# Configuration file asteroid { # Multiplier changing how long a mining mission takes D:miningMissionTmeMultiplier=1.0 # List of oredictionary names of ores allowed to spawn in asteriods S:standardOres < oreIron oreGold oreCopper oreTin oreRedstone > } biomes { I:alienForestBiomeId=111 I:crystalChasmsBiomeId=115 I:deepSwampBiomeId=116 I:hotDryBiome=112 I:marsh=117 I:moonBiomeDarkId=119 I:moonBiomeId=110 I:oceanSpires=118 I:spaceBiomeId=113 I:stormLandsBiomeId=114 } black_hole_generator { # List of blocks and the amount of ticks they can power the black hole generator format: 'modname:block:meta;number_of_ticks' S:blackHoleTimings < minecraft:stone;1 minecraft:dirt;1 minecraft:netherrack;1 minecraft:cobblestone;1 > # List of blocks and the amount of ticks they can power the black hole generator format: 'modname:block:meta;number_of_ticks' I:defaultBurnTime=500 } ########################################################################################################## # client #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # UI locations can by set by clicking and dragging the middle mouse button ingame ########################################################################################################## client { # If true, AR will use a custom skybox on planets B:PlanetSkyOverride=true # If true, AR will use a custom skybox on space stations B:StationSkyOverride=true I:atmBarModeX=-1 I:atmBarModeY=1 I:atmBarX=8 I:atmBarY=27 I:hydrogenBarModeX=0 I:hydrogenBarModeY=1 I:hydrogenBarX=-8 I:hydrogenBarY=74 # If UI is not locked, the middle mouse can be used to drag certain AR UIs around the screen, positions are saved on hitting quit in the menu B:lockUI=true B:overworldSkyOverride=true I:oxygenBarModeX=0 I:oxygenBarModeY=1 I:oxygenBarX=-8 I:oxygenBarY=57 I:suitPanelModeX=-1 I:suitPanelModeY=-1 I:suitPanelX=8 I:suitPanelY=8 } gasmining { # Multiplier for the amount of time gas collection missions take D:gasMissionMultiplier=1.0 # list of fluid names that can be harvested as Gas [default: ] S:harvestableGasses < > } general { # If true, allows players being hurt due to lack of oxygen and allows effects from non-standard atmosphere types B:EnableAtmosphericEffects=true # Enables the laser drill machine B:EnableLaserDrill=true # Enables terraforming items and blocks B:EnableTerraforming=true # Power multiplier for the laser drill machine D:LaserDrillPowerMultiplier=1.0 # Multiplier for the amount of energy produced by the microwave reciever D:MicrowaveRecieverMultiplier=1.0 # Power consumption multiplier for the oxygen vent D:OxygenVentPowerMultiplier=1.0 # The largest size a space station can be. Should also be a power of 2 (512, 1024, 2048, 4096, ...). CAUTION: CHANGING THIS OPTION WILL DAMAGE EXISTING STATIONS!!! I:SpaceStationBuildRadius=1024 # how many millibuckets/t are required to keep the terraformer running I:TerraformerFluidConsumeRate=40 B:TerraformerRequiresFluids=true # If true players will respawn near beds on planets IF the spawn location is in a breathable atmosphere B:allowPlanetRespawn=false # EXPERIMENTAL: If set to true allows contruction and usage of the terraformer. This is known to cause strange world generation after successful terraform B:allowTerraforming=false # If true dimensions not added by AR can be terraformed, including the overworld B:allowTerraformingNonARWorlds=false # If true players will be able to completely disable gravity on spacestation. It's possible to get stuck and require a teleport, you have been warned! B:allowZeroGSpacestations=false # How many blocks have the biome changed per tick. Large numbers can slow the server down I:biomeUpdateSpeed=1 # Multiplier for the amount of power per tick the black hole generator should produce I:blackHoleGeneratorMultiplier=1 # Multiplier for the build speed of the Rocket Builder (0.5 is twice as fast 2 is half as fast D:buildSpeedMultiplier=1.0 # If true, breaking an extinguished torch will drop an extinguished torch instead of a vanilla torch B:dropExtinguishedTorches=false # Should Electric Mushrooms be able to spawn lightning B:electricPlantsSpawnLightning=true # If false the gravity controller cannot be built or used B:enableGravityMachine=true # list entities which should not be affected by atmosphere properties [default: ] S:entityAtmBypass < > # If true players will respawn near beds on planets REGARDLESS of the spawn location being in a non-breathable atmosphere. Requires 'allowPlanetRespawn' being true. B:forcePlanetRespawn=false # If true planets with higher gravity require more fuel and lower gravity would require less B:gravityAffectsFuels=true # Amount of force the jetpack provides with respect to gravity, 1 is the same acceleration as caused by Earth's gravity, 2 is 2x the acceleration caused by Earth's gravity, etc. To make jetpack only work on low gravity planets, simply set it to a value less than 1 D:jetPackForce=1.3 # List of oredictionary names of ores allowed to be mined by the laser drill if surface drilling is disabled. Ores can be specified by just the oreName: or by ::: where size is optional S:laserDrillOres < oreIron oreGold oreCopper oreTin oreRedstone oreDiamond > # True if the ores in laserDrillOres should be a blacklist, false for whitelist B:laserDrillOres_blacklist=false # If true the orbital laser will actually mine blocks on the planet below B:laserDrillPlanet=false # If true the boots only protect the player on planets with low gravity B:lowGravityBoots=false # If true the machines from AdvancedRocketry will produce things like plates/rods for other mods even if Advanced Rocketry itself does not use the material (This can increase load time) B:makeMaterialsForOtherMods=true # Maximum unique biomes per planet, -1 to disable I:maxBiomesPerPlanet=5 # Multiplier on how much O2 an oxygen vent consumes per tick D:oxygenVentConsumptionMultiplier=0.2 # If true planets must be discovered in the warp controller before being visible B:planetsMustBeDiscovered=true # How many units of fuel should each Dilithium Crystal give to warp ships I:pointsPerDilithium=500 B:resetPlanetsFromXML=false # Mod:Blockname for example "minecraft:chest" [default: ] S:rocketBlockBlackList < > # Should the cutting machine be able to cut vanilla wood into planks B:sawMillCutVanillaWood=true # If true the Oxygen scrubbers require a consumable carbon collection cartridge B:scrubberRequiresCartrige=true # Amount of power per tick the solar generator should produce I:solarGeneratorMultiplier=1 # Laser drill will not mine these dimension [default: ] S:spaceLaserDimIdBlackList < > # Dimension ID to use for space stations I:spaceStationId=2 # Maximum time in minutes that the spacesuit's internal buffer can store O2 for I:spaceSuitO2Buffer=30 # Max number of blocks allowed to be changed per tick I:terraformBlockPerTick=1 # Multplier for atmosphere change speed D:terraformMult=1.0 # Mod:Blockname for example "minecraft:chest" [default: ] S:torchBlocks < > # Amount of damage taken every second in a vacuum I:vacuumDamage=1 # Multiplier for warp travel time D:warpTravelTime=1.0 } "mod interaction" { # If true Galacticcraft's air will be disabled entirely requiring use of Advanced Rocketry's Oxygen system on GC planets B:OverrideGCAir=true } "ore generation" { I:AluminumPerChunk=0 I:AluminumPerClump=16 I:CopperPerChunk=0 I:CopperPerClump=6 I:DilithiumPerChunk=0 I:DilithiumPerChunkLuna=10 I:DilithiumPerClump=16 B:GenerateCopper=false B:GenerateRutile=false B:GenerateTin=false I:IridiumPerChunk=0 I:IridiumPerClump=16 I:RutilePerChunk=6 I:RutilePerClump=6 I:TinPerChunk=10 I:TinPerClump=6 B:generateAluminum=false B:generateDilithium=false # If true then ore-containing geodes are generated on high pressure planets B:generateGeodes=true B:generateIridium=false # average size of the geodes I:geodeBaseSize=36 # List of oredictionary names of ores allowed to spawn in geodes S:geodeOres < oreIron oreGold oreCopper oreTin oreRedstone > # True if the ores in geodeOres should be a blacklist, false for whitelist B:geodeOres_blacklist=false # variation in geode size I:geodeVariation=24 } performance { # Advanced visual effects B:advancedVFX=true # BitMask: 0: no threading, radius based; 1: threading, radius based (EXP); 2: no threading volume based; 3: threading volume based (EXP) I:atmosphereCalculationMethod=3 # Radius of the O2 vent. if atmosphereCalculationMethod is 2 or 3 then max volume is calculated from this radius. WARNING: larger numbers can lead to lag I:oxygenVentSize=32 } planet { # List of Biomes to be blacklisted from spawning as BiomeIds, default is: river, sky, hell, void, alienForest [default: [7], [8], [9], [127], [66]] S:BlacklistedBiomes < 7 8 9 127 62 > # Biomes that only spawn on worlds with pressures over 125, will override blacklist. Defaults: StormLands, DeepSwamp [default: [71], [69]] S:HighPressureBiomes < 67 65 > # Some worlds have a chance of spawning single biomes contained in this list. Defaults: deepSwamp, crystalChasms, alienForest, desert hills, mushroom island, extreme hills, ice plains [default: [71], [70], [66], [17], [14], [3], [12]] S:SingleBiomes < 67 66 62 17 14 3 12 > # Prevents any vanilla biomes from spawning on planets [default: false] B:blackListVanillaBiomes=false # Dimensions including and after this number are allowed to be made into planets [range: -127 ~ 8000, default: 2] I:minDimension=3 # Chance of planet discovery in the warp ship monitor is not all planets are initially discoved, chance is 1/n I:planetDiscoveryChance=2 } rockets { # Setting to false will disable the retrorockets that fire automatically on reentry on both player and automated rockets B:autoRetroRockets=true # Multiplier for per-tank capacity D:fuelCapacityMultiplier=1.0 # List of fluid names for fluids that can be used as rocket fuel S:rocketFuels < rocketfuel > # Set to false if rockets should not require fuel to fly B:rocketsRequireFuel=true # Multiplier for per-engine thrust D:thrustMultiplier=1.0 } sealableblockwhitelist { # Mod:Blockname for example "minecraft:chest" [default: ] S:general < > }