{ title: "Don't Nock It Till You Try It", x: -2.0d, y: 1.5d, description: "Some say it's blessed by Artemis", text: [ "The wildwood bow is an", "", "Similiar to other tools/weapons in roots the wildwood bow is capable of repairing itself over time." ], dependencies: [ "53a2c6a0" ], tasks: [{ uid: "35d245ed", type: "item", items: [{ id: "roots:wildwood_bow", tag: { Quality: { Slots: [ "mainhand", "offhand" ], Color: "blue", AttributeModifiers: [{ UUIDMost: -2927320351576798634L, UUIDLeast: -8559612319618487482L, Amount: 0.05000000074505806d, AttributeName: "potioncore.projectileDamage", Operation: 2, Name: "qualitytools" }], Name: "quality.light.name" } } }], ignore_damage: true, ignore_nbt: 1b }] }