlay when wearing a diving gear helmet or when inside a vehicle. B:hideWaterOverlay=true # Enable/Disable underwater ambient sounds. B:underWaterAmbience=true guioxygenconfig { # 0: top-left, 1: top-middle, 2: top-right, 3: bottom-right, 4: bottom-middle, 5: bottom-left # Min: 0 # Max: 5 I:anchor=4 # Enable/Disable this gui B:enabled=true # X-offset of this gui # Min: -1000 # Max: 1000 I:offsetX=-114 # Y-offset of this gui # Min: -1000 # Max: 1000 I:offsetY=-2 } guiseamothconfig { # 0: top-left, 1: top-middle, 2: top-right, 3: bottom-right, 4: bottom-middle, 5: bottom-left # Min: 0 # Max: 5 I:anchor=3 # Enable/Disable this gui B:enabled=true # X-offset of this gui # Min: -1000 # Max: 1000 I:offsetX=-1 # Y-offset of this gui # Min: -1000 # Max: 1000 I:offsetY=-1 } fogsettings { # # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:fogColor < 0.1 0.4 0.9 > # Fog color bonus in percent per block under water. # Min: -1.0 # Max: 1.0 D:fogColorBlocksUnderWater < -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 > # Enable/Disable fog color changes. B:fogColorEnabled=false # Fog color bonus in percent during nighttime. # Min: -1.0 # Max: 1.0 D:fogColorNight < -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 > # # Min: 1.0E-4 # Max: 0.1 D:fogDensity=0.016 # Fog density bonus in percent per block under water. # Min: -1.0 # Max: 1.0 D:fogDensityBlocksUnderWater=0.005 # Enable/Disable fog density changes. B:fogDensityEnabled=true # Fog density bonus in percent during nighttime. # Min: -1.0 # Max: 1.0 D:fogDensityNight=1.0 } } entities { # For every chunk it chooses a random position every x ticks and then tries to spawn a random entity. # Min: 1 # Max: 1000000 I:chance=720 # Only spawns more fish when there are less than x fish in range. # Min: 0 # Max: 100 I:limit=2 # Used to check how many fish are in range to determine whether to spawn more fish. # Min: 1 # Max: 100 I:range=16 peeper { S:biomeTypes < OCEAN > S:biomes < ocean deep_ocean > I:dimensions < 0 > B:enabled=true # Min: 1 # Max: 1000 I:weight=16 } bladderfish { S:biomeTypes < OCEAN > S:biomes < ocean deep_ocean > I:dimensions < 0 > B:enabled=true # Min: 1 # Max: 1000 I:weight=12 } garryfish { S:biomeTypes < OCEAN > S:biomes < ocean deep_ocean > I:dimensions < 0 > B:enabled=true # Min: 1 # Max: 1000 I:weight=8 } holefish { S:biomeTypes < OCEAN > S:biomes < ocean deep_ocean > I:dimensions < 0 > B:enabled=true # Min: 1 # Max: 1000 I:weight=8 } boomerang { S:biomeTypes < OCEAN > S:biomes < ocean deep_ocean > I:dimensions < 0 > B:enabled=true # Min: 1 # Max: 1000 I:weight=8 } } } }